It's about persistent infant crying in the absence of obvious health problems. Cause periodic crises and intense crying is hard to detect, because babies have no other way to express their suffering.
When to go to the doctor?
Crying can be a sign of persistent health problems, so that the baby must be brought to a doctor at any crisis of colic.
Indications for daily life
Nurse your baby in an upright position and make it eructeze frequently. If you bottle feed, make a to eructeze after every 30 ml. Watch your child carefully. Can I be hungry or too hot to be pinched by the insects, have a stuffy nose, etc. ..
What should you do
As long breastfeeding should not eat spicy foods or caffeine. Eat fewer bananas, tomatoes, oranges and strawberries, which may indirectly influence the child. Remove them completely from the diet for five days and see if the baby cry. Take this test and dairy products. Do not feed your child too much before bedtime.
Traditional Remedies
Boil an egg in a shell and let it cool a bit. Try temperature on your wrist, so as to be suitable for the baby, then put the egg on his belly and a rolling outward, describing a spiral, then a rolling back.
Take the next half-hour massage before bedtime, giving your baby's skin with massage oil: Gently press with the tip of the nail, five times the focus of child palm. With this easy to knead the middle finger every 100 times, on both hands. Rub gently with both hands and twist the wrist the first phalanx of baby fingers, how many 30 times, in both hands. If the abdomen and lower limbs are cold baby and the seat is green, gently, 100 times, with the thumb on the inside of his forearm, right thumb, from wrist to elbow on both forearms.
If the baby is fussy, has red face and hands and her belly is hot, gently with your index finger 100 times the median line on the inner forearm from wrist to elbow on both forearms.
If the baby is startled in her sleep and irritable, have outbursts of crying and screaming, press lightly with your thumbnail, five times, the middle point of the second fold of the wrist on the palm side. Knead 100 times every point on both hands.
If the child has no appetite, food and spit it bloated, rub your palms to warm and gently massage into the abdomen with five minutes, three times a day.
Hot Salt: 100 g salt parch, then add 60 g of onion (white part) and fry for a further minute. Put mixture into a bag of cotton, 7x7 cm (do not forget to check the temperature), which you hold the baby's tummy for five minutes before bedtime. Take extra care not a burn.
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