Friday, December 10, 2010


What is it and what are the causes?

This disorder is characterized by a general feeling of sadness and despair. Other signs are insomnia and withdrawal from usual activities. Diseases, mental trauma and stress for long periods can lead to depression. Next we will focus on depression caused by stress.
When to go to the doctor?
Like the moods related disorders such as anxiety, when they require medical consultation is not well specified. When depression affecting your life, go to the doctor.
Indications for daily life

Sleep enough. Before bedtime, keep your feet warm water ten minutes, it will help you fall asleep. The practice of regular physical exercise plays an important role in treating depression. During exercise, your body produces certain chemicals that play a good mood. Also, exercise will make you feel like a mission accomplished and that you are the owner, which combat the frustration induced depression Try to eliminate jealousy, which can cause emotional problems and form a vicious circle. It is a harmful emotion than anger. Eat nutritious foods, especially of those rich in calcium and amino acids - milk, soy, fish, shrimp, chicken, bananas or dates. The lack of certain vitamins or minerals may contribute to depression. Exit the house. Get involved in a social activity. Stand before the mirror and smile for their pictures a minute, twice a day. Be aware that certain drugs depress. Will be advised by your doctor.
What should you do

Do not repress your feelings. Find someone you trust and open your heart to that person. Give free rein to the emotions and cry if you feel you need to do. The release of emotions is natural and beneficial mental health. When you share feelings, their harmfulness disappears. Do not talk about sad topics during meals. Stop any intellectual activity 20 minutes before and after eating.
Traditional Remedies

Played in a short phrase all the frustration, anger and hatred that will burdens and write them on a sheet. Repeat as many times the phrase, then burn the paper and watch her how she pretends to ash (be very careful, it's better to burn out of the house). Take the ashes somewhere in the wind and spread it. Do this once a day. Listen to a sad song. In some cases, the process yield results, it is called to fight evil with evil. " If you feel that the process will not agree with, put a happy song. Walk as much as possible outdoors, a blooming garden, etc. .. Studies show that this green color at a rate of over 25 of the image that calms us and we look enhances the feeling of well being. For the same reason, if you have a garden, you should spend more time taking care of her. Comb with a comb to slowly massage from forehead to neck and head from the middle of the party. Press so as not to disturb them. Comb teeth should not be sharp.

The procedures under the feet can affect the autonomic nervous system, which plays an important role in depression. Keep your feet in hot water (hot as bear) about 20 minutes each day. If water reaches the pulp, the results are even better. Then, turn on all ankles 20 times (each leg). Rotate your hand each toe in every 20 times clockwise and 20 times backwards. Meanwhile use your self-suggestion (silently repeat words like "I am happy", etc..). Hit your feet with a hair brush for five minutes. Particularly highlighted in the midline point on the foot, about a third of the distance between the toes and heel. Brush stimulates your feet as it makes it a bunch of acupuncture needles. You hit it with a empty plastic bottle on bare feet (the upper side, base and sides) for three minutes. Beatings should be rhythmic, about three per second. Hit each part about 30 times. Massage your ears: Sit on a chair, grab your ear between thumb and forefinger and pull the outer edge it in all directions (up, down, horizontal) for 30 seconds. Grab your ear to another point and repeat the process, all the while, inhale and exhale slowly and deeply.

You can try phototherapy, in which you are exposed to a bright light coming from a natural or artificial source. Studies show that light can cause neuro-chemical changes and, therefore, may have antidepressant effect.

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