Monday, September 17, 2012

Crohn's Disease Natural Treatment

Crohn's Disease Natural Treatment Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease localized in the wall of the digestive tract. It can affect any segment of the esophagus down to the anus and, in particular, the distal portion of the small intestine and colon. Manifested by inflammatory ulcerative lesions that may cause complications such as strictures or fistulas. Disease is young adult (15-30 years) but can also occur in elderly people with equal frequency in men and women. The cause is not known. Have been suggested genetic, infectious, immunological disorders but, until now, none was clearly demonstrated main manifestations of Crohn's disease are increased bowel movements, with stools, several times per day, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, persistent fever , impaired performance status, weight loss, anemia, loss of appetite. Disease progresses through successive spikes violates bowel segments, mainly ileum (small intestine terminal), colon and anus. Injuries involves a thinning of the wall and ulceration. Severity of diarrhea and inflammatory bowel disease extension may require emergency hospitalization, sometimes symptoms can mimic acute appendicitis or intestinal obstruction. Most often, the disease is chronic evolution. Diagnosis is suggested by the presence of symptoms and the analysis of biological inflammatory syndrome (increased ESR, fibrinogen, C-reactive protein). Confirmation is made by endoscopy (note discontinuous condition of the mucosa with linear ulcers and deep). Radiological examination of the digestive tract may be useful in assessing the extent and existence of disease complications. Modern imaging (CT, MRI) may also help in diagnosing complications of the disease. Treatment of this disease is mainly medical, surgery is usually reserved for complications (fistulas, abscesses, occlusion). Medications used addresses in particular the substrate inflammatory (anti-inflammatory: sulfasalzina, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants: azathioprine, mercaptopurine, methotrexate, ciclosfarina). Being a long-term treatment with serious side effects, requires careful clinical and laboratory monitoring. May be useful antispasmodic drugs, sedatives and antibiotics sometimes only at the direction of the physician. Currently used for Crohn's disease new therapies. One tooth it is with monoclonal antibodies against proinflammatory cytokines. Prognosis is variable, depending on the extent of the inflammatory process, the presence of complications following treatment and last but not least, the involvement of the patient in recovery. Being a chronic disease requiring regular medical examinations, careful and competent prosecution. Also, some natural healers have achieved in treating this disease with remedies apiterapeutice and those herbs. One of those therapists is Prof. Vasile Andritoiu in Tirgu Jiu, who managed improvement and complete healing of suffering from Crohn's disease by administering remedies bee products and herbs combined: "It is a very difficult disease. I noticed that the results depend on each patient individually, remedies administered to a patient having no other results. course of treatment based on hive products: honey, pollen, apilarnil, wax and propolis in different concentrations and some herbs, remedies resulting reinforce each other. I relied on the fact that bee products have the greatest influence on the digestive system of all natural remedies and late results did not occur, "said Mr. Andritoiu us. Another natural healers that positive results in treating Crohn's disease is mr. Fănică Voinea Ene from Vălenii Mountain, Prahova County: "We managed to heal many patients diagnosed with this condition. Some had very different diagnoses but it was all about Crohn's disease. Currently, these patients are under surveillance for this disease is unpredictable and may recur. I gathered a lot of clinical observations on disease progression in patients treated by me, information that will be included in a book about this disease. " As Mr. Andritoiu, Mr. Fănică Voinea Ene says that the treatment is administered according to each patient, based on a basic formula: "Treatment lasts at least 6 months period is divided into three periods, each of each 2 months, similar in structure. cure can be repeated after an interval of 1-2 months. A Half therapy consists of 3 stages. During the first stage is a course of treatment the body for 3-6 days in the first half , 6-9 days in the second and 9-12 days in the third. During this stage consumes only fruit and vegetable juices and tea decoction 5 minutes each 1-2 l / day of nettle leaves, flowers melilot, thorn, fluff, calendula, yarrow and burdock root in equal parts. " In the second stage, following treatment itself: "Time of 1-1.5 months to those listed in the first stage plus the following general tincture mixture of herbs: celandine (40 percent), three-brothers-stained (30 percent), horsetail (20 percent), ţintaură (8 percent) and Shepherd's Purse (2 percent). tincture is taken internally with 0.5 drops / kg body weight (a weight of 60 kg, the example, back 60 x 0.5 = 30 drops), 3 times / day, 30 minutes before meals, in 200 ml of tea prescribed for the first phase of which will be used further, 1 -2 l / day. " At the same tincture tea usually given a specific tincture "This tincture is made from high tourists păstîrnac root mixed with equal parts of the foot or hop cones taste, as appropriate. Take 2-3 drops / kg body weight, 3 times / day, tea tincture mixed in general. Moreover, specific tincture can be prepared, where appropriate, the sparkle and saschiu small or ox tongue and dumbravnic leaves in equal parts, the only difference to the first is that it takes only 1 drop / kg body weight, 3 times / day in the same general tincture tea ". Certainly such treatment is difficult to follow without careful tracking of the therapist. Gratifying is the fact, says Mr. Voinea Ene, that there are doctors interested in the effect of the treatment plant, a disease that allopathic medicine still can not master than with drugs that give too many negative side effects

Parkinson's Disease Natural Treatment

Parkinson's Disease Natural Treatment Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease of the nervous system damage. It is one of the most incapacitating illness, affecting more men than women. Cause: Unknown. Symptoms occur when the level of dopamine in the brain decreases. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that sanatoaseeste persons in a certain balance with other neurotransmitter: acetylcholine. In people with severe Parkinsonian primary area of ​​the brain - substantia nigra - whose cells secrete dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, secretory function is impaired or null. There are a number of possible exposure theory of the cause of substantia nigra cell loss: - Destruction by toxins that the liver is no longer able to filter, metabolize and eliminate them as aging causes the liver to lose its functional efcient. - Disease is caused by exposure to environmental toxins (water): pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals. In the body affected by Parkinson's disease were noted high levels of toxins and heavy metals. These plants have properties chelates (binds heavy metals) and detoxification: Burdock root, dandelion, ginger and milk thistle - liver detoxifies Gentian, Siberian ginseng, yarrow, mullein stimulates the thymus and lymph system function Precautions: Do not take goldenseal for more than 7 consecutive days, do not use during pregnancy and if you are allergic to ragweed. Siberian ginsng not use if you have hypoglycemia, heart disease or hypertension. Licorice, red clover, hawthorn cleans the blood. Caution: Do not give liquorice more than 7 consecutive days and not manage it at all if avaeti hypertension. Valerian (root), lemon balm, Catnip their stress properties and help nourish the brain. Ginkgo biloba helps improve blood perfusion in the brain and memory

Friday, September 14, 2012

What is mesothelioma

What is mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a form of lung cancer that is almost always caused by asbestos exposure and is most commonly found in the outer lining of the lungs called the mesothelium. Most people who develop mesothelioma agreement this cancer through breathing in asbestos fibers or being exposed to asbestos dust while at work. In cases where mesothelioma is found in a person without previous occupational exposure is summized that exposure could be derived from asbestos fibers found on clothing of someone in their home who worked in an area where asbestos dust found. There are several reasons that make early mesothelioma diagnosis extremely difficult. The symptoms of mesothelioma can have a latency period of anywhere between 20 to 50 years after initial asbestos contact, which means the time symptoms begin to show, the cancer is already advanced. Once symptoms are present, the diagnosis is still not a quick process. There are a number of diseases that mirror symptoms that are found in mesothelioma patients and therefore mesothelioma is often the last stop - usually before the patient not to mention the possibility of previous exposure to asbestos. The success of treatment for mesothelioma depends on the stage the cancer is discovered. As it appears that most mesothelioma is not discovered until late stages, mesothelioma treatment is often referred to as "success." Studies show that when found at one stage I or II, treatment for mesothelioma - usually with a combination of radiation and chemotherapy - is successfully extending the patient's life for five years at a rate of 74.6% (Wikipedia). There are also alternative forms of treatment that can be used in combination with conventional treatments, which indicated the opportunity to decrease the size of mesothelioma found in one patient. Asbestos was used for many years in a wide range of household and industrial products because of its multiple types and uses. It is fireproof, and can also be used as an insulator, allowing it to become very popular during the industrial revolution. It is unknown whether or not people were aware of the dangers of asbestos fibers at the time, but 1900'e risk of asbestos was increasingly evident. People living in mining towns would develop lung problems, and general studies have shown that asbestos workers died at a young age. Asbestos in an undisturbed condition, seems to pose no threat. However, once it becomes damaged or brittle fibers are able to be ingested thus could lead to these or other health problems. Although some companies have been aware of this danger, continued to work with products containing asbestos with no regard to their employees. This flagrant injustice are the reason for the popularity of mesothelioma litigation.

