Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hypercholesterolemia. A healthy diet for the heart.

Hypercholesterolemia. A healthy diet for the heart. A healthy diet can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, and thus heart disease. If the stenosis (narrowing) of the arteries has begun, a proper diet can slow the process. Lifestyle changes may stop or reverse the stenosis of the arteries. This diet is important for those with risk factors for heart disease, but it is essential for those who have suffered a myocardial infarction or in patients who underwent an intervention to restore coronary blood flow, such as angioplasty or bypass surgery. Prevention of coronary restenosis after these interventions can be done by a few lifestyle changes. Heart healthy diet A heart healthy diet is an effective method to reduce and even eliminate some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This can reduce total cholesterol and LDL fraction ("bad" cholesterol), blood pressure, blood glucose and body weight. Most diets focus only on foods are prohibited and less on those that are allowed. Thus, an effective strategy will focus mainly on alimetele that can be consumed and less on those that are not allowed. Studies have shown that in the diet of healthy foods for the heart is as important as the removal of which can increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Below are five nutritional strategies for reducing serum cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease: - Eating large amounts of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. These wonders of nature are the most powerful weapon in the fight against cardiovascular disease - Careful selection of the calories coming from fat. The main aims are to limit the amount of total fat intake, consuming minimal amounts of saturated fats (butter, salad dressings, sweets), use monounsaturated fats (olive oil or nuts) - Eating protein. The most common protein are meat and dairy products, which are the most dangerous for the heart. Eat protein is another origin, such as vegetable or fish - Limit your intake of cholesterol. Cholesterol in foods can raise cholesterol levels, especially in people at risk. Limiting food intake lowers cholesterol saturated fat consumption. Required daily calories can be obtained from complex carbohydrates (such as pasta and whole wheat bread, brown rice), limiting intake of simple carbohydrates (such as soft drinks, sugar, sweets). Where one hypercholesterolemia, these simple carbohydrates will exacerbate serum cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease - Meal compliance program. Skipping a meal can lead to obesity. For some, eating five or six snacks help control blood pressure, blood glucose levels and maintain balanced metabolism. This scheme might not work in people who are accustomed to eat more than necessary during the day, they are recommending a balanced menu with three main meals. It was created for physical activity. Exercise strengthens the heart muscle (myocardium), improves blood flow, lowers blood pressure, increases blood levels of HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) and help control blood glucose and weight - Hydration. Water is vital for life. A proper hydration increases the person's energy level and reduces the food consumed. The Eat 1 to 2 liters of water daily (unless your doctor has not imposed fluid restriction) - Enjoy every bite. It should be everyone's motto. Pleasure of eating will be more optimistic person.

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