Saturday, December 18, 2010

10 early signs of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men after lung cancer. Unfortunately, most prostate cancers are diagnosed in late stages, when locoregional tumor spread (sometimes with metastatic determinations) may be practiced so that a cure is less. The main problem is that early forms of prostate cancer simpatome fail, they can only be discovered by screening for prostate cancer: rectal examination (TR) and batch PSA (prostate specific antigen) annually over 50 years in case of abnormal transrectal ultrasound the TR or PSA determination.
Here are some warning signs that should make you seek medical attention:

1. difficulty in urination (dysuria) - may be manifested in the form of bladder tenesmus (the patient has an urgent feeling of urination, but not urine), intermittent jet urination or increased number of urination (urinary frequency). Another sign is the stop urinating difficulty with prolonged leaking drops of urine on the urethra. Even the smallest tumors of the prostate can interfere with normal urination or ejaculation. These changes in urination can occur in cases of benign changes such as enlarged prostate, which is very common in men over 60 years.

2. painful urination - This symptom can indicate prostate cancer, but can occur in infections of the prostate (prostatitis) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

3. Blood in urine (haematuria) - although rarely occurs, the sign is a warning to the patient and must be a reason for an emergency checkup. Often the appearance of urine is not bloody, but rosea. Hematuria can occur in urinary tract infections (UTIs).

4. difficulty in obtaining or maintaining an erection - when an erection does not occur or when the penis becomes flaccid despite maintaining sexual arousal, it must consult a urological (life partner must show understanding and to be with the man in the investigation of this sensitive issue) . A prostate cancer can limit blood flow to the penis so that erection or shortening of preventing an erection and does not support them until ejaculation. A prostate adenoma can lead to erectile disorders by the same mechanism.

5. blood in semen (hematospermia) - is a rare symptom, but also constitutes a cause for panic patients. The appearance can be clearly bloody, rosea or striatum. Besides prostate cancer, appears hematospermia and other urological diseases: inflammatory diseases of the seminal vesicle, prostate lesions (puncture biopsy, prostatic calculi, teleangiectazii, prostatic varices), urethritis or urethral lesions (polyps, infection with HPV), tuberculosis urogenital, STD, blood disorders.

6. chronic constipation and other bowel problems - prostate is located below the bladder and rectum before, so a tumor at this level can interfere with the functionality of the distal digestive tract. This report anatomic prostate-rectum may have two consequences: chronic constipation can lead to enlarged prostate (the pressure exerted on the gland) and vice versa. Bowel disorders and may also be a first indicator of colorectal cancers. Any change in bowel habits that persists for more than a week (without any apparent cause, food or drug) to determine the patient should seek medical attention.

7. frequent pain in the lumbar, hips or thighs - is due to extension of the lumbar spine bone or hip. Unexplained pain and sensitivity of these areas should raise a doctor. The difference to the pain of rheumatism, sciatica and joint pain was the fact that prostate cancer is one of deep and vague.

8. need for urination at night - is a symptom often overlooked by men suffering prostate, which may avoid delay in diagnosis.

9. leaking urine - Urinary incontinence is the male version, which is quantitatively reduced, but detectable by the patient (underwear smell of urine or even wet). Patients often show prolonged discharge from the urethra at the end of urination.

10. 50 years of age and the presence of risk factors (family history of prostate cancer, obesity, diets high in fat, African-American race, smoking) - should constitute grounds for holding the annual screening for prostate cancer (rectal examination, total PSA determination and free PSA). The cases of breast cancer in female relatives of an increased risk associated inheritance of genetic mutations are involved in the onset of prostate cancer.

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