Sunday, August 5, 2012

Natural treatment for breast cancer and mammary dysplasia

Natural treatment for breast cancer and mammary dysplasia Anti-cancer recipe   * Apply the poultice hot polenta on the breast for at least 10 days or until the disease disappears. For this, there will be a stronger polenta. Cut a piece of cloth enough to cover the affected area. Place polenta on canvas, layer of 3-4 cm. Surface applied to the skin, will put incense in a thin layer (if thicker, it will stick or cause injury) or sulfur dust. Apply as hot (not burns), every night, until disappearance of the disease. * Apply the poultice alternative to comfrey root. Boil in 250 ml water 2 tablespoons chopped root. Poultices are a piece of cloth, which is applied to the breast with herb all. From time to time, moisten with liquid, not dry. * Applications with bacon, especially rancid, which is cut into thin slices and apply on affected area. Then put a piece of nylon, not stain sheets. If there are lumps under the arm, they will be treated as those of the breast. * Treatment for enhancing immunity. Two bottles of Echinacea tincture will be poured over 100 g of bee pollen, which is placed in a 800 g jar with lid. Leave for 2 hours to soften the pollen shell will break every grauncior pollen with a wooden spoon. Pollen than broken, pour honey jar to fill poly. Will be mixed each time before use, because it tends to stratify. Take one tablespoon three times a day. People who have extra weight will be taken before meals (curb appetite), and the poor, after meals. * It may take 2 teaspoons each of yeast daily to supplement the food and give your body enough vitamins, especially in group B. It is forbidden to eat fatty meats, smoked, canned, food additives, preservatives and dyes. We recommend more food raw vegetable, rich in vitamins, the body needs in this situation.

Chronic allergy natural treatment

Chronic allergy natural treatment Combined infusion of three brothers-stained (50 g) and foot-gang (50 g). Both the machine grind meat plants (plants of Plafar), then add grist in a paper bag. Evening 2 teaspoons of herb and put in a cup of water. Are held until morning, at room temperature. Take another 2 teaspoons of ground plants, is brewed with boiling water (250 ml) and cover 15 minutes. Both filter and mix. It will get about 450 ml of tea. Sweetened with honey and drink daily. Very important is to let the tea boil 15 minutes to get under 45gr.C temperature when mixed with macerate it and when you put honey, otherwise destroy enzymes. The tea tastes good and very effective in allergies. Addition, pour into a jar with lid 100 g pollen), which is poured over a bottle of tincture of echinacea. Mix well and add 1-2 tablespoons of alcohol (87gr.) solution, some alcohol two parts water. EXIN is necessary to melt that surrounds pollen. Once completely melted, stir well pollen, shattering the remaining berries with a spoon. It will add honey poly, to fill the jar. Mix well. Administer 1 teaspoon (1 teaspoon in children) after breakfast, the first week. In the second week, giving a teaspoon morning and afternoon. In the third week and ends up the jar, it will consume one teaspoon after each main meal. This cure is simply wonderful and preparation, and to manage (much easier than some injections) and very effective, especially if taken together and made ​​tea as I said above. But do not use sugar, but honey poly.

Complex natural treatment for genital herpes

Complex natural treatment for genital herpes As a first measure will be to eliminate foods that promote relapse herpes, especially meats, alcohol, tobacco, foods high in saturated fats, fried foods, foods with synthetic preservatives and various additives (E numbers), which weaken immunity. It will adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet, with as many vegetables and fruits, mostly raw, as indicated parsley, dill, cabbage and lettuce, garlic, prepared salads with added olive oil and apple vinegar, apple juice and grapefruit juice mixed with honey and soak several hours. You can eat: white beans, boiled potatoes, corn, yeast, cheese, preferably heat-treated, 20-30 g wheat bran, than liver.   Give up on peanuts, chocolate, peas, nuts, beer, containing arginine, which causes the virus multiplying. The seasoning will use cumin, coriander, anise, fennel, mint, avoiding paprika, pepper, salt excess favors the appearance of herpes. Apple cider vinegar with honey consumed daily in salads or a separate glass half teaspoon water helps healing. * Treatment with Aloe Vera products: Aloe Vera gel, capsule form. It is administered as indicated in the prospectus Aloe Vera gel ointment for external applications, and soap with aloe vera gel for local hygiene. For external treatment can be used and the content of the leaf of Aloe Vera jelly that is applied to herpes sores, every hour, or morning and evening components of the gel destroying plant virus in less than 72 hours. The affected area can put lemon juice diluted with water. * Treatment with bee products - have strong antiviral effects, antimicrobial, antifungal and antiparasitic. Tincture propolis - take half a teaspoon diluted in a little honey and water, three times daily before meals. Externally, propolis tincture applied locally 4-6 times, and between applications, are anointing with propolis ointment, twice, and royal jelly powder, mixed with honey after each application of propolis tincture. Royal is taken internally, sublingually. Apilarnil take 0.5-1 g per day, and pollen 7.10 g, three times a day with yogurt and honey, after meals. * Treatment with garlic ointment - applied several times daily in a thin layer on affected area. The ointment is made from garlic and salted pork lard, boil 3 hours on water bath. Lard is put in double the amount of garlic. After boiling, strain the mixture and put in little boxes. You can make an ointment of one teaspoon of tincture of propolis, a half teaspoon of tincture of garlic and 4-5 tablespoons of organic honey. The mixture is applied on the affected area several days to heal. This treatment of 7 days with 7 days rest is very effective in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. In parallel to one of the treatments listed above to facilitate healing and boost immunity, can be used internally on herbal teas or tinctures. * Birch Bark - decoction of 2 teaspoons in 250 ml water, boil 20 minutes on low heat, let stand 3 o'clock pot covered, then strain. Drink 2 cups of tea drunk in small sips during the day for 7 days, with very powerful effects of improved antiviral immunity and especially against herpes virus.   * Rostopasca - infused with a teaspoon of crushed herb, fresh or dried, 250 ml boiling water. Take a tablespoon to 3 hours during the day, and local, to relieve pain are buffering several times a day. * Black poplar buds - buds infused with a teaspoon of minced in 250 ml boiling water, cover the dish and filtered after 15 minutes. You can drink 2-3 cups a day and a buffer area herpes are several times a day. * Shock fruit tincture - take one teaspoon 3-4 times per day, diluted in half a glass of water for at least 30 days. It has diuretic, depurative, stimulating bowel movements, remove toxins from the body and inhibit the growth of herpes virus. Measures to prevent infection and reinfection with herpes. Avoid contact with sick people and objects used by them, wash your hands if they touched cold sores, prevent reinfection by underwear, avoiding triggers, calling the remedies as soon as they found new signs of getting herpes.

Natural treatment against paralysis

Natural treatment against paralysis For seven years, I was paralyzed on the right and I was bedridden. Entering into possession of a natural prescription, I began treatment with packing mountain fan, which makes miracles. They are 10 sessions of 30 minutes. Procedure: make hay from the mountain (if using shake is more effective). Are made from molton bag (a clean cloth) to thin. Bring to boil 5-6 kg of hay and after boiled, soak the bag in hot infusion. Squeeze a little patient and placed in that bag, but can withstand the heat. Pack it well, do not get any power for 30 minutes. Attention! Starting treatment, the patient must have good tests: blood, heart, liver samples. If they do not, not recommended procedure. Along with treatment, and gymnastics should be allowed and to avoid any power. After treatment with fan, 85 years and today I feel great. Daily go through every 6 km away, every morning.

Natural treatment for malignant tumors

Natural treatment for malignant tumors A malignant tumor is more likely to heal, if treated with fresh plantain leaves scattered, applied to the diseased areas. Treatment is effective and marjoram (preferably fresh). A good handful of finely chop the plant and put it into a glass, add olive oil as include plant and let it soak for 10 days in warm place. Macerate is used to anoint the diseased gland. Then apply scattered plantain leaves and tied with a clean cotton cloth. Morning, apply a poultice with horsetail - two handfuls of the plant is put into a sieve over a bowl of boiling water, boil into steam plant until softened, is wrapped in a cloth and apply on site suffering. Keep two hours (in severe cases, apply twice a day - an afternoon). It indicated that the patient stay hot and sweaty. At lunch, apply a compress with Swedish bitters, after, in advance, to the affected smeared with pork fat or cream marigold. The compress is held for 4 hours. Above, place a dry cloth and plastic, do not stain. After removing the dressing, the powdered skin to prevent itching. Internally, 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner, drink one cup of horsetail tea. During the day, drink 1.5 to 2 liters of tea plants following mixture: 300 g marigold, horsetail 100 g, 100 g nettle. Every cup of tea add 3-5 drops of juice-rabbit watercress.