Pleural Mesothelioma

Pleural Mesothelioma Category cancers, cancer treatment. Keywords: Cancer Patient What is the mesothelial tissue? Mesothelioma is a protective sac (membrane) that covers and protects most internal organs of the body. It consists of two layers of cells covering the body layer and a second layer forms a sac around it. Mesothelioma produces a lubricating fluid that is released between these layers, allowing moving organs (such as lungs) to move easily. The area between the two layers is called the pleural space. Mesothelial tissue found in the lining of the abdominal cavity, lungs, testes, and heart. EC is mesothelioma? Pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer, although rare in the general population, are the most common pleural neoplasia. Mesothelioma occurs when mesothelial cells grow in an uncontrolled way. It also includes those cells lose their ability to stop production of lubricating fluid when it is enough. This results in encapsulation of bodies in a thick layer of tumor tissue and excess fluid, which eventually will cause simpotme. These cells can grow and invade other organs, and may spread to other areas of the body. When cells spread in the body metastasis occurs. Mesothelioma are primitive serous tumors derived from the mesothelial cells of the wrapper and is often presented with pleural headquarters (65-70% common tumor of the pleura me) sometimes peritoneal (30-35%) and less frequently in the pericardial or vaginalei testis. Risk Factors Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer, with about 2,000 cases diagnosed annually in the United States. The incidence in the general population is 15 cases per 1 million men and 2 cases per 1 million women. In Britain and Germany incidence is 1.25 cases / 100,000 inhabitants / year and 1.1 respectively cazuri/100.000 inhabitants / year. Ratio M / F is 8:1, male predominance is explained by occupational exposure (65-94% patients), while in women the exposure is mainly due to the domestic environment (6-35%), especially occupational exposure to asbestos. The risk increases with age. The biggest risk factor for developing the disease is occupational exposure to asbestos, the responasbil for 70-80% of cases. This can happen in buildings with asbestos-based material in plants in which this material in mines, construction sites. Asbestos is a material important physical properties used in thermal insulation of buildings, housing, ceilings, cement and even in certain parts of vehicles. The average age of diagnosis of the disease is around 60 years, most patients were men who worked in construction, the shipyards, the railways, mining and automotive industries. Because asbestos dust can wear and carry clothes, unintentionally expose these workers and their families at risk of developing pleural mesothelioma. Before exposure to known risk azebest, miners and people who were exposed to asbestos working without protective equipment. Since 1970, Protection and Health Administration U.S. Occupational (OSHA) imposed limits on exposure to asbestos and providing protective equipment at work. 80% of pleural mesothelioma cases occur in people who were exposed to asbestos, however, only 10% of those with a history of asbestos exposure develop the disease increased. This suggests that additional exposures or other factors are involved in disease development. Even more surprising is that 50% HP teeth people with pleural mesothelioma have a history of asbestos exposure. Pleural mesothelioma is detected in 20-40 years after exposure to asbestos. This exposure has occurred, usually over a period of time, but was reported as lasting 1-2 months.             Although a very high number of patients have a very long history of smoking, experts are reluctant to criminalize smoking in the development of this particular type of cancer. Malignant mesothelioma has been linked with the development of medical imaging or radiotherapy application (for treating other types of cancer). Also, scientists have recently suggested the existence of a correlation between exposure to simian virus 40 and subsequent development of cancer. However, studies tend to present as a carcinogenic virus and not as an agent able to induce this neoplasia through individual action. The incidence of mesothelioma varies in different parts of the world, according to the period in which asbestos was used widely in the area. Rates are high in the UK, where they recorded 1800 cases / year. Incidence consider the number of cases and population size. This is because asbestos utilizearea in Western Europe remained at their peak by 1980, while the peak of asbestos exposure in the United States took place between 1930-1960. Australia was one of the world's largest producers of asbestos, which resulted in the highest incidence of mesothelioma in the world (reported in population size). In the United States the incidence rate started to decrease, while Europe and Australia are expected constant level for the next 10-15 years before they begin to decline. Following the ban on use of asbestos in many countries asbestos manufacturers began to promote sales of their products in developing countries in Asia and Latin America. Experts fear that the peak incidence in these countries will come, and will be similar situations encountered in the United States and Europe. How can it be prevented pleural mesothelioma? Pleural mesothelioma risk decreases with decreasing exposure. Workers who are exposed to asbestos at work should wear protective clothing and masks, you must change clothes before leaving the workplace and avoid transport of particles and asbestos dust home. What screening tests are available? There are good programs screening for pleural mesothelioma. Imaging studies (radiographs and CT scans) are not sensitive enough to detect tumors before symptoms appear. What are mesothelioma signs? The tumor usually occurs in the lower regions of the mediastinum, the pleura of the lung bases, and may extend lower and diaphragm comprising neoplastic process. As the disease progresses, expand reach and lung parenchyma, chest wall and mediastinum, sometimes even in the esophagus, ribs, vertebrae, brachial plexus or superior vena cava. Tumor evolution is quite long and starts as small node, which will expand over time, including free zones around them. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are caused by an accumulation of tumor tissue that surrounds the lungs and fluid in the pleural space that prevents the lungs to expand to its full capacity. This causes pressure on the lungs and difficulty breathing. As the disease progresses, patients may lose weight and have a dry cough. Fluid in the abdominal cavity and tumor tissue cause pain, weight loss, and abdominal bloating. Nonpleuritică dyspnea and chest pain are the most common complaints for malignant mesothelioma. Approximately 60-90% of patients present with these symptoms to the doctor. Over 50% of patients there and pleural effusion (accumulation of fluid in the pleural space pathology). In some cases the patient may be long asimpotmatic and pleural effusion, or local changes in the lung can be observed from performing routine investigations, or to diagnose other diseases. Diagnosis and staging of mesothelioma Diagnosing mesothelioma is relatively difficult because signs and symptoms are nonspecific. It is therefore very important that history be made carefully, because recognizing a patient's exposure to asbestos may focus so much history diagnosis. Mesothelioma are found mainly in the pleura, especially on the right (in 90% of cases), but also in the peritoneum (5%), pericardium (0.5%). Physical examination is very important because the obedience and chest percussion can identify the presence of pleural effusion. Distinguishing marks appear only in very few cases, when the tumor is so advanced that determine cardiac compression, brachial plexopathy, Homer syndrome or superior vena cava syndrome. Patients experiencing worrying symptoms of pleural mesothelioma may make X-rays, showing they have fluid in the pleura. Thereafter, these patients will perform CT for further evaluation of cancer. If abdominal mesothelioma, a CT scan is done to see the abdominal anatomy. If it shows the existence of a pleural effusion is very important that the purpose of puncture to harvest liquid that can then be analyzed. Although fluid cytology may be positive in many cases, there is the possibility that it does not provide useful information and might help diagnosis. It is important to note that the severity of the patient's condition and prognosis are not influenced by the amount of pleural effusion present. To confirm the diagnosis a biopsy should be performed. to obtain a tissue sample is introduced into the lung, among ribs, a thoracoscope. If mesothelioma abdomional to obtain a sample of tissue is used peritoneoscop inserted into the abdomen. Staging refers extent of disease and disease stage determines the treatment to be followed. Doctors use staging system TNM (tumor-node-metastasis system). It describes the size of the tumor, whether lymph nodes are involved, and that has spread to other parts of the body (metastasize). All they give is between stage I-IV. Patients with early stage tend to live longer and respond better to treatments available. What are the treatments for mesothelioma? Treatment depends on the stage of disease, tumor location, patient's age and general health statrea. Younger and healthier patients with early stage disease may be candidates for surgery that removes the mesothelial tissue surrounding the tumor. This operation is extensive, and still do not know how many benefits to the patient. Traditional radiation therapy is used in some cases after surgery, but healing of cancer can affect healthy lung tissue and can lead to toxicity whose negative effects are greater than the benefits of radiotherapy. Researchers seek to find ways to manage radiation directly on the tumor, using implants or UV light therapy. Also for the treatment of patients with mesothelioma chemotherapy was used, but until now not known exactly benefits of this therapy. Today we know that chemotherapy can bring significant improvements in symptoms. Chemotherapeutic agents used either alone or in combination are: Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Mitomycin, vinblastine, gemcitabine and anthracycline agents (doxorubicin). These drugs had responses in 10-20% of cases. A recent clinical trial randomized patients divided into two groups: one group and the other group received cisplatin cisplatin in combination with pemetrexed (Alimta). Patients who received combination chemotherapy had higher response rates have lived longer and had fewer side effects. In addition, researchers found that taking folic acid and vitamin B12 with combined chemotherapy resulted in decreased toxicity without compromising therapy effectiveness. This scheme is now considered the standard of care for mesothelioma that can not be treated by surgery. Researchers enterprises studies on chemotherapy directly into the pleural space. But so far the results of these studies have been disappointing. Because current therapies have limited effectiveness, researchers continue to look for new ways to treat mesothelioma. Some of the treatments that are currently being studied include: interleukin-2 (a biotherapy), lovastatin (a cholesterol-lowering medicine), immunotherapy, genoterapia (a method that attempts to correct abnormal genes that cause cancer), photodynamic therapy ( Photodynamic therapy uses a laser to activate a photosensitizing drug during surgical resection). Patients should talk to their doctors about clinical trials available pentro mesothelioma. A problem is patients may experience a recurrence of fluid into the pleural space / this fluid can be distant with a chest tube (a tube that is inserted into the chest cavity and left in for a period of time to allow drainage) or using a procedure called thoracentesis. Diagnostic and therapeutic thoracentesis is a procedure that drains fluid from the pleural cavity pleurisy. Pleurisy is a common complication of lung cancer and such a procedure is relatively often. The liquid can contain substances that suggest neoplastic nature and even malignant cells. Thoracentesis is performed by inserting a needle into the pleural space, needle connected to a drain that will drain fluid after fluid drainage needle will be removed. In many cases, Track operation is followed by another procedurp called pleurodeză. This therapeutic procedure or drug injecting a chemical (talc, bleomycin) in the lungs to create local inflammation in the lungs and inside nivelulsuprafeţei chest. This causes adhesion between the surface of the lungs and chest, thus preventing the formation of fluid in the pleural cavity. If mesothelioma abdominal fluid drainage procedure is called paracentesis. This procedure uses a needle (drain tube) that is inserted into the abdomen, the space umlut fluid to drain it. If the presence of fluid is a chronic probelmp, then patients may be inserted into the catheter in the chest with a semi-permanent nature, allowing them to drain fluid if necessary alone, sitting at home. Fluid drainage improves breathing and chest pain which is caused by the formation of fluid. FOLLOW Patients will be followed by doctors by physical examination, chest X-ray and CT.

What is Mesothelioma Cancer

What is Mesothelioma Cancer? Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the abdominal cavity, chest cavity and around the heart area. It has an uncommon nature that is difficult to diagnose and treat. It has been connected with exposure to asbestos, which is a material found in many work environments. There is a small amount of people who are diagnosed with this terrible disease. Normal mesothelioma therapies include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Keep in mind that if you choose a course of action for mesothelioma treatment, could exclude other courses. All options should be considered as soon as possible. If individuals have a long history of working with asbestos are at greater risk of mesothelioma cancer. It will take people who have been exposed to this type of asbestos do not have any symptoms for up to forty years. This means that the average age of people who are finding out that they have this problem are aged between fifty and seventy. There are many people who are being diagnosed than women. This is because more industrial settings have found that the asbestos. Mesothelioma cancer will cause fluid to accumulate between the lung lining and chest cavity. This can be caused by chest radiography and CT scanning. A biopsy will be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Mesothelioma cancer is a life threatening disease and should not be left untreated. If anyone has had this type of cancer, they must seek the help of a medical professional as soon as possible. There are forms of treatment that should be put in place so that person has a chance at their lives. In recent years, asbestos was used in anything. Since it was established that it is so dangerous to one's health, the federal government forbad the use of this material in any industry or products. A lot of industries in the fifties and sixties were contaminated with asbestos that caused many people to have mesothelioma cancer. Many sources are dedicated to helping victims of this terrible disease. Many agencies are going to great lengths to help people who were affected families who have suffered because of this terrible disease. Even though this is a rare disease can affect thousands of families every year. Some mesothelioma cancer treatments include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Please note that if you choose a course of treatment for this disease, you have to take on another challenge or even try another form of treatment to work. Must keep going and try all that is offered to ensure that you beat this terrible disease.


