Sea buckthorn is well known for its amazing effects in maintaining and increasing our body's immunity. It is consumed in China and America. Has a history of 2,000 years of medical use and small, juicy fruit tonic. Almost all parts of the spiny plants can be used to help the human body.
The plant grows tall, about a meter or more. Fruit juicy to dry can be used to treat a variety of problems such as anemia, dermatitis. In general, fruits of seabuckthorn have a cleansing effect and immunity of the body. The root can be eaten to treat pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma and cough. Rich in vitamins A, C and E and flavonoids, underbrush provides a small percentage of protein and carbohydrates that fight against various other human diseases.
Uses of underbrush.
The herb has been used to treat vision problems, liver problems and reproductive and urinary problems. The plant is known as a cancer inhibitor that either reduce or stop crelterea unhealthy cells. In general, experts cook and aromatic leaves in soups or other dishes to fight congestion and chest problems. Sea buckthorn is well known in Romania, therefore, if moderately consumed daily, the effects will be felt over time.
Other features are that it controls the underbrush internal bleeding, is antibacterial, treat hypoglycemia, fertility problems, kidney disease and ficatş reduce blood pressure and most importantly, the underbrush is a human immune system tonic. If you stay long at the computer, seabuckthorn is perfect, it helps to.
Why help immunity?
Sea buckthorn fruits contain twice the amount of vitamin C and wild rose ten times more vitamin C than citrus. In addition, sea buckthorn also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, E, K, P, F. A high percentage of beta-carotene (compared to that of carrots) and the presence of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium , iron and sodium are the fruit of sea buckthorn.
Syrup, fruit oil, sea buckthorn tea is valuable in medical, oil being the most effective because it uses gastric and duodenal ulcer treatment year, allergies, diarrhea, a rash and rheumatism, stress, anemia and fatigue, etc. gingivitis. Has a tonic and refreshing effect. Sea buckthorn oil tones the immune system and inflammation due to the large amount of vitamin C in particular. Eat as a syrup in the long run, protect you from cold weather problems, especially. But sea buckthorn is an excellent anti-inflammatory that may inhibit appetite in people with weight problems.
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