Recipe for ulcer healing and eradication of Helicobacter pilory

Recipe for ulcer healing and eradication of Helicobacter pilory Tips for stomach diseases   Aloe Vera Drink wine, homemade, you, at least 3-4 times a year. I am here in Italy, a culture of aloe vera and prepared to come and Italians. Put to soak together seven lemons, 3/4 kg aloe (can be of ours, but older than three years), 1 liter of good wine, treated, preferably red, and 1 1/2 kg poly honey. Give all mincer and after three weeks you can drink one glass of brandy, half an hour before meals. Speeding up digestion and healing ulcers of the stomach I have prepared my house Swedish bitters, made ​​with alcohol 70gr. specific plants and diseases of the stomach (acacia, calamus, comfrey, marshmallow, dandelion, chicory, milfoil, horsetail). Place all herbs in a jar, pour brandy over each cake clean, about 3/4, and the rest - 90gr alcohol .. Keep the jar in the sun and shake every day. After 15 days, you can drink a teaspoon or two in a glass of water, always before main meals.

Against acidity and bloating

Against acidity and bloating Take Algo clay of Mr. Mircea Bocan. I'll buy in Italy, but is found in pharmacies and plafaruri in Romania. Place in a glass of water a teaspoon (or wooden spoon to be plastic) with peak clay, mix and drink the whole slurry, after leaving zatul. In the first two weeks, drink 10 to 12 teaspoons a day, after meals, it begins digesting and then drink 3-4 tablespoons per day. Make a break after 2-3 months, then resume dose of 10-12 teaspoons a day shock. Break does not exceed 10-15 days. Not recommended for patients with liver disease. When you burn more wrong diet and, taking up to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Meals are taken in silence, will chew long. Try to avoid stress and conflict. The stomach is the second brain. In conclusion: meat twice a week, eggs twice and twice over. All can be combined with vegetables cooked separately. Also, eat rice and legumes. In the evening, eat boiled potatoes, vegetables, generally, a little cheese or an egg. There never combine meat, cheese, eggs, bread. You can eat salads, but test them first by dissociation. Lettuce is indigestible, also cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes produce acid, onion and garlic are hard to digest. Morning, at breakfast - almond seed, sunflower seeds, a boiled potato and a glass of raw milk (pasteurized), warmed slightly. Tips for stomach diseases   You will ask then why do they live? We do not live to eat, but eat to live. And then, life is beautiful, we have other joys (child smile, love of love, caressing wind, the snowflakes, colorful flowers, sunset). I, one, I had everything to gain from this arrangement. I do not have reflux, stomach pain, ulcers, headaches, good analyzes (triglycerides, cholesterol) that had reached the stars before, sleep well, without two or three pillows under her head, no longer swollen, I got rid of Helicobacter pylori, we escaped osteoarthritis that bug me, I dissolved a large lipoma and how bad a blow which it had under the left breast, and I got rid of 5 kg extra. Besides diet, not taking any medication.

Prevention of tooth decay

Prevention of tooth decay I want to refer to this scourge of our times, which is tooth decay that affects the entire population, regardless of age and, in particular, to prevent dental caries. By age 40, I brush your teeth morning and evening, with toothpastes that were then in trade. However, we went through the ordeal plombarii teeth decay occurred because we lost about half of the masses. Then we decided to try other methods of prevention. My grandparents Valcea County, know that parsley infusion was used frequently in their family, with very good results for washing mouth and prevent cavities. In the past 20 years, I have applied this method, so all this time I did not appeared any dental caries and have not had problems with the dentist. Here's how I proceeded: to make an infusion of 1-2 tablespoons of parsley (chopped dried leaves), or 3-4 tablespoons parsley, chopped green leaves, 250 ml boiling water. After cooling, the refrigerator is placed in the morning and at bedtime, soak your toothbrush in the liquid and brush teeth and rinse your mouth after brushing is all that the infusion. During the day, after every meal is mouth rinsing with the same infusion, pushing through a strong teeth. A more concentrated infusion is even better. For dental infections, abscesses after dental extractions is recommended gargling with an infusion of highly concentrated. Although this remedy has been practiced since ancient times and me and me was very useful, I asked the question why parsley is successful in the prevention of dental caries? The answer I found in a plant book. Parsley is a powerful antiseptic that kills organisms that attack tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. It strengthens tooth enamel, the fluoride content and rich in calcium, forming a protective film, very strong, the tooth surface. With the highest esteem and consideration,

Natural treatment for hepatitis

Natural treatment for hepatitis Turmeric powder is found or, rarely, the whole root form. Looks like a small carrot root, but very tough. Cut and put in coffee grinder machine to grind it fine. A pinch of this powder is put into a cup and pour boiling water over it 100 ml. Allow 10 minutes and then drink in small sips. It is good to drink in the morning on an empty stomach, and the powder to be kept in a dark jar and protected from light. After one month, you will find wonder: massive loss of viral concentration, and after a few months, complete disappearance of Virsa. I think in Romania find this root in stores (restaurants) Indian profile. Do not buy turmeric powder, because it exists in some additions. Alcohol is banned completely. Replace vinegar salad with lemon juice, drink less coffee, do not eat fried foods, smoked meat and let your smoking and enjoy life. It would be better once you do and taking milk thistle seed, you find the Plafar. A teaspoon of seeds in coffee grinder grind, the resulting powder is put into a cup and infuses for 10 minutes. After drinking the infusion of turmeric, milk thistle infusion drink immediately. I thought that this remedy that I confided to you the most beautiful trinket that you can provide those who suffer from this type of hepatitis. I think it would be bad as hepatitis B sufferers to seek treatment.

Egg popular treatment for skin diseases and eczema

Egg popular treatment for skin diseases and eczema I would like to make available the following popular treatment for people suffering from skin diseases, eczema, etc.. Say that was followed by a successful former colleague, who escaped a powerful eczema associated with vitiligo. Say that vitiligo has improved. Not healed, but improved. I wish them all success! Treatment consists of fixed dressings or bandages, applied an ointment made ​​from very hard-boiled egg yolk, then heated in a candle flame. How about here: the yolk is stick a fork or a knitting needle, and keep the flame of the candle. Heated yolk give drops of "juice", to be gathered on a plate or cup. As you can see the fire fried yolk drop increases, put a bowl underneath. How fail the first drop, you expect the next one. It takes time, but precious ointment is obtained as unsuccessful. The amount of eggs is chosen depending on the surface of skin touched by disease, eczema. Sometimes two eggs are sufficient, sometimes a hundred eggs, and only twelve. The obtained ointment, grease a sterile gauze and apply the sick place. It changes every day or, even better, every two days. Do not bandage fix than if the person has to work, absorbs the precious ointment. When using the bandage, to use a wax paper, to prevent absorption of the ointment gauze and fluff. To continue treatment with patience and confidence. Cures are safe and without recurrence, non-toxic, permanent.