Asbestosis Pulmonary fibrosis caused by asbestos inhalation is called asbestosis. Pneumonicoza is the general term for diseases of the lungs caused by inhaling mineral powders and storage. Asbestoza is a chronic inflammatory medical condition affecting the parenchymal tissue of the lungs caused by the inhalation and retention of asbestos fibers. Usually occurs during or after exposure to vacuum large quantities of asbestos fibers and is an occupational disease. Patients may experience severe dyspnea and are at increased risk of developing certain cancers including lung cancer and mesothelioma. Signs and symptoms of asbestosis do not manifest until after a waiting period, a few decades. The main symptom is installing a Dyspnoea, especially on exertion. Advanced cases of asbestosis may lead to respiratory failure. Rales are heard on auscultation. There is no cure for this disease. Oxygen therapy at home is often necessary to relieve symptoms and to correct hypoxia. Supportive symptomatic treatment includes respiratory physiotherapy to remove secretions from the lung through postural drainage, chest percussion and vibration application. Medication may be prescribed nebulizers to humidify secretions and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to treat. Indicate annual immunization for influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia. Patients should be aware that they are at risk of developing cancer, and smoking cessation is recommended. Pathogenesis Asbestos fibers are long and thin, the curved or straight. Curved fibers are called serpentine and amphibole righteous. Scientists recognize five different amphibole: amositul, antofilitul, tremolite, and crocidolite actinolitul. Chrysolite is by far the most common type of asbestos fiber produced in the world. Production and use of asbestos has increased greatly in the years 1877 and 1967. In 1930 and 1940 scientists have recognized a link between exposure to asbestos and asbestosis. In 1950 it was established that asbestos is a predisposing factor for bronchogenic carcinoma and malignant mesothelioma. Cumulative dose of inhaled fibers over a period of time and type, durability and size of fibers influence carcinogenic and fibrogenicitatea. Asbestosis incidence varies with the cumulative dose of inhaled fibers, the higher the dose is increased by both increasing the risk of asbestosis. All types of asbestos fibers in the lungs are fibrogenice. Amfibolele in particular are more carcinogenic to pleura. Fiber diameter less than 3 micrometers are fibrogene because they can penetrate cell membranes. Than 5 micrometer long fibers are incompletely phagocytosed and remain in the lungs, releasing cytokines. Initial bifurcation occurs alveolar inflammation and is characterized by the influx of alveolar macrophages. Asbestos-activated macrophages produce a variety of growth factors including fibroblast proliferation interacting with fibronectin. Oxygen free radicals are then released by macrophages, lezind proteins and lipid membranes and supports the inflammatory process. Individuals may differ in succeptibilitatea to asbestos cleaning fucntie of pulmonary and other factors still unidentified. People who smoke have an increased risk of asbestosis due to alteration mucociliare cleaning of asbestos fibers. Signs and symptoms Due to the development depending on the dose asbestosis symptoms appear only after a latent period of over 20 years. Latent period may be shorter after intense exposures. Dyspnea on effort is the most common symptom and worsens as the disease progresses. Patients may have a nonproductive cough. A productive cough or bronchitis suggests concomitant respiratory infection. Patients may exhibit nonspecific chest discomfort, especially in advanced cases. Physical examination: Rales are the most important signs during patient examination. They are persistent and are described as dry and fine rales cellophane. Are best heard at the lung inferior posterior and lateral areas. Initially finally listen to the inspiration phase. However, in advanced cases rales may be heard during the entire inspiratory phase. Occasionally this rales precedes radiographic lung abnormalities and the respiratory tests. Rales may be absent in one third of patients. Digital clubbing is seen in 42% of cases. It is not associated with disease severity. Excursions advanced cases cost reduction correlates with restrictive respiratory impairment and reduced vital capacity. In advanced cases, patients may experience the following signs associated with pulmonary heart: cyanosis, jugular venous distension, pedal edema and reflux hepatojugular. Diagnosis Laboratory studies: The diagnosis of asbestosis is made in the presence of three characteristics: exposure to asbestos with a latent period, evidnetierea fibrosis by radiographs, physical examination and tests of specific respiratory capacity affected with or without biopsy or bronchoalveolar lavage with evdentierea fibers. Imaging Studies: Chest radiograph shows infiltrates reticulonodulare observed especially in the lungs. The diagnosis of asbestosis requires multiple elements, radiography is positive prodictiva modest value. When combined with abnormal signs (rales) and respiratory fucntiei test abnormal, positive predictive value increases. Bilateral pleural thickening can be observed. A calcified plaque located in the diaphragmatic pleura is an indicator of exposure to asbestos but not diagnostic. Other locations of asbestos tiles 9 ribs bilaterally. Pleural adhesions rarely cause peripheral atelectasis with rounded edges that can simulate a lung tumor. In advanced stages of the disease of honey-combs appear cystic spaces by merging interstitial infiltrates and small lung fields. Computed tomography is useful in defining pleural abnormalities (effusion, thickening, plaques, malignant mesothelioma, rounded atelectasis) and evidence of parenchymal density which is suggestive of bronchogenic carcinoma. Respiratory tests: diffusion capacity reduction may precede changes in lung volume. The first sign is abnormal physiological hypoxemia during exercise. Total lung capacity is reduced as asbestosis and other restrictive diseases. Using spirometry vital capacity seems reduced. Oximetry-oxygenation assessment is important because hypoxemia uncorrected cause pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale. It will measure lung gas. Bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis asbestosis has limited applications. Is useful in identifying infections diffuse infiltrates that simulate bronchogenic carcinoma diagnosed asbestosis and. Can provide qualitative information on asbestos fibers. Fibre optic bronchoscopy is performed to facilitate lavage. It is indicated for respiratory examination when radiological studies are suggestive of bronchogenic carcinoma. Transbronhoscopica lung biopsy is not recommended for the diagnosis of asbestosis. Histological examination: diagnosis of asbestosis and asbestos body requires visualization of fibrosis in electron microscopy. Corpus of asbestos fibers asbestos develop-shirt ferritin protein and a characteristic aspect of the boat. These alone are not diagnostic of disease as they are discovered occasionally in healthy individuals. Differential diagnosis is made with the following conditions: silicosis, sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, dermatomyositis, collagen vascular disease. Treatment Expuenrii control asbestos in the workplace is the most effective way to prevent asbestosis. Cessation of exposure once the diagnosis is made is imperative as exposure increases the rate of progression. However the disease can progress and outside exposure. Smokers must stop smoking cigarettes. Treatment includes treating the infection and immunization against influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia. Will be prompt antibiotic treatment when lung infections. It will assess the status of oxygenation in resting and exercising. If the test detects hypoxemia at rest or additional effort will prescribe oxygen. Drugs are not effective in treating asbestosis. Corticosteroids and immunosuppressants do not change course. Prognosis: Asbestosis can cause pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, right heart failure. Progressive respiratory failure cumulative risk factors depending on the amount of asbestos inhaled, degree of dyspnea, smoking cigarettes, impaired lung and pleura, honey combs visible on X-rays and the large number of cells in bronchoalveolar lavage imflamatorii. Risk of lung cancer is high in these patients, and mesothelioma, a cancer of the esophagus, biliary system and kidneys.

Pleural tumor

Pleural tumor What is pleural cancer? The pleura is a thin foil, smooth and moist. One of foil bag with double wall is the parietal pleura, which covers the inner surface of the chest, the other leaf, the visceral, covering the lung. The two sheets are stacked almost on top of each other, between them there is a virtual space, filled with a liquid. Liquid layer enables frictionless movement of the two sheets. Mesothelioma, pleura foils are formed from epithelial cells during embryonic development. Abnormal proliferation of tissue cells pleural effusion of cancer (mesothelioma). Pleural cancer Pleural cancer is largely caused by inhaling asbestos dust containing magnesium silicate. Asbestos is an important raw material in industry, used in many products. At present, the developed countries are trying to restrict the use of asbestos. Asbestos dust inhaled in large quantities in a short time, or in small quantities in a long time cause asbestosis, lung cancer and pleural respectively. In many cases the disease occurs after 10-30 years. based on research findings on lung cancer and pleural contributes to a great extent and smoking.     SYMPTOMS     □ general deterioration of health     □ chest pain     □ shortness of breath     □ bloody sputum, mucus Pleural cancer treatment According to our present knowledge pleural cancer is an incurable malignancy. Tumor growth can not be stopped. Treatment mainly aims only to reduce symptoms caused by cancer-pain, breathing hard. What to do patient People at risk should beware of occupational asbestos dust. Must comply with the safety in their own interest! When our doctor? In case of chest pain, heavy breathing, contact your doctor as soon as possible!     IMPORTANT!     If you avoid inhalation of dust from asbestos, pleural cancer can be avoided. Fortunately asbestos is less used today in industry, being replaced by less dangerous substances. And tobacco predisposes to cancer pleural this reason, whenever possible avoid or reduce smoking! How does the doctor After doctor performs physical examinations and chest x-ray computed tomography. Always changes visible on images taken. Exact diagnosis can be established by evidence of tissue collected from modified pleura. A significant number of patients, tumor tissue near the chest cavity accumulates fluid and blood. Gray-white sputum is common. Microscopic examination of sputum also contribute to the diagnosis. in case of occupational pleural cancer, patient is entitled to retirement sickness. The disease As a result of inhaling asbestos dust abnormal mesothelial cells begin proliferation. Proliferation cover the entire surface of the pleura. As a result of proliferation of tumor unite layers of the pleura, pleura shrinks lung is compressed. Thoracic breathing movements are limited. Breathing becomes difficult, painful, gradually worsening oxygenation. The current state of medicine, unfortunately, do not allow effective treatment of this condition. Ttumoarea pleura is a very dangerous disease for life due to metastasis, which in fact characterizes all cancerous diseases.     Rare     Due to reduced use of asbestos, cases of pleural cancer decreased lately. Therefore, compared to a thousand cases of lung cancer is one case of pleural cancer.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Natural treatment for testicular cancer and prostate cancer

