By their chemical composition, tone and strawberries remineralizeaza body, incetinid aging.
Fruits are active diuretic, stimulating the elimination of uric acid, toxins and excess cholesterol from the body. In addition, strawberries are ripe and a laxative.
Containing vitamin E, B vitamins and manganese Kids' Life! Influence the functioning of the nervous system, as indicated both to prevent insomnia and asthenia.
Strawberry capsuniContinand cure iron (component of hemoglobin in the blood) and copper (which helps iron absorption) are recommended in the treatment of anemia.
Have beneficial effect on liver, helping with Vitamin K which contain, in its normal functioning. In this regard cure is beneficial in liver failure strawberries, gallstones and biliary dyskinesia.
Strawberries have indicated fiid hypotensive role in hypertension and other cardiac diseases.
They are also shown in renal diseases (including gravel), rheumatism, atherosclerosis, gout, varicose veins, alcohol or tobacco poisoning, tuberculosis, etc.
Containing only a few sugars as well as vitamin E, which is hypoglycemic strawberries can be consumed by diabetics, but in smaller quantities.
Non-diabetic IS RECOMMENDED FOR THE CURE OF STRAWBERRY 250g - 500g per day, preferably in the morning for 7-14 days.
Diabetics can consume up to 300g strawberries every day.
In addition to their bactericidal action and helminthic strawberries.
Thus, we recommend against the pinworms 500g strawberries morning on an empty stomach without eating anything until noon.
Strawberries are contraindicated both internally and externally which may cause allergic people face with a warm tea from other plants.
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