External treatments with urine

External treatments with urine Among which will send you some recipes tested me and my friends, with good results. Although urine is considered a "disgrace", she is a first aid in many health problems. Proof are the remedies that follow and that I have experienced help. Urine as cosmetic Every morning, I put my eye a few drops of urine and also anoint my face, neck and hands. On July 3 I turned 47 and I have no neck crease, no wrinkle on your face, my eyes are expressive (I cured this way of conjunctivitis, and the other friends I cured the other eye infections), diopters I dropped my lips are always soft, red (without me ever be trimmed), I have no chimney, no stain, a perfect. After half an hour, wash my seats smeared with lime tea. General Bai urine Two to three times a summer general take a bath with urine. In an enameled pot, collect urine for three days, which warms to body temperature, put in a large bowl and sponge anoint my body for half an hour (urine cools very hard), after starting to rub my skin and especially elbows, knees, heels, toes. You can not imagine why take off the skin, many impurities that no soap in the world not out. After such a bath actually leaves you skin pink, smooth as a baby. Bai against perspiration of the feet All urine collected three days and warm foot baths can be made against perspiration odor, then put them in socks feet wet, covered with bags to put over other socks. For seven bathrooms need about three weeks, but is guaranteed. Also during these baths (which should last half an hour) who have corns get rid of them without any problem. Soften and loose one.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Natural treatment for hemorrhoids

Natural treatment for hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are a condition where the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen. This condition can be caused by constant tension occurring during defecation or by other factors such as pregnancy, obesity, chronic constipation or diarrhea, and anal sex older. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external and, depending on their severity, can be four ways. Healthy bowel - The best way to solve the problem is to treat the cause, in case seats countries are responsible for hemorrhoids. Try to have softer seats, and they will damage the already less irritated and swollen veins in the anus. This can be achieved by drinking plenty of fluids and have a diet rich in fiber. You can increase fiber in your menu eating fruit and vegetables, whole grains and cereal products. Increase the amount of fiber in your diet gradually to avoid any problem of flatulence. You can try to lower hardness certain seats or natural fiber supplements, after you have consulted your specialist. If you are already taking fiber supplements, make sure you drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day to avoid constipation. Lubrication - In attempts to have softer stools by increasing water consumption and fiber to make the process easier defecation, you can pat the anal area with petroleum jelly. This will be more at ease bowel movements. Toilet Training - Time to learn some techniques to delete after defecation process. Dry toilet paper can be harsh and will irritate hemorrhoids. Always use toilet paper without perfume and colorless, and before deletion wet paper with a little water. Although hemorrhoids can cause scratching, do not scratch, because it can lead to further deterioration of delicate vein walls. Sitz bath - Relax in a hot water bath, with knees raised about 7-10 cm, it is one of the popular and effective remedies against hemorrhoids. Sitting in warm water two or three times a day helps not only pain relief, but will increase blood flow to the anal region, which helps reduce swelling. Hamamelis (winter flower) - If you have external bleeding caused by hemorrhoids, witch hazel in the region apply the disinfectant of rectum with a cotton ball. Other foods - Check the salt and other foods like strong spices, coffee, cola and beer as they can aggravate the symptoms. Physical activity - Stay active but avoid lifting and moving loads. Easy and simple exercises can reduce pressure on veins, can help relieve constipation and losing excess weight.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Natural treatment for lung cancer

Natural treatment for lung cancer It is a common form of cancer that produces bloody sputum cough, often hemoptysis, dyspnea, feeling of thoracic oppression, sometimes stabbing. first the cough is dry, sore throat and feeling is loaded lung. Sputum color is pelteaua currant. Weakens the patient. The most important factor in cancer is smoking. Matter the amount of cigarettes smoked per day, but get sick and those who do not smoke but are in environmental tobacco smoke. Main agent of cigarette that is guilty is benzpirenul. Carcinogens from both tobacco and the cigarette paper. Other favorable factors are inhalation of toxic substances and carcinogens atmospheric air pollution (smoke stacks removed by plants, exhaust gases). Is spreading rapidly evolving in the distance. • For spots on the lungs following recipe worked. The maceration for 8 days, 1 kg grated horseradish root in 1 kg of honey. Stir the contents once a day. Take 1 tablespoon every morning fasting steep and drink a cup of this tea. After 1 h eat breakfast. • infusion of pine mistletoe, both men and women. Drink a cup / day in 3-4 rounds. It is good for the nose. • For tumor pleura: - To ban smoking, alcohol, coffee. Keep diet focused on vegetables and fruits; - Tea, red clover, burdock root, dandelion root, equal parts - 3 cups / day; - Infusion of sudden disaster (geranium robertianum) called "beak Cucoara" pen, oregano, which is a sure remedy for all types of cancer - especially in inflammatory and tumor lung and pleura; - Pure aloe vera gel - regenerate organs, detoxifies the body. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends garlic juice (10-30 ml each, 2 times / day) and infusion of 9 g licorice (Radix liquiritia) to 200 ml water. Drink 3 cups / day. You are not well clarified. I suppose after The Latin name, as it is another species of plant than "Licorice" used in our traditional recipes, which were not indicated warned that those with predisposition to tumors. • Drink 4 cups / day milfoil tea and morning and evening, with 1/2 h before meals, horsetail tea. Maceration is calamus root (root 1 teaspoon / 1 cup water - let 12 h). Soak liquid tea mix with tail - mouse and during the day, chew calamus root. Then spit the remains. in painful crises, apply compresses night Horsetail steam (steam plant put in colander over a pot of boiling water). Plants hot and put a soft canvas that is applied to sore places. Day, for 4 h put compresses on the Swedish pulmonary region, and possibly back. • Rudolf Breuss indicate: warm tea of ​​Plantain (2 l / day), muscle Stone Mountain, plamanarica, candles and ivy. Tuberculosis is also swallowed once / day plantain seeds. • urine therapy (100 ml of urine in the morning, but the middle), bran soup. Comfrey is highly toxic, so take caution in use. But the good results that has given us to cure cancer reproduce the Formula As magazine, no. 354/22 March 1999 Mr Sandu recipe on Cornea of ​​Brasov. It is up to you if you will experience. The recipe is practiced in Kyrgyzstan and confirmed by the Institute of Oncology in Moscow. Here's the recipe: 1.5 kg crushed comfrey root through meat grinder, mixed with 2.2 kg of honey (acacia flowers) and a 3.5 13-18 ° red wine. The preparation is put in glass jar, close tightly and store five days away from light. Usage: Take 1 teaspoon, 3 times / day, before meals, 2 h earlier for five days, and then 1 teaspoon, before main meals, but only 1 h for 2-3 weeks and if even 1-2 months. The same mixture, the same doses, Mr. Sandu Cornea recommend them to other diseases: influenza, angina, tonsillitis, thrombophlebitis, eczema, multiple sclerosis, fatigue, rheumatism,

Natural treatment for thyroid cancer

Natural treatment for thyroid cancer     Eat a cup a day to soak the oak mistletoe in man and the apple woman. Drink in 3-4 rounds. The alternative gargle with tea Dragaica and mallow. The same plants are put compresses at night or with fresh herbs porridge, porridge or with debris from tea, mixed with oatmeal, apply compresses Horsetail steam heated (2 h) and compresses with Swedish bitters (4 h) 1.5 1 Drink tea: marigold + tail -millefolium + nettle (equal parts). Tea is drunk slowly throughout the day. add 3 tablespoons Swedish bitters and drink before and after lunch decoction 10 min. seed The MOTUL ground-turkey (1 tsp / cup - 3 cups / day) + cataplasm; infusion tourists; pelinarita powder - 3 tsp / day with water + honey poultices chrysanthemums (leaves and flowers) + crushed pepper (1 part chrysanthemums / 2 parts pepper) + salt coarse. Cure is clay and clay poultices applied. Take 3 tablespoons powdered thorn / day for 3 weeks with 10 days rest. To be taken 3 times / day powder sublingual sudden disaster that will be held at least 7 min., Then swallow with water. The courses are long.