Natural treatment for testicular cancer and prostate cancer • Willow tea is prepared by maceration (4 pulbere/1/2 1 tsp water over night) and brewing (after filtering to scald the remaining plant with another pint of boiling water, then leave to cool). Mix the two extracts. Each drink 3 cups / day, on an empty stomach for a long time. Tea imunostimulente effects and antitumo-tion of the genital and urinary tract. • Pedic, St. John's Wort oil, marjoram oil - massages, Willow tea. • It is recommended compresses horsetail, calendula ointment, then compresses Swedish bitters. • Rudolf Breuss recommends: 2 cups cold infusion of wicker, 1/2 cup vegetable juice before meals, drink slowly. After 42 days of juice and tea, a light diet for 2-4 weeks (oatmeal soup, vegetable, vegetables, 3 times / day bio-fortified yeast tablets). Diet is effective in arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis. Then drink sage tea, tea for the kidneys. Drink unsweetened tea. At 3-4 days, Horsetail baths with flowers oat hay or straw. Apple juice drink alone, without vegetables. Not taking medications, there are no rays. • Tea and weather (oregano, pen) - Geranium robertianum. Use 2 tablespoons herb / 500 ml water - no more, lest it become toxic. Simmer 10 minutes. low heat. Drink one cup 3 times / day, sip by sip. • Drink 3 cups / day decoction 20 minutes. (Liquid drops in half) 2 teaspoons of comfrey root powder in 500 ml water. It makes a tincture of comfrey root of 20 g chopped, covered with 90 ml of 70 °. Allow 10-15 days, stirring occasionally. Take 10-20 drops before each meal. • Treatment distillate oil: the morning on an empty stomach, take one tablespoon of oil. For an hour is not eating. Patient to sleep on the right side sit 10 min., Then on the left, all 10 min. This movement is repeated 1-2 times. Evening will swallow after dinner, a teaspoon of oil. Can sleep in any position. Treatment lasts 5 weeks. Results begin to appear after 10-12 days. Do not drink alcohol. Evening drink a tablespoon of pumpkin oil. Bee products: pollen (10 g after each main meal - total 30 g) and honey, min 3 months in all forms of cancer. Rich in water - 2 liters / zi.Bogata in fruits and vegetables 2 servings 4 servings fruit + vegetables / day. Low in fat - saturated fat minimum, no margarine molecule. Low in cholesterol. Low in alcohol. Low in caffeine. Daily: - Green tea; - 3 ripe tomatoes in a little olive oil 5 times / week, because it contains lycopene concentrate, which is a powerful antioxidant, captures free radicals and regulates cell proliferation; - March 1 at least daily; - 2 times / day: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, peanuts; - St. John's Wort tea and calendula; - Daily - soy. NO - Soy-Souci (soy sauce has salt), Soybean sheep, pork, beef, eggs, YES - over (unlimited), and possibly poultry, seaweed; - Fruits and vegetables of different colors: yellow, green, red (beets) etc.. Some substances are carcinogenic after metabolic-enzymatic activation. So are aromatic hydrocarbons (bezantracen, dibenzantracen, benzopyrene, metilcolantren). Mechanism is exercised primarily through DNA, especially in localized scrotal and lung carcinogenesis. After metabolic conversion by the same mechanisms act and a series of aromatic amines and Azo colorants. Product estrogen DES (diethylstilbestrol) is capable of that, besides its beneficial effects in prostate carcinoma, to generate the male breast cancer (oncology Elements of engineering - Trestioreanu). Cryptorchid testes (loss) were more frequent in cancer, probably by higher intra-abdominal temperature (dereglaj cause hormonal). The mechanism of cancer due to hormones is not well known, but admits it would be about spontaneous mutations and chromosomal abnormalities occurring in cells "target" Endocrine, with rapid expansion and division of clones to become neoplastic. Testicular cancer is characterized initially by increasing the volume and pain. In prostate cancer, urinary disturbances occur with low pressure urine, blood appears in the urine, anorexia, night urination, weight loss. • oak mistletoe soak a cup / day in 3-4 rounds. • tea mix equal parts of: milfoil, horsetail, wolf's claw, calendula, fluff ita. Drink daily. • meatless diet, fat, preservatives, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, vinegar, sugar. in the case of prostate cancer, doctors experiences of Americans have demonstrated the beneficial effect of simultaneous consumption of tomatoes and broccoli. And regular consumption of tomatoes only reduces risk of prostate cancer. • Every three months, vegetable juice diet for 10 days. Drink daily: 1 kg beetroot juice, parsley juice 300 g, 300 g apple juice, carrot juice 300 g, 500 g celery juice and bee Pastura. • Once every six months is a course of hellebore: 1.2501 in boiling water put 7 teaspoons of hellebore, simmer 5 min., Then strain. Drink progressively: first day of a teaspoon in the morning, a lunch and a teaspoon teaspoon evening, growing up to 20 spoons on the twentieth day. Daily infusion of mistletoe. For BPH: propolis tincture (30 g/200 ml of 96 ° alcohol, macerated 30 days). In the evening, take 10 drops of honey for 10 days, break for 5 days. Simultaneously, all night, drink unsweetened tea (infusion) of leaves of elm (5-6 frunze/250 ml water) for 10-day break for 5 days. Treatment repeats. Can result and treatment "apple-wolf" For BPH Willow tincture is used, which is prepared as follows: a jar half filled with powder Willow pour alcohol of 70 ° to the top. It close well and leave to soak for 10 days, then filter it and pour in bottles closed color. Take 4 times / day a teaspoon diluted with water on an empty stomach, min. 3 months.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Low calorie diets

Low calorie diets Women who want to permanently remove excess weight, knowing the value of food in their diet changes introduced rational. Nutrition can be very varied in these conditions and also provides your body all the necessary substances, plus extra vitamins and minerals. Just choose products with reduced calorific value and set the amount required. Here's a monthly regimen: Week I Before leaving for work: a cup of warm milk sweetened with a teaspoon of honey and dried corn. Second breakfast: a cup of tea, two slices of graham bread with butter and a few lettuce leaves. Lunch: vegetable soup with beef, 2-3 boiled potatoes, fruit juice, plus a little sugar and lemon. Snack (at 17): 2 tomatoes or tomato juice. Dinner: 1 cup skim milk, 2 slices of brown bread smeared with a little butter, sprinkle over the parsley. Week II Before leaving for work: a cup of fruit juice and a biscuit. Second Breakfast: 2 slices of bread intermediary, some butter with low-fat cheese and a cup of tea. Lunch: 2 meatballs, salad, raw carrot and jelly. Snack: fruit and a biscuit. Dinner: yogurt and a croissant with jam smeared. Week III Before leaving for work: a cup of coffee and a slice of bread smeared with honey intermediate. The second breakfast: yogurt, a slice of bread smeared with butter graham, sticky egg and radish. Lunch: grilled steak, spinach puree and 1 glass of fruit juice. Snack: fruit and bread crumbs. Dinner: a cup of milk, a dry corn, cottage cheese with green onion. Week IV Before leaving for work: a cup of coffee and a biscuit with honey. Second Breakfast: 2 slices of bread with butter and low-fat cheese. Lunch: a bowl of chicken soup with vegetables, 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, lettuce and jelly. Snack: carrot juice and 1 biscuit. Dinner: a cup of skim milk and a dried corn. The variety of the menu is ensured vegetables, fruit or juice, a little sugar and a little flour. Scheme of arrangement may be full of fruits and vegetables in season. Radishes and tomatoes you can substitute sour cucumber or apple. Without Apple, you call the cherries, lemons and spring are the ideal replacement. The total amount of fluid per day should not exceed 3-4 cups. Compliance regime limiting salt consumption, but does not exclude the diet.

Diet - weight loss diet for the summer

Diet - weight loss diet for the summer Here is a regime that will help you lose 3-4 kg in a month, so do not be weary body and make sure at the same time daily requirement of protein, carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins. Diet now provides about 1500 calories per day and is so made as to enable a normal physical and intellectual activities. Monday: Breakfast: 250 ml milk, honey 20g, 30g bread, butter 5g, 50g ham; 10: Fruit 200g; Breakfast: 300 ml vegetable cream, fried chicken 100 g, 100 g cucumber salad, bread 20 g, 100 g fruit; Time 16: yogurt 250 g, 30 g biscuits; Dinner blow fish, milk and poultry. Tuesday: Breakfast: 250 ml milk with cocoa, sugar 10g, 5g butter, bread 30g, 30g honey; 10: baked potatoes 100g butter 10g; Lunch: vegetable soup 200 ml, 200g grilled steak, sautéed vegetables 100g, 100g fruit jelly; 16 hours: 150 ml fruit juice, boiled egg; Dinner: boiled over 150g, 100g vegetable garnish, fruit compote 200 ml. Wednesday: Breakfast: tea with sugar and lemon, butter 5g, 30g bread, 50g cheese, a tomato; 10: 100g cottage cheese; Lunch: soup dumplings, zucchini casseroles with meat, fruit jelly 100g; Time 16: egg creams; Dinner: salad, schnitzel 100g, fruit compote 200 ml. Thursday: Morning: 250ml milk, bread 30g butter 5g, 50g cheese, a tomato, honey 20g; 10: eggs stuffed with cheese 100g; Breakfast: Cream of zucchini, chicken with tomatoes and lettuce 100g 100g, 200g fruit; Time 16: Fruit Juice 100g; Dinner: polenta 200g cream cheese 50g and 25g, 100g grilled with sautéed vegetables 150g, 150g fruit. Friday: Breakfast: coffee with 250ml milk, 10g sugar, 40g bread, butter 5g, 50g ham 10: Cheese; Lunch: chicken soup, roast chicken 100g, 100g cucumber salad, fruit 200g; Time 16: 250g rice milk; Dinner: spinach puree, muscles with vegetables, fruit compote 200ml. Saturday: Breakfast: tea with sugar and lemon, Frankfurters 100g, 20g bread; 10: Fruit 200g; Lunch: Tomato soup, steak with vegetables 100g, 150g fruit jelly; Time 16: egg pasta 50g with 20g bread; Dinner: zucchini stuffed with cheese, boiled over 100g, 100g vegetable sauté, fruit 200g. Sunday: Morning: 250ml milk, bread 20g butter 5g, 30g honey; 10: egg white omelet; Lunch: 150g grilled, boiled potatoes 150g, 100g lettuce, tart fruit; Time 16: yogurt, biscuits 30g dietary; Dinner blown cheese 30g, 100g salad, fruit 250g.

Diet rice

Diet rice Diet based on rice, besides helping to prevent and treat heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, kidney disease, has the great advantage that after a few days of starting her hunger disappears completely. It is useful in detoxifying the body as we get rid of excess water and toxins from food or the environment, but it is not recommended to be kept more than 1 week due to high content of carbohydrates that produces imbalance in the body. Rice diet reduce salt and sodium-rich ingredients, which leads to the cessation turbocharging. The main sources of nutrition in the diet of rice are carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. Diet consists of daily consumption of 250 g of cooked rice (preferably the paddy). Breakfast will eat fruit and cereals. Lunch mainly consists of 100 grams of boiled rice. Other foods that can be eaten: very lean beef, cheese, eggs, lamb, pork, seafood, vegetables, dairy. Dinner consists of: 100 g cooked rice, 1 fruit, unsweetened tea. Based regimen is indicated rice until you manage to reach your goal. Fat dairy products, fish and lean meats can be used depending on physical condition that you have.

Hypercholesterolemia. A healthy diet for the heart.