Natural treatment testicular and prostate cancer

Natural treatment testicular and prostate cancer     • Willow tea is prepared by maceration (4 teaspoons pulbere/1/2 a water over night) and infusion (plant scald remaining after filtering with a half a liter of boiling water, then leave to cool). Mix the two extracts. Drink every 3 cups / day on an empty stomach for a long time. Tea imunostimulente effects and antitumo-ments of the genital and urinary tracts. • pedicle, hypericum oil, marjoram oil - frectii, Willow tea. • The compress with horsetail, calendula ointment, then compresses with Swedish bitters. • Rudolf Breuss recommends: 2 cups cold infusion of wicker, 1/2 cup vegetable juice before meals, drink slowly. After 42 days of juice and tea, a light diet for 2-4 weeks (oatmeal soup, vegetable, vegetables, 3 times / day bio-fortified yeast tablets). Cure is effective in arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis. Then drink sage tea, tea for the kidneys. Drink unsweetened tea. At 3-4 days, baths with horsetail, flowers oat hay or straw. Apple juice drink alone, no vegetables. Not taking medications are not rays. • Tea of ​​sudden disaster (oregano, pen) - Geranium robertianum. Use 2 tablespoons herb / 500 ml water - no more, otherwise it becomes toxic. Boil 10 minutes. low heat. Drink one cup 3 times / day, sip by sip. • Drink 3 cups / day in decoction 20 min. (Liquid drops in half) 2 teaspoons of comfrey root powder to 500 ml water. It is a tincture of comfrey root of 20 g of chopped and covered with 90 ml of alcohol of 70 °. Allow 10-15 days, shaking occasionally. Take 10-20 drops before each meal. • Treatment with petroleum distillates: morning on an empty stomach, take one tablespoon of oil. For an hour not eat. The patient is lying on the right, stay 10 min., Then left, all 10 minutes. This movement is repeated 1-2 times. Evening will eat after dinner, a teaspoon of oil. Can sleep in any position. Treatment lasts 5 weeks. Results begin to appear after 10-12 days. Do not drink alcohol. Evening drink a tablespoon of pumpkin oil. Bee products: pollen (10 g after each meal - total 30 g) and honey, min 3 months, in all forms of cancer. Rich in water - 2 liters / zi.Bogata in fruits and vegetables 2 servings fruit + 4 vegetable servings / day. Reduced fat - saturated fat minimum, no margarine molecule. Low in cholesterol. Low in alcohol. Low in caffeine. Daily: - Green tea; - 3 ripe tomatoes in a little olive oil 5 times / week, because it contains lycopene concentrate, a powerful antioxidant, traps free radicals and regulates lymphocyte proliferation; - March 1 at least daily; - 2 times / day: pumpkin seeds, sunflower kernels, peanuts; - St. John's Wort tea and calendula; - Daily - soy. NO - Soy-Souci (soy sauce has salt), Soybean sheep, pork, beef, eggs, YES - over (unlimited), and possibly poultry, seaweed; - Fruits and vegetables of different colors: yellow, green, red (beets), etc.. Some substances are carcinogenic after metabolic activation-enzyme. So are aromatic hydrocarbons (bezantracen, dibenzantracen, benzopirenul, metilcolantren). Mechanism is exercised primarily through DNA, especially in localized scrotal and lung carcinogenesis. After metabolic conversion by the same mechanism works and some aromatic amines and azocoloranti. Product estrogen DES (diethylstilbestrol) is capable of that, besides its beneficial effects in prostate carcinoma, to generate the male breast cancer (Elements of General Oncology - Trestioreanu). Cryptorchid testes (lack of) were more often in cancer, probably by higher intra-abdominal temperature (leading to hormonal dereglaj). The mechanism of cancer because of hormones is not known, but admits it comes to spontaneous mutations and chromosomal abnormalities occurred in cells 'target' endocrine, with rapid expansion and division of clones to become neoplastic. Testicular cancer is characterized beginning with volume growth and pain. In prostate cancer, urinary disturbances occur with low pressure of urine, blood appears in urine, anorexia, frequent urination at night, weight loss. • infusion of oak mistletoe, a cup / day in 3-4 rounds. Mr. Motoroiu Cristian, who was cured of the disease, recommended Formula I, no. 406 following treatment: • tea mix equal parts of: milfoil, horsetail, wolf's claw, marigold, peach-fuzz ita. Drink daily. • meat free diet, fat, preservatives, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, vinegar, sugar. in case of prostate cancer, the American Medical experience has shown the beneficial effect of simultaneous consumption of tomatoes and broccoli. And regular consumption of tomatoes only reduces risk of prostate cancer. • Once every three months, vegetable juice diet for 10 days. Drink daily: 1 kg beetroot juice, 300 g of parsley juice, apple juice 300 g, 300 g carrot juice, celery juice and 500 g of bees Pastura. • Once every 6 months is a cure of hellebore: 1.2501 boiling water in place 7 teaspoons of hellebore, boil 5 min., Then strain. Drink progressively: first day of a teaspoon morning, noon and a teaspoon teaspoon evening, increasing to 20 teaspoons on the twentieth day. Daily infusion of mistletoe. For BPH: tincture of propolis (30 g/200 ml of 96 ° alcohol, macerated 30 days). In the evening, take 10 drops of honey for 10 days, 5 days break. Simultaneously, all night, drink unsweetened tea (infusion) of leaves of elm (5-6 ml frunze/250 water) for 10 days with 5 days break. Treatment is repeated. "Prostate forces" and "Prostatin". You can follow and treat with "apple-wolf" from "intestinal cancer." For BPH Willow tincture is used, which is prepared as follows: a jar half filled with powder Willow pour alcohol of 70 ° to the top. It well off and let soak for 10 days, then filter and pour in bottles closed in color. It takes 4 times / day for one teaspoon diluted with water on an empty stomach, min. 3 months.

Stomach cancer natural treatment

Stomach cancer natural treatment     Gastric cancer, most commonly causes pain in the stomach. It differs from ulcers because it is not synchronous with food, but has an irregular and progressively. Comes with: weight loss, loss of appetite (especially for meat), nausea and vomiting of coffee looking yeast, black stool, pain. Factors that promote gastric cancer are: food, tobacco and alcohol, plus stress, an essential element in all types of cancer. About 77% of gastric cancer patients ate fried fatty meat. Must carefully because dietary fat fried abuse while no factors favoring dairy together strengthen you cancer. Fried fat causes gastric secretion disorders (acting carcinogen), and the lack of choline in milk protective action on gastric mucosa, strengthen this. It adds other favorable factors such as how irrational the preparation of food, irregular meals, stress, poor dentition, etc.. In addition, 92% of gastric cancer patients are older smokers, and 42% alcohol. • infusion of mistletoe, oak and apple from man to woman, 1 cup / day in 3-4 rounds. • It indicates, in painful crises, steam compresses applied to the stomach horsetail (night) and compresses with Swedish bitters (day), compresses hay decoction jerk (2 h). • In case of cancer without metastasis, the wormwood tea and Fairies. • Infusion of the mixture in equal parts: milfoil, hypericum, tourists, large and horsetail (2-3 tablespoons / 1 1 water). It is also effective calamus macerate. Another mixture (equal parts) of plants: calendula, St. John's wort, calamus, comfrey, sage, sudden disaster, red clover. It may take a teaspoon powder with at least 30 min. before meals, 3-4 times / day, held sublingually few minutes, then swallow with water. • to do therapy with bee products: honey, propolis, apilarnil, royal jelly, pollen, etc.. • Drink 1 1/2 1 tea from: marigold + Stinging nettle (indicated, fresh, in equal amounts). Tea is drunk slowly throughout the day, tea or tintaura wormwood (Infusion 3 min.). If you are nervous stomach, Rudolf Breuss recommends valerian tea to boil 3 minutes. and mixed with wormwood. • In early gastric cancer help-rabbit watercress fresh juice, 3-5 drops in tea. • juice of nettle, dandelion and plantain milfoil - every hour take a sip each. • You should eat cabbage leaf juice. • In case of abdominal tumor, to drink whey. • Product "Biovital" green barley extract.

Natural treatment of blood cancer (leukemia)