Hypercholesterolemia. A healthy diet for the heart. A healthy diet can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, and thus heart disease. If the stenosis (narrowing) of the arteries has begun, a proper diet can slow the process. Lifestyle changes may stop or reverse the stenosis of the arteries. This diet is important for those with risk factors for heart disease, but it is essential for those who have suffered a myocardial infarction or in patients who underwent an intervention to restore coronary blood flow, such as angioplasty or bypass surgery. Prevention of coronary restenosis after these interventions can be done by a few lifestyle changes. Heart healthy diet A heart healthy diet is an effective method to reduce and even eliminate some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This can reduce total cholesterol and LDL fraction ("bad" cholesterol), blood pressure, blood glucose and body weight. Most diets focus only on foods are prohibited and less on those that are allowed. Thus, an effective strategy will focus mainly on alimetele that can be consumed and less on those that are not allowed. Studies have shown that in the diet of healthy foods for the heart is as important as the removal of which can increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Below are five nutritional strategies for reducing serum cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease: - Eating large amounts of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. These wonders of nature are the most powerful weapon in the fight against cardiovascular disease - Careful selection of the calories coming from fat. The main aims are to limit the amount of total fat intake, consuming minimal amounts of saturated fats (butter, salad dressings, sweets), use monounsaturated fats (olive oil or nuts) - Eating protein. The most common protein are meat and dairy products, which are the most dangerous for the heart. Eat protein is another origin, such as vegetable or fish - Limit your intake of cholesterol. Cholesterol in foods can raise cholesterol levels, especially in people at risk. Limiting food intake lowers cholesterol saturated fat consumption. Required daily calories can be obtained from complex carbohydrates (such as pasta and whole wheat bread, brown rice), limiting intake of simple carbohydrates (such as soft drinks, sugar, sweets). Where one hypercholesterolemia, these simple carbohydrates will exacerbate serum cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease - Meal compliance program. Skipping a meal can lead to obesity. For some, eating five or six snacks help control blood pressure, blood glucose levels and maintain balanced metabolism. This scheme might not work in people who are accustomed to eat more than necessary during the day, they are recommending a balanced menu with three main meals. It was created for physical activity. Exercise strengthens the heart muscle (myocardium), improves blood flow, lowers blood pressure, increases blood levels of HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) and help control blood glucose and weight - Hydration. Water is vital for life. A proper hydration increases the person's energy level and reduces the food consumed. The Eat 1 to 2 liters of water daily (unless your doctor has not imposed fluid restriction) - Enjoy every bite. It should be everyone's motto. Pleasure of eating will be more optimistic person.

Macrobiotic diet

Macrobiotic diet "At 47 years has the body of a teenage girl 25 years". Thus begins the personal coach Kim Lee. Twice mother, Madonna proves impressive inner discipline and follow faithfully Spartan program. Sport two hours a day where indifernet are: - 45min run then do stretching - enter the gym, go cycling or yoga. Is 1.63 m, weight 51kg, is obsessed by the idea of ​​maintaining a healthy lifestyle. She enjoy every meal on a cook who only after microbiological criteria. Leave it spoiled the personal chef that always accompanies when traveling. In fact, it is more than a philosophy of life than a diet: it is important to first find your inner balance. Are allowed only natural foods (no prefabricated or industrial products). All "permissions" are in turn divided into yin and yang foods, macrobiotic diet just trying to gather as much harmony by balancing yin and yang daily ration of food. Fish is preferred (no red meat, eggs or dairy). On the menu are whole grains, salad, nuts and seaweed. Madonna not smoke, do not drink and gave up sweets to not gain weight.

Diet chlorophyll

Diet chlorophyll From the outset, it must be said that despite the apparent simplicity of the process, its effects on the body are very strong. As a result, the cure can be felt as a shock to the body, if it is not turned on gradually. Chlorophyll a standard diet lasts 12 days and is as follows: - On the first day the cure will not drink more than a quarter cup (50 ml) chlorophyll extract to be taken as a single dose on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before the morning meal. - On the second day cure will double the amount of extract (100 ml), to be drunk in two halves, 30 minutes before lunch and evening. - Between the third and eleventh day increase the dose with one quarter cup per day (150 ml, 200 ml, 250 ml and so on), dividing it into three equal parts, taken 30 minutes before the three main meals . - On the twelfth day of drinking a glass before each meal extract chlorophyll. It is preferable that the last day cure not eat nothing but boiled rice and salt to taste, because the effects are too intense rehab. Effects of cure with chlorophyll It is an excellent means of purification during the spring and is easy to apply and highly effective. The fastest will feel the acceleration of intestinal transit, which will determine a welcome release of toxins accumulated over the winter colon. If plant extracts are too strong for you and give you diarrhea, then you will make in smaller doses and drink mint tea parallel, lobster tail or oak bark to control the process. The second will benefit from courses of chlorophyll will be blood. Clotting disorders, anemia, calcium and magnesium deficiencies are quickly offset by the cure. Haemophilia even some forms of leukemia respond well to this form of treatment. Skin is the third "target" of the diet with chlorophyll. Acne rebellious, various forms of allergy, sensitivity to infection will be put to flight by treatment with extracts of green. Skin becomes clean and bright skin will acquire a healthy glow. Gastritis and ulcers spring and they get better with this course. Use mostly mild aromatic plant extracts (parsley, celery) and nettle (which is healing and antacids), which will protect the stomach walls and - importantly - will combat bacteria at this level (including the famous Helicobacter pylorus). Asthma or bronchitis will also be improved by this diet because chlorophyll inhibits bacteria, promotes breathing process. Spring fatigue will be controlled, especially if we use bitter herbs (dandelion leaves are great), while fatigue will be scattered green parsley and celery extracts, aromatic tonic true. It would be a shame to talk about chlorophyll cure not to mention its outstanding effects for people working in a toxic environment, they are exposed to radiation (such as those of computer screens, X-ray analysis apparatus), who have or have a food with lots of synthetic additives or much meat. Chlorophyll protects blood vessels against sclerozarii, you in the bacterial regardless of location (even pericarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle - was successfully treated with this therapy). Use only food plant strains. Plant strains that do not know or whose origin is uncertain will never be used, as they may have unexpected toxic effects (either due to toxicity of the plant itself or due spraying plants with chemicals, fertilizers and so on). As green plant is more intense, the effects will be stronger because and chlorophyll content is higher. Here are some commonly used plant chlorophyll therapy: - Wires green vegetables: parsley or celery, in some cases leaves green onions or garlic; - Stalks young green leaves of wild garlic and nettle or dandelion; - Green shoots, about 8 inches tall, wheat, barley or oats; - Young stems of alfalfa. To obtain extracts for a spring clean with chlorophyll we need too sophisticated equipment. It is very useful to have an electric mixer, but in his absence, chlorophyll extracts can be obtained manually. Here are two methods for obtaining chlorophyll extract: Method 1 - using electric mixer Recipe for getting a cup (200 ml) chlorophyll extract is as follows: in a plastic container put a bunch of green shoots of plants (thick bundle is as can be between thumb and forefinger) and a glass of water or spring water. Grind the plant very well (3-5 minutes long) with mixer, then immediately filter through gauze. Filltrare consumed immediately after preparation, so that it does not oxidize. Method 2 - by maceration Same amount of green shoots finely chop a wooden drawing board. Immediately after chopping, the plant is placed with all the juice in a glass of water or spring water and let soak at room temperature for six hours, then filter through gauze. After filtration, the extract obtained is consumed immediately.

Diet yeast

Diet yeast It is a course especially useful in restoring and maintaining the body. Yeast contains vitamins: -B1-effective in combating digestive disorders, heart disease, to treat depression, neuralgia and fatigue. -B2-usable in combat eczema, skin aging -B3-related processes involved in balancing sistemuluinervos -B5-natural stimulant of adrenal glands, anti-stress remedy, increase resistance to infection -B7, which neutralizes cholesterol and are therefore indicated in obesity, prevents hair loss -B8-useful for protein and fat metabolism regulation -B9-anemic effect, helps maintain hormonal balance -B12, which acts on the nervous system, increasing the power of concentration, relieve headache, helps maintain hormonal balance -B15-improves tissue oxygenation is a great remedy against aging, helps liver detoxification Directions: administered with honey, 2 teaspoons yeast 1 teaspoon of honey and take on an empty stomach before meals with 30 minute.Cura last 2 weeks.

Apple cider vinegar cure

Apple cider vinegar cure Apple is rich in potassium, essential mineral for normal function and for maintaining osmotic balance acid-base. Apple cider vinegar deduced from these fruits all minerals: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iron, silicon and potassium. Apple cider vinegar cure is recommended especially for those who have lack of potassium in the body. And of course, we ask how can we tell if our body has enough potassium. Signs indicating a possible lack of porasiu: - Loss of alertness thinking and memory. Decisions are made more difficult and the memory is not good; - We are more sensitive to cold; - Often have cold hands and feet; - Prefer cold food instead of hot; - Show much callousness on the soles of the feet and toes are formed; - We are prone to constipation; - Sometimes we do not have appetite and sometimes nausea and vomiting; - We often itchy skin; - The skin becomes irritated and pimples may occur; - Cuts and scrapes heal difficult; - May occur tetanic contractions of the eyelid or corner of the mouth; - Teeth cariaza easier than it should be; - Skeletons may occur especially in muscles of the body and especially at night; - Hardly sleep and get up tired; - We have a good sleep at night; - Aches and pains in joints. If you have a lot of these symptoms, then potassium is found insufficient in the body. Potassium normalizes nervous system cell activity and maintain, also, potassium-sodium balance in the body. Increasing the amount of sodium by ingestion of salt as means decreasing the amount of potassium inside the cells, resulting in a loss of potassium from the body. So we see that the sodium-potassium balance can easily disrupt and influence our health. Excess protein, meat and even milk-cause, too, eliminating potassium. Apple vinegar for cleaning proceed as follows: Morning, when we wake up, take two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water or herbal tea. Liquid to drink slowly, sip by sip while we dress. Duration of course is 1 to 2 months. Treatment may be resumed after a break of about a month. Apple cider vinegar cure is recommended not only to strengthen the body and in the absence of potassium, but in the case of several diseases such as primary infertility, pregnancy, sinusitis, food poisoning, facial neuralgia, arthritis of the small joints of the hands and feet, degeneration, atherosclerosis, cystitis, pyelitis, hypercholesterolemia, neuroses, insomnia, chronic fatigue, headaches, dizziness, hypertension, joint stiffness, tearing at older people, relax and calm the nervous system, in case of epidemics, in shingles, burns, varicose veins, aching muscles and joints. For sore throat can be used gargle with a solution of apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon in a glass of water. Of this solution is taken every hour many a mouth, they gargle and then swallow. As discomfort in the neck fails, gargarele can be made less frequent. Contraindications uric kidney stones, gout, thyroid and parathyroid insufficiency, obesity, gastric acidity, gastritis hyperacid peptic ulcer, fever, muscle and hypotension.
Apple cider vinegar cure Apple is rich in potassium, essential mineral for normal function and for maintaining osmotic balance acid-base. Apple cider vinegar deduced from these fruits all minerals: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iron, silicon and potassium. Apple cider vinegar cure is recommended especially for those who have lack of potassium in the body. And of course, we ask how can we tell if our body has enough potassium. Signs indicating a possible lack of porasiu: - Loss of alertness thinking and memory. Decisions are made more difficult and the memory is not good; - We are more sensitive to cold; - Often have cold hands and feet; - Prefer cold food instead of hot; - Show much callousness on the soles of the feet and toes are formed; - We are prone to constipation; - Sometimes we do not have appetite and sometimes nausea and vomiting; - We often itchy skin; - The skin becomes irritated and pimples may occur; - Cuts and scrapes heal difficult; - May occur tetanic contractions of the eyelid or corner of the mouth; - Teeth cariaza easier than it should be; - Skeletons may occur especially in muscles of the body and especially at night; - Hardly sleep and get up tired; - We have a good sleep at night; - Aches and pains in joints. If you have a lot of these symptoms, then potassium is found insufficient in the body. Potassium normalizes nervous system cell activity and maintain, also, potassium-sodium balance in the body. Increasing the amount of sodium by ingestion of salt as means decreasing the amount of potassium inside the cells, resulting in a loss of potassium from the body. So we see that the sodium-potassium balance can easily disrupt and influence our health. Excess protein, meat and even milk-cause, too, eliminating potassium. Apple vinegar for cleaning proceed as follows: Morning, when we wake up, take two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water or herbal tea. Liquid to drink slowly, sip by sip while we dress. Duration of course is 1 to 2 months. Treatment may be resumed after a break of about a month. Apple cider vinegar cure is recommended not only to strengthen the body and in the absence of potassium, but in the case of several diseases such as primary infertility, pregnancy, sinusitis, food poisoning, facial neuralgia, arthritis of the small joints of the hands and feet, degeneration, atherosclerosis, cystitis, pyelitis, hypercholesterolemia, neuroses, insomnia, chronic fatigue, headaches, dizziness, hypertension, joint stiffness, tearing at older people, relax and calm the nervous system, in case of epidemics, in shingles, burns, varicose veins, aching muscles and joints. For sore throat can be used gargle with a solution of apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon in a glass of water. Of this solution is taken every hour many a mouth, they gargle and then swallow. As discomfort in the neck fails, gargarele can be made less frequent. Contraindications uric kidney stones, gout, thyroid and parathyroid insufficiency, obesity, gastric acidity, gastritis hyperacid peptic ulcer, fever, muscle and hypotension.