Natural treatment of blood cancer (leukemia)     - Malignant disease of the blood. Is manifested by the synthesis of large numbers of white blood uncontrollably by marrow or lymphoid organs. There is a proliferation of autonomous hematopoietic tumor cells from bone marrow, liver, spleen, lymph nodes and reticuloendothelial tissue. Sometimes, leukocytes (white blood adult) produced in excess in these organs do not penetrate into the bloodstream and penetrate less. Leukocytes are several types. Those from bone marrow are polynuclear, mono-reading are the reticuloendothelial system and lymph node lymphocytes in the lymphatic system. The role of lymphocytes is to protect the body from poisoning. Wounds heal slowly. The causes of leukemia are: radiation, viral or toxic nature (benzene). Leukemia are more common in young people. Occur: sweating, weakness, fatigue, bone pain, enlarged lymph nodes, spleen, liver, infectious and hemorrhagic complications. This is the form of chronic, long-lasting. In the acute form, which leads to death within weeks, is high fever, fatigue, bleeding, ulcers in the mouth, throat, mucous membranes. blood leukocytes are only young. White blood cells multiply more (from 4000-8000 - adults, 10000, children - to 500000/1 mm3 blood) and to suppress the red cells (anemia). f5c972fe31xns • It is said that tea is the only plant milfoil tea regenerates red blood cells in the spinal cord. • Drink juice: - Apple juice; - Carrot, beet, dandelion, turnip, lettuce, spinach. • Dr. Bircher Benner recommends the following recipe in raw mode: 100 g + 470 g cabbage, beets + 5 g 330 g garlic + onion + pepper + 25 g 50 g honey. Quantities are given in grams soda. This recipe is generally true for malignant tumors. • Beet juice + carrot + apple - juice 500 ml / day. • 1 l / day - tea sudden disaster + 1 l / day - tea powder + knotweed + horsetail + nettle wort (be prepared for sudden disaster like tea). A Chinese doctor in Shanghai, Wang Zheng, administered a derivative of vitamin A, observed mainly in carrots - retinoic acid - which has the ability to constrain leukemia cells to regain normal function. Since 1986, 90% of patients were cured. A team of Franco-Chinese doctors perfected the method, trying to extend to other cancers. • Pastura (pollen + Royal Jelly - is feeding brood in the hive). Take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. • Massaging the reflex zones of points lymphatic, tonsils, spleen. Dietary changes to restore metabolic balance. • Drink tea January 2: 20 g Speedwell, 25 g Dragaica, milfoil 25 g, 20 g wormwood, elder shoots 30 g, 30 g marigold, celandine 30 g, 30 g nettle, 15 g hay, 15 g Dandelion roots, 25 g beard kings (1 tsp / 1 cup). • Since the disease may be the spleen, we also have six sips of tea drunk calamus (macerated cold) before and after eating a bite each. • 3 tablespoons Swedish bitters in tea before and after each meal with 1/2 h • Compress Swedish Bitters 4 h in region of liver and spleen compresses steam horsetail. Keep the diet. • Drink juice mallow roots of forest (Malva silvestris). • Drink decoction of seeds of wheat, corn, oats, rye and millet. Required cereals should not be treated chemically. Take one tablespoon of each kind of grain and boil in water 21. Along the way, if necessary, add hot water, so that finally, when cereals are cooked, 11 to remain liquid. Strain and drink 2-3 cups / day, morning, noon and night. • It is recommended the use of "total Multifruit forces", "Proteinveg no. 1", 2 drinks / day with juice + parsley + carrot and beetroot diet. In 4 months for healing. • The consumption of barley or barley crushed and soaked with whey + 1 yolk and raw pumpkin seeds. Soak in sea water or spring water to be more nutritious.

Natural treatment kidney cancer, bladder

Natural treatment kidney cancer, bladder     Blood appears in urine, pain, swelling in lower abdomen, weight loss. • prolonged treatment (several months) with hellebore powder (box of 1 g / day) under the guidance of a specialist and to drink 1 liter / day tea nettle, burdock, horsetail and milfoil. It stopped taking shark cartilage and claw Matthew. • For bladder cancer, the recommended 3-4 cups / day tea (infusion) of acacia flowers and a cup of infusion of mistletoe, oak and apple from man to woman, drinking in rounds 3-4. • To protect the urinary tract: - White dead-nettle infusion (15 g) and milfoil (5 g) per liter of water. Drink 2-3 cups / day for 4-6 weeks with 2 weeks off. • fresh figs, which contain "ficoina" anticancer and anthelmintic effect. And compote can be made from 100 g dried figs, chopped, a quart of water. It can sweeten with honey. Compote drink four days a week, 250 ml / day. • For renal sclerosis: goldenrod renal Dragaica, dead nettle, white and yellow, 4 cups / day, drunk slowly. Add 3 tablespoons of Swedish bitters. • The sitz baths with horsetail, steam compresses overnight horsetail, and day packs with Swedish Bitters kidney. • Drink milk knotweed, 3-4 cups / day. Place 1 teaspoon tipped over knotweed hot milk, bring 1/2 min. and hot drink in small sips. • For bladder cancer recommend Willow plant with small flowers.

Natural treatment for skin cancer

Natural treatment for skin cancer    Malignant epithelial tumors are named carcinoma or epithelioma. Neoplastic tissue is whitish-yellow, looking bacon or hard consistency. Are neoformatii nodular, ulcerated or infiltrated, diffuse. It occurs most often in the face and lips, as a small ulcers with irregular borders that expands and cause bleeding. 84% of skin cancers were diagnosed in people blondes (with perhaps a role ultraviolet rays). There are several forms of skin cancer: melanoma black cancer, epithelial carcinoma spinaliom or plaque and the most common is basal cell carcinoma basaliomul or. Melanoma is the most dangerous because it makes rapid metastatic spread in all organs. Basaliomul not metastasize, but can destroy surrounding tissue. Spinaliomul produce metastases in 6 cases of 10. Skin cancer is related to skin pigment (beware of those blonde) and how they protect the powerful ultraviolet air. Malignant cells develop from cells that give color of the skin (melanocytes). Especially ultraviolet B and C emit an energy that can not be stopped completely by anti-UV filters. Changes occur in the cell nucleus that can cause cancer. Color changes, swelling occurs, bleeding spots on palms and soles. So it is dangerous when there is a spot that is discolored pigmentosa, size or appearance (swelling, bleeding). The mole must be careful to asymmetry, contour, color and diameter. If there is a mole that is asymmetrical or have shown no clear contours doctor. So, if moles have uneven color, eg. the brown with black spots. Hazardous and moles with a diameter greater than 5 mm. A method that allows early detection of skin cancer is thermography. This method determines the expansion of malignant process. • have used a specialist bee products that provide external treatment based on bee products, herbal tinctures and oils anticancerinogenice properties. • One cup a day with steep pine mistletoe. Drink in 3-4 rounds. • Mix these powders: a spoon with thistles burdock (Arctium lappa) + 2 teaspoons three-brothers-stained + 2 teaspoons of horsetail + one teaspoon of root and nettle leaves. Soak the powder with 1/2 1 water over night, then filter and set aside to macerate. Plants that remain after filtering boil 30 minutes. low heat in 1/2 1 water. Mix and macerate with cooled decoction is kept cold. Drink 4 times / day for half a glass before meals. • If it is still dark skin malignancy, Rudolf Breuss says to use swabbing celandine juice (1/2-1 cm). If the surface is high, only pellet edge. Winter warm infusion is used for buffering celandine. Do not touch open wounds. • If the disease is already an open wound, smelly, alternative washes are warm infusion of horsetail and mallow tea extract obtained in cold. Wound edges are smeared with the juice of celandine and then the ointment of Calendula (marigold). The pulp of plantain leaf is put on the open wound. At night you can put compresses infused horsetail and mallow. • Drink 4 cups of nettle tea, Speedwell, marigold and milfoil in equal parts (1 teaspoon / 1 cup water) or 100 g of nettle tea, 300 g 100 g marigold and milfoil. • If there are many open areas, bathrooms are complete with horsetail and mallow or thyme. • If you are malignancies with well-defined spots, dark, like some crusts, brush Dragaica juice. Dragaica ointment (Fairies) is mixing juice and butter. • poultices marigold essence diluted with boiled and cooled water, calendula ointment. • Decoction of the following mixture: 15 g milfoil, 10 g marigold, 15 g walnut leaves, pansy 15 g, 30 g horsetail, nettle 10 g, 5 g lasnicior, 20 g burdock. Boil water in a 1.5 for 30 min., Let infuse 15 minutes. and filtered. Drink 50 ml 3 times / day before meals. External: if not damage, apply tincture of arnica, comfrey ointment then, black poplar, fir and calendula warts. • Anointing of the area with castor oil, then apply a compress of warm water (38-40 ° C) for 30 min. This oil penetrates the skin and drains the area. Then wash gently with soap and water to remove toxic substances that result from drainage. Returns the day of treatment. • Swedish bitters, crushed cabbage compresses, vegetable juices and fruit. • Recipe of Germany (Bavaria) - compress on the affected area with fresh leaves hatchet (violet) or crushed with a glass and applied Fulling min. 1 h each day. • If there are injuries to sting, it compresses once / day with tincture of arnica + apple-wolf, in equal proportions (under specialist supervision). After 2 h is rubbed with tincture of propolis. Another option: daily poultice of comfrey and apple-wolf. At 2 days and enemas are apple-wolf. • Tincture of black poplar buds (compress 2 h) and then poplar bud ointment. • The product "s Heritage Cat Claw" (claw-mate) is a stimulant and can help increase immunity and improve skin cancer prevention. It is extracted from Uncaria tomentosa plant that grows in the Amazon jungle of Peru. Active principles of herb stimulates phagocytes , inhibits inflammation and protects against fotomutagenezei (risk factors) induced from harmful ultraviolet afternoon hours.

Bone cancer natural treatment

Bone cancer natural treatment     Osteomul is benign tumor composed of bone tissue. Osteosarcoma is a malignant bone tumor. Is found especially in young people, in the extreme distal femur (thigh bone), proximal tibia and humenisului. Produce affected bone destruction. Osteoid tissue forms, with or without calcium deposition. Lumps, swelling, pain. Fractures often happens. • Drink 4 cups of tea daily milfoil (favorable effect on bone marrow - hematopoietic function) + 2 + 2 cups marigold tea cups of nettle tea (depurative). Plants to be as fresh. To 1 cup water 1 teaspoon herb. Drink with 1/2 hours before and after meals in Swedish bitters 1 teaspoon 1/2 cup of tea, comfrey tea. • You do frectii with milfoil tincture, tincture of comfrey (small amount, is toxic) and Swedish bitters, several times / day. • Take a teaspoon of gas distillate, morning and evening, with 1/2 h before meals, apply paste of honeycomb, wormwood, brandy. • In case of benign bone tumor recommend shark cartilage. It contains two proteins: angiotensin and endostatin, which blocks the formation of capillaries that feed the tumor. It also contains a steroid (squalamina) acting in the joints, helping to form cartilage and eliminating pain. It can be associated with trace element fluorine (with caution) or product "Fluocalcin", favoring enhanced cartilage formation. Drink is an infusion of horsetail, which acts as fixative. • Tibetan herbal products: chitosan, Cordiceps, ICAN, Holican, isoflavones, Tianshi products company.

Natural treatment cancer larynx, esophagus, palace of the lips, tongue, cervical lymph

Natural treatment cancer larynx, esophagus, palace of the lips, tongue, cervical lymph     In causing cancers of the larynx factors are mainly: - Nitrosamines used to flavor and quality as a food or food preservatives; - Deficiency of vitamins (riboflovina); - Chronic alcoholism; - Tobacco. • You can rinse the mouth and gargle (carefully, not to swallow) tincture of arnica + apple-wolf (in equal proportions) + (1/2-1/4) water. Min treatment. 3 months is best to do under the supervision of a specialist in apple-wolf. Another way to gargle: apple tea-wolf, comfrey and chamomile. Two days and enemas can make the tea. Follow treatment with apple-wolf from "intestinal cancer." In cancer lips white spots especially on the inside, then form nodules. hoarseness neck cancer is more than a month of voice changes, difficulty in swallowing and breathing, feeling of something foreign in the neck. • For neck cancer chew a teaspoon of powder Burdock (Arctium lappa) 3 times / day, then swallow with warm water. At the same hour drink tea I indicated in "genital and breast cancer" noting that horsetail is replaced with flower candles. • For mouth cancer: Dragaica fresh chopped scald (a heaped teaspoon of herb per cup of water). Rinse mouth and gargle daily deeper, then spit tea. Use about 2 1 tea daily. Of 2 in 2 gargle, you can drink a teaspoon of tea. After the tumor disappears, it will drink for a few months depurative tea (with effect of preventing cancer). • Tea depurative: 300 g marigold (Calendula), 100 g milfoil, 100 g nettle. It sips a sip every 20 min. Cancer of the mouth ulcer appears as an irregular, with rough edges, irregular bleeding. Progressively expands. It usually meets on the tongue or cheek mucosa. Tongue cancer occur in white patches on the sides first and then lumps that bleed. • infusion of mistletoe (the oak - the man, the apple - the woman), drink a cup daily in 3-4 rounds. • 2.5 Prepare a fresh infusion of mallow (by drying loses third force curative -1 teaspoon / 1 cup - the next day and keep warm in thermos) 4 cups of tea are drunk Sip , 6 cups are used for gargling. Mallow remains warm evening with water. The plants are mixed with oatmeal and warm again. Hot porridge is spread on a piece of cloth, they wrap the larynx. Longer bind over a warm piece of cloth. After the first dressing feels relief, and after the 4th or 5th, the voice is lost. The same is done in esophagus cancer. Besides barley porridge hot compresses, apply compresses steam night and horsetail and gargle with fresh Dragaica. Rudolf Breuss recommend parsley tea field (42 days). The gargle twice, the third time swallow. Repeat several times / day. Boil one tablespoon parsley (Pimpinella) in a cup of water for 3 min. • Juice vegetables: beets (400 g), carrot (100 g), celery (100 g), which can be mixed. • It is advisable to contact the people who gave recipes. Here are the recipes: A. It is steeped in 300 g comfrey root harvested in spring or fall (when allantoin is active against cancer) race in 1 kg of honey. Stir daily with a wooden spoon. After 3 weeks, is consumed. Take one teaspoon daily, between meals, so that preparation to remain on the neck. Is the best healing. Do not look clean diet and oil rubbed morning mouth. Two. Maceration of 300 g garlic, 500 g comfrey root race, 200 g Dragaica (Fairies) chopped, 50 g chopped solid propolis, 1 1 vodka of 48 °. Let soak for 10 days. Strain and drink a teaspoon of it small (children), 3 times / day. Drink slowly to wash well neck. • urine therapy. Morning take from the middle about 100 ml of urine, with small sips to drink. • Daily gargling with 1-2 l / day infusion of alternating Fairies infusion of mallow, marigold. • Grease the neck skin with calendula ointment and apply compress fresh plantain leaves porridge (and Branca-bear) rubbed with salt. • macerate with 1 teaspoon of the herb "cheese kings" (mallow) in a cup of cold water. Are you night and day fluid heat, strain and pour into thermos. Drink 4 cups, Sip in 24 h, and gargles with 6 cups is (all 24 hours). plant debris mixed with water and rice flour, to make a paste which is heated. be applied in a cloth around his neck and then binds and tied with a scarf. Alternatively apply hot compresses Dragaica flowers (sink strainer placed in hot water) is Dragaica gargle with tea (one teaspoon / 1 cup). You can plant compresses the tail horse steam-heated or crushed cabbage. • For tongue cancer - gargle with an infusion of fresh Dragaica (1 tsp / 1 cup). Occasionally drink a sip of tea each. Swelling retire, pain gives the day of the 4th or 5th. • In case of tonsillar cancer, is recommended Chinese product "Tian Xian Liquid China 1 (Tien Hsien Liquid No. 1) created the Anti-Cancer Institute of Chinese Medicine. Herbs from the Chang Bai Mountains volcanic and two Chinese medicinal mushrooms. Block cancer cell development, prevents oncogenes, increases immunity, draining lymph, strengthens muscles and bones, protect the liver, lungs, kidneys and spleen. The antioxidant and avoid body effects of free radicals. Eases the effects of chemotherapy and radiation. It has antiviral, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory. Percentage of efficiency is 80.7%.