Diet germinated wheat

Diet germinated wheat What is wheat germ? Wheat germ (wheat germ) are seeds that pass from the state of latent life in active state, a process that causes a number of biochemical and structural changes. At this point, sprouted seeds contain a maximum of useful substances the human body. Here are some amounts of minerals easily assimilated by the body, contained 100 grams wheat germ: phosphorus (1050 mg%), magnesium (342 mg%), calcium (71 mg%). These minerals plus vitamins A, B, E, K, D, PP, enzymes and certain plant hormones, with very little known structure that have extraordinary therapeutic effects. During cure. To see the first effects of eating alfalfa sprouts is required 3-4 weeks have elapsed. Stabilizing effects appear, but after 2-3 months and 6-12 months in people devitalized or suffering from serious illnesses. Wheat consumed daily dose Therapeutic dose in adults is 3-6 tablespoons per day in children aged between 7 and 14 years, the dose is 1-2 tablespoons per day in children 2-6 years, the dose is 1-3 teaspoons per daily. Managing Wheat germ is the morning on an empty stomach. Wheat germ is given through a meat grinder to be crushed, then mixed with honey. There are a number of germinated wheat combine recipes with other food-medicine. Therapeutic actions of this course The first effect is seen in this diet are: stop hair loss, increase or restore visual acuity, improving movement coordination, strengthening teeth, skin beautification, adjust nerve activity (wheat germ have a slightly sedative effect), increase vitality. Indications. Wheat germ is indicated: increase, treatment delays growth in children; skin diseases (acne, eczema, recurrent infectious diseases); aging, premature aging, liver, subponderalitate (regulating effect on body weight) , in women - in cases of softening female characters: narrow waist, wide basin, thin voice, lack of hair growth (hair) of the abdomen, back, face etc. thrombophlebitis , arteritis, tumors of the stomach, tumors generally , cancer, ocular , recurrent respiratory disease (including asthma and bronchitis) male impotence and sterility (for men with very low overall vitality), amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea (in women with a fragile constitution, anemia), anemia, lack of calcium and magnesium headaches, migraines, insomnia. Contraindications of cure with germinated wheat. Wheat germ is contra experiencing imbalances caused by excess estrogen in the body. Consequently, women with menstrual very heavy, feminizing men tend to be used with caution this miracle cure, which in their case could exacerbate problems. Germinated wheat varieties found in trade The germinated wheat trade is found in the following presentations: L powder obtained by drying and grinding the wheat sprouted and then dried, flakes ¼ obtained by mechanical processing of grains, wheat germ, ¼ different combinations of flakes or powder, wheat germ fruit dried (seabuckthorn berries, exotic fruits). Obviously, none of these products has no curative power of freshly sprouted wheat berries and data through a meat grinder. Getting alfalfa sprouts after Valeriu Popa method We buy wheat - the last harvest. Is sieved through sieve as foreign bodies fall. Thursday morning at 6 am to make 1 kg of wheat germ in an enameled pot with a capacity of 5 liters. Wash with cold water until a water. Then fill the pot with clear water. Place in a sheltered spot. At 14 and 22 hours drain the water and rinse the wheat state again until the water remains clear. Refill the pot and put aside. Friday at 6 am dripping water in colander and transfer to wheat. Strecuratoarea Place under running water. During washing wheat do not mix. Wash only take a few seconds. Is repeated in 8 in 8 hours, ie from 6 - 14 - 22, up comes the embryo (corner) of 2 mm and 5 mm roots. This is achieved Saturday at noon or at the latest the evening. When you get the size of the embryo and root, put wheat in milk bottles with corks will be covered, not between air and leave in the refrigerator. A kg of wheat to obtain 1.5 kg of wheat germ. This quantity reaches for a week.

Diets with vegetables

Diets with vegetables - Cure celery It is a good remedy in obesity. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C and minerals. 100g celery juice drink in the morning before breakfast, in the course of 15-20 days. Celery can be eaten raw as a salad before meals. Celery promotes digestion, remove toxins from the body, increases the amount of urine, stimulates the drainage of bile, lowers blood glucose levels, causes the intestinal gas, causes the worms, causing destruction of microorganisms. Special effects in mental fatigue, physical or sexual. - Cure tomatoes It is an appetizer digested with diuretic and laxative properties. Drink one cup of tomato juice daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Cure lasts a month. Tomatoes can be consumed raw as salad and cooked shortly before they eat

Detoxification with clay

Detoxification with clay Preparation is very simple, obtaining a dose of half a cup (150 ml) cold water, spring water or tap, plus a teaspoon of clay (about 7g). Let stand at least 4-5 hours (but in no event more than 24 hours), after which they can use. Important: clay will not be cooked in metal pots (be it steel), plastic or Teflon, only in porcelain or wooden containers. Administration is as follows: in the first seven days before each meal drink 20-30 minutes only clear water cup with clay, without sediment from the bottom of the glass. After this time, all content is drinking glass, mixing water with clay beforehand with a spoon, so as to blend. Administration is always before meals being taken in total 1-3 doses per day throughout treatment. (The administration is recommended on the packaging.) One adult dose is 150 ml in children under one year dose is 1 teaspoon, in the 1 to 3 years is two teaspoons, at the 3 to 12 years is four teaspoons, after this age can take adult doses. Duration of treatment for addiction to getting good results is 21 days, which - as we mention - the first seven days only drink clear water without clay at the bottom of the cup, then passing to the full consummation of clay water. Clay cure for treating certain diseases When clay is used to treat chronic diseases, the dose remains unchanged: a teaspoon of clay in a glass of water, taking two or three such doses daily. Accommodation period in which to drink only clear water without clay at the bottom of the glass, is only three days, after which they drink water with clay homogenized. Depending on the severity of the disease, cure clay is 10 to 21 days per month. Diet during cure with clay All who have studied the therapeutic effects of clay concluded that in the absence of an adequate diet cure effects are reduced to zero. During cure the clay will keep a diet low toxicity, which eliminate meat, grease, coffee powder (type Ness) fine alcoholic beverages, fizzy cola drinks, soft drinks with dyes, spices etc. It will consume vegetables, fruits and fresh vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices (especially citrus). Precautions and contraindications to treatment with clay Clay therapy is contraindicated in women during the menstrual cycle and in the last months of pregnancy. It is also contraindicated in people suffering from acute constipation and can be made when this problem. In some cases (especially when the diet is inadequate), cure constipation clay can generate a transient that will be remedied with natural laxative: buckthorn tea, elderberry tincture of castor oil, powder etc. bindweed . Sometimes certain events may occur that echo detox products, phenomena which, despite being quite annoying, are hopeful signs that look like clay takes effect. These phenomena make up detoxification reaction healing, we will talk about next. Detox-healing reaction During treatment with clay, in some people appear unusual symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches and muscle similar to those during flu, state low grade fever, nausea, heavy feeling in the gut. These symptoms last three or four days, no more, and show that the body was very intoxicated and react strongly to this diet. After this period, gradually, we feel increasingly better and easier. If these symptoms persist after four days, we will temporarily interrupt cure and we keep a vegetarian diet with plenty of fruits and raw vegetables, which we prepare the body for treatment with clay, which is more powerful. Clay and spring cure diseases Look beyond our detoxification and maintenance of shape, spring cleaning with clay is very welcome for the prevention and treatment of diseases very troublesome, which operates mainly in the late season.