Natural treatment for breast cancer

Natural treatment for breast cancer Breast cancer is linked to shorter breastfeeding. Women who refuse to breastfeed their children are more prone to breast cancer. For breast cancer Eat flaxseed oil with strong antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. It contains linoleic acid, an omega 3 oil, characteristic fish. Also, is a rich source of lignite - elements found in seeds, grains and vegetables, with a strong antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. These lignite plants are converted to enterolactone and enterodiol in intestinal flora that exerts protection against breast cancer. Flaxseed can be taken and ground (25 g / day) consumed with a glass of water. At a clinic in America, Dr. L. Thomson experimented with ground flaxseed treatment and found that after one month nodules were halved. Lipids have a harmful role by influencing the production of breast cancer. Saturated fats (pork fat, butter, sour cream, mayonnaise) rich in omega-6 fatty acids, potentiates the effect of estrogen. We recommend fish oil rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which quickly change the microenvironment of the breast. The contraindications margarine, because the production is hydrogenated vegetable oil, which change the structure of natural fatty acid. Margarine and other hydrogenated vegetable oils can cause heart disease, leading to increased LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol decrease with protective. It can trigger other cancers. Avoid smoking, which increases the concentration of free radicals, which cancels the action of antioxidant nutrients like vitamin C and beta carotene, very necessary in combating cancer. Beta carotene, which, unlike vitamin A in large doses is not bad, is found in leafy dark green (kale, spinach, stevia), fruit and yellow-orange vegetables (apricots, carrots, cantaloupe, pumpkin ), red fruits and vegetables (tomatoes, red cabbage, berries, plums). Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, peppers, broccoli, potatoes, Brussels sprouts. Cruciferous vegetables fight cancer, especially colon and breast. These are: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, mustard, radishes, okra, etc.. They contain goitrogenic, which can block the action of iodine, but are inactivated by boiling and does not affect any action raw thyroid iodine in the diet when not in large amounts. If you consume more than 4 servings of cruciferous vegetables / day will be increased accordingly iodine consumption. Cruciferous vegetables with the highest concentration of iodine are kale and turnips. In case of cancer, fibrous foods is also recommended to eliminate toxic estrogen in the blood associated breast cancer. Women who eat meat had 50% more estrogen toxic. • After surgery, scars brush with marigold ointment. The skin becomes smooth and gets normal color. If you have suffered and lymph nodes, place mash with plantain leaves. • Drink 1 1/2 1 tea of ​​300 g marigold + 100 g + 100 g milfoil nettle. It may alternate with comfrey tea, or apple-wolf Dragaica (with caution). Tea is drunk slowly throughout the day. Add 3 tablespoons Swedish bitters and drink before and after meals. • Every day is red clover infusion enema and milfoil (AC). • Rudolf Breuss indicates 1 cup / day infusion of Lady's Mantle cold mixed with nettle. They drink small sips. • In case of painful crises, the steam compress and horsetail compresses Swedish bitters. Between the diet and cancer treatments may have some pain, vomiting, diarrhea, indicating detoxification body for healing. Even cereals (wheat, barley, oats, rye, rice) will be consumed raw. Can be ground as for care, soaked evening, mixed with honey, nuts and grated apple. And wheat bran can be soaked and eaten raw. Eggs (fertilized) and milk (preferably goat) will be raw, consumed possibly mixed with honey. Pollen can be a valuable adjunct. Breast cancer is more common in other countries. Favorable cancers are shortened lactation and increased abortion as reproductive disorders. Cancer occurs as a hard lump of irregular shape, in the breast. Discharge and itching occur. Because not every lump is cancer, will be medical Attention should be given to excess animal fats. Cancer mortality is increased among overweight people. Obesity hyper (dis) lipidemie would increase synthesis of estrogen precursors considered promoters of breast cancer. Because heat can kill cancer cells, it is advisable to apply 2 times / day for 10 days, incense powder compresses placed on slices of polenta as warm, applied on a canvas top is putting a wool scarf to maintain heat. Keep the breast until it cools. To make and hot baths (40-42 ° C) plant, the body is completely submerged in water. Baia is prohibited to persons heart. At 42 ° C to destroy cancer cells or decayed. After bathing, sitting in bed to sweat. • infusion of mistletoe apple - one cup / day, drinking in rounds 3-4. • Drink tea daily 11 sudden disaster. Drink spoon by spoon. Drink 200 ml / day beetroot juice. Vegetarian diet, impassable by fire. The breast is placed daily with a poultice of comfrey root and leaves of celandine. Chopped herbs mixed with hot water until a paste. Wrapped in gauze is applied on the affected area. • Raspberry Buds - are very effective in diseases of the genital area. • In case of painful crises, it compresses steam and horsetail compresses with Swedish bitters, after applying the cream marigold. • crushed cabbage leaf poultice or made permanent breast comfrey. • clay poultices. • Poultice with apple-Wolf - therapist recommended by Nicolae Pop in Cluj-Napoca (only under supervision). • In Formula AS - September 1997, an illness that was healed gave a tea program for breast and ovarian cancer: I Tea (10 sachets of 100 g): shock, corn silk, diuretic 3 (Plafar), roots bone-rabbit, burdock roots, flowers, cornflowers, buckthorn bark, dandelion (roots and leaves), horsetail, birch leaves. Tea II (2 envelopes): oak bark, comfrey. Beetroot juice: a beet washed, sliced ​​with skin on, cover with water, boil until reduced to 1/2. For this juice to measure 1 tablespoon, adding 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon cream of the country. Hours of use: 7, 12, 16, 21. Hours strictly obey and those who did not meet the hours not live. The program begins in a Monday, closer to the beginning (September, October, etc.). For 3 weeks at the start of treatment with tea, coffee consumption is prohibited, sugar (Licensed to 2 teaspoons of sugar, but boiled in water), vinegar. Licensed jam, but up to 2 tablespoons. Infusion is mixed with 1 tablespoon of the tea plant 7/1 cup boiling water for 15 min., Then strain. Tea II: a cup of boiling water with 2 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons comfrey oak bark for 5 min. Then strain. Beet juice (mixed with egg and cream): drink early in treatment 12 days per month, with 2 yolks, at 7 am and 19 evening (3 months). Program each day: rinse mouth with baking at 7 o'clock in the morning without quarter for 15 min., Then drink beet juice to 7 fixed, then I tea, then tea II. Respecting the times and order tea. For six months, comfrey tea and oak bark is made by 2 tablespoons each, then the end of treatment, the 1 teaspoon each, starting with a 7-Month, tea II is made of 1 teaspoon each . from 1 year and 4 months, only 1 drink tea daily, comfrey, oak, say it will be at 12. from 1 year and 6 months, reduce tea and 1 tea / day, which will drink at the same time as beet juice n tea, after 3 months, drink 2 days / month with 1 yolk, 7 months after drink one day / month beet juice. Tea breaks to: • After 1 year, 1 day / week. • After 1 1/2 year, 2 days / week. • After 1 year and 8 months, 3 days / week. • Starting with 2 1/2 years, 4 days / week until the end of treatment, which will take 3 1/2 years. Rinse with baking is done daily for at least 2 times / day before to drink tea or eat.

Natural treatment Genital Cancer

Natural treatment Genital Cancer Genital cancer is the most common location of cancer in women. Is manifested by uterine bleeding between cycles or after menopause. Later stages occur purulent drainage. Early forms are detected by cytological examination of vaginal discharge. In cervical cancer, are options to specify the diagnosis of epitelion "in situ" (intraepithelial), the "stage 0", which can heal properly treated in 100% of cases. Cervical cancer is a slow, but at the breast can have a rapid evolution. Bleeding occurs, back pain in the bladder. Vaginal washes, morning and evening, decoction (5 min.) From fresh marigold (4 punches / 3 1 water) proved very effective. Evening is inserted into the vagina a gauze pad soaked in sea buckthorn oil, which is removed in the morning. Spring is nettle tea. In raw mode to introduce the mixture macerate high ground grains, or decoction of a mixture of grains (wheat, rye, oats, corn). Vaginal irrigation variant: 3-4 days, with apple-wolf in combination prescribed to enemas. • Willow Tea. • cure for 6 months with sudden disaster (1 teaspoon 4 times / day sublingually 10 min., Then swallow with water. Can help in cases of uterine cancer, breast, lung, intestine, etc.. • aloe vera cure soak in wine and honey. • Cure hellebore and propolis tincture is made under the guidance of specialists. In cases of cervical cancer or breast cancer, to drink red clover infusion daily. in general, red clover tea (4 teaspoons / cup) pure blood, is anti energizing and easy. - BG1 diet; - Vaginal lavage 2 times / day (morning and night) with an infusion of: marshmallow, horsetail and marigold. Every day we use a single plant. The infusion is made of 2 1 + 2 tablespoons water plant. Use warm; - Place cabbage compresses dashed genitals, at bedtime; - Willow tea. Under no circumstances, not interrupt the diet started! After 45 days, depending on the disease, continue with another procedure, but all natural diet. Too much estrogen use by women in pre-and postmenopausal endometrial cancer risk increases. It was found that treatment with DES (diethylstilbestrol) of pregnant women (abortion) is followed by increased frequency of vaginal cancer in daughters of these women. Women with increased serum estradiol levels are more susceptible to breast cancer. It appears that estrogen (or their byproducts of catabolism) acts through which binds DNA as well as can be carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons. Prolactin given time increases the frequency of breast and ovarian cancer. Stimulation with gonadotropic hormone (eg prolactin) is an estrogen overproduction, a good neutralizing excess estrogen from the liver, but then leads to neoplastic processes. Eat a cup a day to soak the oak mistletoe in the apple man and woman. Drink in 3-4 rounds.