Diet Plum

Diet Plum Known plum, often used for compote or jam reprezimnta a source of nutrients necessary for health. Eaten raw in the course of two - three weeks they are a natural source of vitamins and minerals helping to remove toxins, purify the liver and increase body resistance. Fruits are rich in provitamin A and vitamin C. They poorer contain water (80%), sugars, organic acids, proteins, mucilage, cellulose, vitamins (A, B1, B2, C), sodium, potassium, calcium, iron , manganese predominance of potassium. Potassium helps normalize nervous system cell activity. It helps to remove fatigue and alertness keeping intellect. Plums have antipyretic properties, helminthic, depurative, laxative, emoilente, nervous stimulants, detoxifying and liver decongestant. It relaxes the tissues decreasing inflammation and increasing state peistaltismul easing intestinal transit through lubrication. Plums consumed 30 minutes before meals. You can also use fresh plum juice (a glass before each meal). If only aims laxative effect when eaten plums are required only 8-10 early morning meal. It can cure three days a week aterioscleroza, obesity, hypertension and rheumatism. In these three days we just eat prunes. Plums are recommended in anemia, fatigue, gout, constipation, poisoning alimentarwe, biliary colic, biliary dyskinesia and hemorrhoids. For the diuretic and laxative and liver congestion may become Notice for use and decoction of prunes, two cups per day. Fresh fruits are also used in cosmetics skins with open pores. They are crushed and placed on the face, making astringent mask for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water

Kiwi cure

Kiwi cure Kiwi is used especially in cold season to strengthen the body. Kiwi contains a lot of vitamin C (one medium size fruit cover the daily needs of an adult), vitamin E (a fruit supplies a quarter of the recommended daily intake of vitamin E), vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin A, organic acids and fiber . The fruit is rich in copper, potassium and magnesium, but also contains other minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, zinc. It should be noted that a kiwi fruit contains more potassium than a banana. Although it is rich in nutrients kiwi fruit has only 45 calories. It is a powerful antioxidant and immune system enhancer with great effectiveness against the effects of aging. Kiwi consumption reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease and prevents cataract formation, which can cause blindness. It helps prevent asthma and allergies and participate in rebuilding damaged structures, interfering with wound healing and inflammatory states. Tonic effect on capillaries and arteries protects against deposit buildup plates. Kiwi fiber protects against diabetes and heart disease. Unlike other sources of vitamin E, kiwi fruit is low in fat. With only 45 cal/100 g and more fiber, fruit is ideal for cases of obesity. Copper from kiwi is vital for raising children, strengthen bones, strengthen tooth, brain development and immune balance. The fruit is consumed fresh, cut in half and eaten directly from the shell with a teaspoon or juice. Diet consists of eating a kiwi 100-250 g per day in course of two weeks. You can drink in the morning before eating or during meals mixed with a little cheese.

Cure with lemon

Cure with lemon It begins with the juice of one lemon per day increasing to daily consumption by one until it reaches the tenth day, ten lemons consumed in the form of lemonade (possibly with some saccharine) and then decreases again to reach a lemon daily. Lemons have the following main properties nervous system toning, toning the heart and activation of white blood cells. In addition they are antibacterial, diuretic, antiscorbutic arthritic, etc. - Cure apple It conuma kilo of apples daily without any food. Apple is a nervous system tonic, diuretic, depurative, cholesterol, soothing, cooling, laxative, etc.. Cure is recommended in both obesity and physical and mental fatigue, exhaustion, demineralization or to prevent respiratory infections. -Cure or cherry Drink two days a week, 1kg cherries (in season), no other food. Good removal of toxins, promotes perspiration, promotes digestion, remineralizes body, tone your body and skin, slows aging. Cherry and cherry are recommended in the treatment of obesity and cellulite.

Cure figs

Cure figs Fig is known and appreciated since ancient times, Egyptians especially appreciated it as a beneficial health fruit. Dried fruits are used especially in the cold season is energizing and moisturizing. Dried fruits contain very little water (hardly any), proteins, carbohydrates, invert sugar (61%), potassium (840 mg%), sodium (40 mg%), calcium (190 mg%), phosphorus (105 mg %), iron (3.3 mg%), vitamins (A, B1, B2, niacin, C). In terms of energy kalorii dried figs contain 260 to 100 g properties: - Highly nutritious and digestible; - Tonic (recommended athletes); - Laxatives; - Diuretics; - Pectoris; - Emollients Figs are recommended for children, teenagers, convalescent, elderly, athletes and pregnant women. They are recommended for fatigue, gastrointestinal irritation, constipation, acute febrile states, urinary and pulmonary inflammation, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. External are recommended stomatitis, gingivitis, dental abscese, boils, wounds atone. Fruits can be eaten as such or in the form of decoction expectorant (2-3 fruits per cup of water, 2 cups per day Can be prepared from 500 g figs and syrup to a quart of water. Boil the water bath until reduced to jumatate.Se Strain and add 250 g honey. Take one teaspoon two or three times a day. The milky juice of green figs can fight warts and corns. Applications are made three times a day for 5-6 days. On boils to maturity put compresses with warm figs boiled in water or milk.

Diets with herbal infusions

Diets with herbal infusions - Cure infusion of dandelion Place two teaspoon of herb per cup of boiling water. Keep covered for 10-15 minutes. Drink two or three cups of tea per day after meals. The young leaves can be eaten as salad and spring. Dandelion active process of eliminating toxins from the blood, increases the amount of urine, removing uric acid from the body, stimulates gastric and intestinal secretions, is a general tonic supplies the body with vitamins (A, B, C, D) and minerals. - Cure infusion of shock Put two teaspoons of herb per cup of boiling water. Keep covered for 10-15 minutes. Drink 2-3 cups a day. Shock is a good diuretic and purgative, it increases the amount of urine while, increases sweat gland activity, promotes intestinal content removal, destroying microorganisms. - Cure with herbal decoction of the following mixture: Dandelion powder 40g 20g birch leaves 25g bindweed 15g shock Place a teaspoon of the herbal mixture per cup of water. Boil 5-10 minutes, leave covered 15 minutes and then strain. Drink 2-3 cups a day of tea and unsweetened. Drink tea between meals and diet takes at least a month

Diet cherry

Diet cherry Cherries are among the fruits that ripen in mid-May, their season lasts about 8 sapamani .. Sweet cherries contain: - Water (75-89%), - Sugars, - Organic acids, - Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, P, PP) - Pantothenic acid, - Minerals (potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur) - Trace elements (zinc, copper, manganese). They can be consuption daily during the season, at least two weeks course or courses of 0.5-1kg fresh fruit, 1-2 days per week, thus helping to strengthen and balance the body. It makes such a good cleaning and toning the body by removing toxins and by normalizing bowel, preventing aging. Consumption of cherries remineralizes body, promotes digestion, eliminate or limit inflammatory processes, promotes perspiration, relieves fever, prevent or eliminate the flu and prevent gout. Cure is recommended demineralization, renal or urinary, heart disease, anemia, arthritis, atherosclerosis, chronic hepatitis, gallstones and kidney, colitis, obesity, dropsy, cellulite and rosacea. Like fruits, cherry juice extracted has the same properties and recommendations, it is diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, sedative and good for remineralizing neurotic states. If hepatitis recommend a daily intake of 2-3 cups cherry juice. If migraines can put compresses with crushed fruit. Can be used in cosmetics by applying face crushed fruit. This achieves an increase in skin elasticitatatii.

Watermelon Diet

Watermelon Diet The core of red watermelon is a cocktail of water, nearly 95 percent, and natural sugars with a very favorable taste and flavor, codimentat with many miraculous substances such as certain enzymes, organic acids and lycopene (an antioxidant substance and immune regulator), hence the result and its therapeutic properties) and high water content makes it suitable for the treatment of kidney and urinary cit. Except for people with kidney failure, all those who suffer from kidney are recommended during summer-autumn, if possible in other seasons of winter and spring, a watermelon cure at least ten days in each month. Enzymes and organic acids contained especially near the skin, hence the sour taste, not very nice sometimes powerful detoxification effects, making watermelon be especially recommended for people with a higher degree of wear body elders, as well as those who have had or have a diet loaded in toxins. In conclusion, a cure for a minimum of ten days per month with watermelon effect of detoxification, hormone regulation and immune human body, very special. Watermelon cure is very easy, as it requires no additional preparation. Some doctors and therapists recommend watermelon juice, but it quickly oxidizes and loses in less than 15 minutes curative potential, therefore it is advisable to eat watermelon normally at least two pounds of watermelon per day. Is recommended to be ripe, sweet and not avoid eating near the core part of the shell. Nearly a third of the weight of a watermelon peel is represented, therefore a watermelon for a day diet for treatment must be about 3 kilograms, especially on hot days you can even double the amount of watermelon consumed. Indications in course of treatment with watermelon Acne Melon cure for 10-20 days produce a global addiction and, in addition, has certain effects on adrenal hormonal regulatory specifically, and can do wonders in treating acne and as far as possible, along with watermelon cure is would remove from eating toxic meats and other foods. Externally, apply daily on the affected areas propolis tincture or poultice apple (Aristolochia clematitis): For nephritis, pyelitis and pyelonephritis Consume large amounts of watermelon in one half, and during course of treatment, especially after eating watermelon, and should avoid cold drafts in the loin. For renal calculi (kidney stones) It is recommended to consume large quantities of watermelon. Before the course of treatment, as well as the last three days taking herbal kidney stones broken, water intake from watermelon helps eliminate them. After you have taken these plants kidney stones smashed and chopped, 1-2 hours after he ate watermelon will be held on the kidney water bottle very warm, even hot. These plants are: leaves of birch (Betula alba), leaves of cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), resin of pine (Pinus sylvestris) and juniper berries (Juniperus communis).

Diet for heart patients

Diet for heart patients This diet is recommended by the department of cardiology for heart patients who need to lose weight fast and healthy. Diet is fast, burn fat. The secret is that after eating diet burn more calories than those contained in the food. Diet wash body toxins and gives some feeling? Feel better??. Diet is based on daily intake of calorie burning soup. This soup can be eaten whenever you feel hungry. Eat as much as you can, anytime during the day for eating this soup actually burn calories. Beware! The more of this soup you eat, the more weight you lose. During the regime Absolutely not!: Alcoholic beverages, bread, sugar, fried foods, honey.

Cure quail eggs

Cure quail eggs Featured are two types of cure quail eggs: 1. CURA of 120 eggs - for hypertension, ulcers, digestive disorders, conjunctivitis, rashes, whooping cough, catalysing the development process of children, with everything involving this process. 2. CURE 240-EGGS - tuberculosis, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, allergies, asthma, anemia, impotence, gout, migraine, neurasthenia, obesity, dissolve cholesterol deposits and prevents others, prevents arteriosclerosis, nervous system regenerates etc. . What would such treatment? Eggs are administered in the morning instead of coffee (which should give during treatment for that time of day) before breakfast. It is advisable to be swallowed whole yolk raw and without salt, sugar or flavored. Because it's small, I break it in a soup spoon, letting it slip from the tongue to the esophagus. People that do not support this way I recommend mixing it with honey or fruit pulp. Breakfast will be served after about two hours, which is made preferably of cold food. In case of digestive diseases or severe anemia, breakfast can be served half an hour after egg content management. During treatment, drinking (alcohol) reduces therapeutic effects at least 50%. Treatment may be resumed after three weeks of rest - adults and children - after two or three months. There are several diagrams (graphs) treatment, depending on age, condition and - why not - the doctor's recommendation. Here below a few that I found in various sources and I noted. It is important to eat fresh eggs: 1. Diet of 60 eggs in 30 days for children between one and three years: You can take either two eggs daily. 2. Diet of 60 eggs in 20 days, for children between 4 and 7 years: It adminsitreaza three eggs daily. 3. Diet of 90 eggs in 30 days, for children between 8 and 10 years: You can take either three eggs daily. 4. Cure of 120 eggs in 32 days, children / adolescents between 11 and 15 years: In the first four days - three eggs per day; Between the 5th and 30th day - four eggs per day; In a 31-day - three eggs, and in the 32-day - an egg. 5. Cure of 120 eggs in 26 days for adults and adolescents 16 to 18 years: Observe the diagram below, only in the 25th and 26th day of taking three and two eggs per day. 6. Cure of 240 eggs in 50 days, only for adults: The first two days - three eggs per day; On the third day - four eggs per day; Since the fourth day until the 48th day inclusive - with five eggs per day; In the 49 th day - three eggs per day; In the 50 th day - two eggs per day. There is a recipe for preventing hair loss (baldness) and hair regeneration weakened: Take 10 quail egg yolks and mix until smooth with royal jelly (two vials), a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of yeast (a pinch). Allow to rise in a well-heated room for 24 hours. Wash your hair every night and, after drying, scalp pensuleaza paths formed by comb every five millimeters, if we can not afford to mow us all. Overnight, his head covered with a clean towel. Morning wash, preferably with chamomile tea. Remaining solution can be kept cold in the refrigerator until consumption.