Phimosis Take 10-20 ml of 10% solution of potassium sulphate (preferably be freshly prepared by the pharmacist) for the child a warm bath, so approx. 50-70 liters, and easily pull the foreskin. They are 1-2 baths per week. Often see results after only 4 bathrooms, but more than 10 bathrooms and have no purpose. Favorable age seems to be between 4 and 7 years, but the bathrooms can be made ​​even boys of 10 years. Many boys have escaped such an operation. The elderly, this method is not efficient. Marshmallow baths give good performance. For a bath baby - 1 handful of mallow, left overnight to soak in water only, for adults - about. 100 grams for a sitz bath.

Natural Treatments for Cancer

Natural Treatments for Cancer The first advice for cancer patients is to do absolutely all treatments are indicated by the oncologist, who alone can decide which one is most effective in each case. Natural treatments should be applied in parallel, even when both are sick in the hospital. I want to give just two simple treatments that can be applied without exception of cancer, including metastases, regardless of the disease, stage or treatment or being implemented. One will be excluded from eating meat, whether it comes from animals raised on concentrates, or from animals raised naturally in freedom. * This excludes all products with E's of any kind, etc. sweeteners., And prefer only food and natural products. 2 will be consumed, instead of liquid, the following preparation: to buy tea from Plafar antitumoral. Then take a 5-liter jar, in which anticancer Place 4 tablespoons of tea and lemon peel from crushed. Separately, it will clean 500 g beetroot, carrot root 500 g, 200 g parsley root, celery root 100 g. Wash the vegetables, then shave the grated fine. Pour 5 liters of boiling water over tea and lemon, then cover the jar. Be sure to put a piece of metal in the pot, not crack. After it has cooled to a temperature of 35-40gr.C will be introduced in the same jar beets, carrots, parsley and celery races. Cover and leave covered for 24 hours. Administration: this liquid is consumed instead of water or juice, throughout the disease. Excluded sodas, sweetened or fully cooked trade, because they all contain some chemicals that aggravate the disease. When there is liquid in the jar just for one day, prepare a new dose. Normally, except for those with ascites, patients should consume 1.5 to 2 remaining liters of fluid daily. Ideally you should consume 200 ml every two hours. This preparation helps to clean the body of toxins and nourish cells. Antitumor tea can be consumed and how long a patient stays in hospital. Be sure the jar to be covered to avoid dust entering into it. Beets, carrots, lemons, parsley, etc.. help the body, providing a range of vitamins, minerals etc.. Not contain any substance that may aggravate the disease, all help fight the disease. I wish all those who have cancer do not lose hope and to quickly follow this simple treatment that can help enormously.

Lung cancer natural treatments

Lung cancer natural treatments It is a common form of cancer that produces bloody sputum cough, often hemoptysis, dyspnea, feeling of thoracic oppression, sometimes stabbing. first the cough is dry, sore throat and feeling is loaded lung. Sputum color is pelteaua currant. Weakens the patient. The most important factor in cancer is smoking. Matter the amount of cigarettes smoked per day, but get sick and those who do not smoke but are in environmental tobacco smoke. Main agent of cigarette that is guilty is benzpirenul. Carcinogens from both tobacco and the cigarette paper. Other favorable factors are inhalation of toxic substances and carcinogens atmospheric air pollution (smoke stacks removed by plants, exhaust gases). Is spreading rapidly evolving in the distance. • For spots on the lungs following recipe worked. The maceration for 8 days, 1 kg grated horseradish root in 1 kg of honey. Stir the contents once a day. Take 1 tablespoon every morning fasting steep and drink a cup of this tea. After 1 h eat breakfast. • infusion of pine mistletoe, both men and women. Drink a cup / day in 3-4 rounds. It is good for the nose. • For tumor pleura: - To ban smoking, alcohol, coffee. Keep diet focused on vegetables and fruits; - Tea, red clover, burdock root, dandelion root, equal parts - 3 cups / day; - Infusion of sudden disaster (geranium robertianum) called "beak Cucoara" pen, oregano, which is a sure remedy for all types of cancer - especially in inflammatory and tumor lung and pleura; - Pure aloe vera gel - regenerate organs, detoxifies the body. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends garlic juice (10-30 ml each, 2 times / day) and infusion of 9 g licorice (Radix liquiritia) to 200 ml water. Drink 3 cups / day. You are not well clarified. I suppose after The Latin name, as it is another species of plant than "Licorice" used in our traditional recipes, which were not indicated warned that those with predisposition to tumors. • Drink 4 cups / day milfoil tea and morning and evening, with 1/2 h before meals, horsetail tea. Maceration is calamus root (root 1 teaspoon / 1 cup water - let 12 h). Soak liquid tea mix with tail - mouse and during the day, chew calamus root. Then spit the remains. in painful crises, apply compresses night Horsetail steam (steam plant put in colander over a pot of boiling water). Plants hot and put a soft canvas that is applied to sore places. Day, for 4 h put compresses on the Swedish pulmonary region, and possibly back. • Rudolf Breuss indicate: warm tea of ​​Plantain (2 l / day), muscle Stone Mountain, plamanarica, candles and ivy. Tuberculosis is also swallowed once / day plantain seeds. • urine therapy (100 ml of urine in the morning, but the middle), bran soup. Comfrey is highly toxic, so take caution in use. The recipe is practiced in Kyrgyzstan and confirmed by the Institute of Oncology in Moscow. Here's the recipe: 1.5 kg crushed comfrey root through meat grinder, mixed with 2.2 kg of honey (acacia flowers) and a 3.5 13-18 ° red wine. The preparation is put in glass jar, close tightly and store five days away from light. Usage: Take 1 teaspoon, 3 times / day, before meals, 2 h earlier for five days, and then 1 teaspoon, before main meals, but only 1 h for 2-3 weeks and if even 1-2 months. The same mixture, the same doses, Mr. Sandu Cornea recommend them to other diseases: influenza, angina, tonsillitis, thrombophlebitis, eczema, multiple sclerosis, fatigue, rheumatism.

Papillary carcinoma natural treatment

Papillary carcinoma natural treatment In 2001, my husband had surgery for papillary carcinoma and metastasis after a year made. Desperate and willing to help him, knowing that North Korea is not dying of cancer, I had a cousin prospector engineer, who worked there, and his wife was a chemist at the Hospital of Oncology, begging them to send me a recipe. So I took possession of a magic cure to chicken and ginseng. Initially I wanted to make public, but the large number of letters on topics of cancer published in the journal you impressed me very much. In addition, I have 80 years and do not want to die with this secret. Last year, I offered the treatment of diseased lung cancer metastases after surgery had done. After two weeks, went to the doctor to make a radiograph. Cancer has not appeared on screen, but only a scar. Astonished doctor asked her what he did, and after learning the truth, suggested to continue treatment as he was told. Will give your recipe, hoping to stop so many people die of cancer. Treatment does not interrupt her life. Recipe: 1. Take a large chicken with black feathers, cut, clean, empty guts, head neck and claws, and then a notch inside the bird (over the sternum, the keel bone to bottom) the insert content of 22 capsules Ginseng. Place chicken in a pot without water (the drug should only boil bird juice) which, in turn, place in a pot with water, so in a bain-marie (steam). The cook about 4 hours. (To prove meat if cooked.) Remove the bird and then divides into three portions. For daily serving. Next week, repeat the process. Two. In a clean jar put 1/2 kg unadulterated honey, whatever flora. Jar is placed in a pot with water and simmer. Heat honey, mixing it all the time, to get to -40. (This is the one that temperature is in the bee hive). Take the temperature with a thermometer. On the 39gr., Remove jar from water and honey mix over time, the temperature rises 2-3 minutes. If it exceeds -40., Wrap with a cold towel, wet, to reach this temperature. In case you did not come, still offers a heated bain-marie, then add the other 22 capsules Ginseng content. Content capsules is a kind of brown sand. Then wrap the jar with a newsprint (to be linked with cellophane jar) and let soak for 45 days. Treatment consists of daily administration of a teaspoon of honey (after previously mixed), three times a day, an hour before three main meals. This treatment is the life. Ginseng close and raise cancer cells and not allow them to multiply. No matter how good they would feel sick, not allowed to discontinue treatment. ATTENTION: Never eating radishes, as well as sexual contact for 30 days. To give the good Lord to heal as many patients with this treatment, which is very effective.