Grapefruit Diet

Grapefruit Diet Launched in early?? 70, this system is based on the consumption of grapefruit and pineapple, alternating with other foods. The two basic elements: pineapple, grapefruit duration: 1 week Pounds lost: 2 to 3 contraindications prohibited people with urinary tract infections and those with diabetes structure ? For three days, you can eat only grapefruit or pineapple - juice or the fruit itself. ? In the other four days, allowing a varied diet that includes meat, eggs, fish and salads, cooked with very little oil, grapefruit (or pineapple) representing dessert. ? Are prohibited: sugar, alcohol and any other liquid calorie intake. advantages It is a diet rich in vitamin C, suitable for people? Picky?. disadvantages May not extend more than seven days, about arrangements to ensure fewer calories. For the duration of eliminate a lot of water, easily recovers lost weight. expert opinion Dr. George Sun Endocrinology MD, senior physician of internal medicine ? Extreme caution when you follow this diet, that is a semi-post. Is it true that grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, but a kilogram of the fruit body bring only 370 calories - far too little compared to what is absolutely necessary.??

Diet Pancake

Diet Pancake The first day: Breakfast: - A slice of bread smeared with a thin layer of butter - Not too fat 40g ham - Kiwi fruit First snack: - A slice of bread - A triangle melted cheese - A tomato thinly sliced, sprinkled with a little chopped dill Lunch: - Composition prepared from: 1 egg, 1 ˝ tablespoons flour, 5 tablespoons skim milk, water, a pinch of salt and herbs, is kept cool (refrigerator) for 1 ˝ - 2 hours filling is made from 100g small zucchini, a tomato and 2 leek roots, all cut to pieces; mixture thus formed fry in a teaspoon of oil and season to taste. Keep cool in composition to prepare a pancake in a teaspoon of oil. Before being folded, rinsed 30g grease with melted cheese, served with pancakes vegetables. Second snack: - A slice of bread - A triangle melted cheese - A tomato thinly sliced, cooked with a little chopped dill Dinner: - Salad made from 2 tomatoes, 2 roots of leeks, red pepper 100g, 40g cheese, mix adding a teaspoon of oil - Allow a slice of bread The next day: Breakfast: - 200g of low-fat yogurt - 2 mandarins and 1 apple, cut into cubes - 4 tablespoons of oatmeal - Pistachio First snack: - A small apple - A slice of bread Lunch: - Composition prepared from an egg, 1 ˝ tablespoons flour, 5 tablespoons milk, water, salt and chopped herbs. Mix well and keep for 1 ˝ - 2 hours in the refrigerator. 80g chicken breast cut into pieces, then fry in a teaspoon soy sauce in pan add 100g of chopped cabbage. Season to taste and keep warm. Keep cool in composition to prepare a pancake in a teaspoon of oil and then filled with a mixture of meat and vegetables. Second snack: - A small apple - A slice of bread Dinner: - It forms a cream 100g low-fat yogurt, a little leek cut into fine slices, 2 tablespoons sour cream, 4 slices of salami, then cut into strips and spicy taste. Spread the cream with a slice of bread.

Hypoglycemia Diet

Hypoglycemia Diet Very modern ... now praised by nutritionists because it contains everything we need sanatate.Este indicated disciplined people. Principle: To get the lowest rate of insulin in the blood, which corresponds to a very low blood sugar. Every meal should obtain a relationship between sugars (especially vegetables), protein (meat, fish, eggs, dairy) and grasimi.In While dietitians generally recommend to obtain 10-15% of energy from protein , 60% from carbohydrates and 25-30% from fat, 40% recommended hypoglycaemic regime from carbohydrates, 30% and 30% of grasimi.Baza dinproteine ​​this diet consists of protein combined with vegetables. What is the glycemic index (GI) This indicates that it has a potential to increase the rate of carbohydrate food in sange.Cu how this potential is greater, the food is harmful silhouette. It is a vicious circle: the more blood sugar increases more and the more often this happens, the hungrier we are - due to high rate of insulin. Weight and insulin gather to deal with storage,, safe'' to grasimii.Cel is therefore easier to limit intake of high GI foods. Drastically limited given the simple sugars, glucose mari.Regimul avoid oscillations, rich in protein, is indicated for those persons that traditional diets starve them. All foods have high nutritional value indicated: fish, poultry, tofu, yogurt, cheese, vegetables and grain products integrale.Acest regime is effective in women with silhouette,, para'' and contributes to the mass muscle. It is relatively difficult to follow because he met with just GI sites have different foods to obtain fair proportion between carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It requires some fancy cooking, because the food is not Fada. They are often hard to find sources of protein while not fat sources. How does diet? Low GI foods are chosen that keeps a low blood sugar and an optimal level of secretion of insulina.Nutrientii will give rise muscle mass and weight loss grasimii.Urmeaza not slow but sure.

Pineapple Diet

Pineapple Diet Here is the first one based diets pineapple that you are proposing: Did you know that pineapple contains substances that help burn fat and are very effective against cellulite? The reason is as follows: pineapple if fresh, contains enzymes that speed up metabolism. Moreover, the pineapple is rich in vitamins and minerals including iron, which is important for the production of red blood cells that carries oxygen through the body. It is therefore advisable to consume fresh pineapple when you follow a weight loss diet. To follow diet should use a fresh pineapple about a pound. Always cut portion indicated and the rest covered with foil - it will keep vitamins. You can follow the diet one day a week to reduce caloric contribution and to cleanse the body in a mild detox. Breakfast: Cereal with pineapple (300 g pineapple). Clean and then cut the fruit into pieces. Add 3 tablespoons of cereal (6 grams) and 2 tablespoons of orange juice. Calories: 100 ml pineapple juice (not sweetened course!) With 1/8 liters of mineral water. Lunch with pineapple green: clean 250 grams of pineapple and cut them into pieces. Wash a bell pepper and cut it and on it. May add 2 small onions 50 grams of other vegetables. Fry green pepper, onions and vegetables in a tablespoon of olive oil. Add pineapple and leave them at a medium heat for 3 minutes. Season with pepper and curry. Fresh pineapple 150 grams. Dinner: salad, pineapple and mushrooms. Clean 300 grams of pineapple and cut them into pieces. Wash 100 grams of mushrooms and cut them and on them. Then add 30 grams of sliced ​​turkey and mix slim. Season salad with a tablespoon nonfat mayonnaise, a teaspoon of fresh parsley and pepper. Bon appetite! Remember though that these are easy diet. If you need a weight loss diet, call yourself a nutritionist who will advise you and will be with you, keeping you under observation.

Weight loss diet cabbage soup - 7 days - 5-7 kg

Weight loss diet cabbage soup - 7 days - 5-7 kg How prepare cabbage soup? Choose some medium onions, 2 bell peppers, 1 medium or 2 small cabbage, 2 cans of tomato sauce, salt and pepper to taste, 1 cube of knorr, celery leaves, chilli (if you like spicy food) and parsley . Put all this cleaned and cut in a pot with water enough to cover. Cook 10 minutes on high heat for 2 hours then low heat. Then consume as much. You hungry and is quite tasty. How is your diet? Diet is recommended to you for 7 days at the end of which, if you cheat, you can lose weight from 5 to 7 kg. On the first day, besides cabbage soup, you have allowed to eat as many fruits and drink a lot want water. The next day, combine cabbage soup with vegetables and water, but be careful to avoid vegetables such as beans, peas, potatoes and corn. The third day you will both fruits and vegetables. And bineintels more soup and water. The fourth day eat 3 bananas and soup. Do not forget the water. The fifth day you can have 800 grams of beef or chicken broth and lots and lots of water. On the sixth day you can eat besides boiled rice soup that you've already used. What was the seventh day and last in fact you can eat more soup and grilled fish. If you feel you are losing too much weight in the first few days, discontinue the diet for 2 days and then take it again. Please do not keep this diet for more than a week. If you still want to lose more than 7 pounds, you can take a break for a week and then take it over again. There remains only to wish you luck.

Dissociated diet

Dissociated diet This scheme is known ... 100 years, was looked several times and each time rediscovered, with some adaptations. Principle: Proponents of this diet claim that digestion is hindered by concomitant ingestion of protein that the body produces acids, and carbohydrates, generating baze.Rezultatul this faulty digestion is weight gain. If you combine in one meal only certain categories of nutrients, then we facilitate digestion and weight loss is easier. Food cleavage principle starts from the premise that proteins (acidifying) and carbohydrates (which generates bases) are each in the process of digestie.Din mind that because these two food groups should be eaten positive separat.Efectul such body is constantly supplied with substances important and you will always feel good in shape. How to dissociate food? Combinations indicated: 1.alimente protein food group group group 2.alimente neutral sugars Warning: Some followers of this diet divide food differently than we used to share. Thus, for them to group proteins in bread, whole grain products, potatoes and some vegetables and fruits - even beer! Neutral in food group can be found in some diets and fats, dairy products and cheese fatty acid, raw meat, smoked fish and some vegetables (lettuce, mushrooms, herbs, peanuts and walnuts), and even yeast! Pros and cons: PRO: It is recommended that people first bad eating habits as they start to think (perhaps for the first time) what mananca.Rontaitul disappears randomly between meals. Typically reduce energy intake because eating vegetables is encouraged at the expense of fat. AGAINST: Given that starvation is prohibited, permitted any amount of food, the only condition to be dissociated. So the risk appears to eat enormously and therefore gain weight!'s Hard to keep correct daily intake of calcium.