Most cancers can be cured if we choose to address the preventive and medical opinions in order to get specialized. Indeed there are many cancers that are clinically silent in terms of stars are detected and when it's too late. However, most neoplasias signs and symptoms that make them detectable, and that if they are detected at an early stage they are perfectly curable
It is important to note that most signs and symptoms of cancer are, however, nonspecific, and they may occur in the clinical features of benign diseases, sometimes with fatal self-limiting. That's not an excuse for us not to address a medical specialist in order to make thorough checks, but only a statement to reassure us and make us not think most of the worst times.
Women are, as a group generally more compliant, but sometimes there are exceptions. Unfortunately this trend has been observed more frequently among young women. It seems that they are ignorant in terms of character signs with any premonition, considering the fact that cancer is often a health problem that affects mostly ages age.
Even if in many cases, this observation is true, should not ignore the fact that many young women are faced with various cancers: cervical, breast, colon, ovary. In addition, some women deliberately and intentionally chose to ignore the signs and some symptoms may not be thinking that they just happen to develop a neoplasia (regardless of its location). Others believe that, by default, cancer is an incurable disease, so it's better to let things evolve naturally, without trying to do something to stop it. Such non-combat attitude is completely wrong, because cancer is found early can be cured a disease that can be controlled and which should not necessarily mean the patient's death.
15, the most frequent symptoms that specialists recommend us to treat them carefully and to address the doctor if you notice a longer period.
Significant and unexplained weight reduction
Most women are most often pleased if they manage to lose weight without effort in a reduced period of time. What could be better than losing a few pounds without even try, without switching to a drastic diet, while we enjoy your favorite foods? However, experts recommend that we be very cautious! A drop of more than 5 pounds in a month, in the absence of increased exercise or a restrictive diet should be explored, experts believe.
Such a problem is very often associated with cancer, considered one of the most important consumptive diseases. She spoliaza calories and stimulates the body weight loss, causing these effects in a very short time. Sometimes it is accompanied by changes in appetite, but it is not binding. Of course, there are other causes for a significant weight loss, such as hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland) or viral or bacterial infections.
If you present to the doctor complaining of this symptom, you must be ready in time because your health will be carefully and thoroughly, investigated. Various causes should be excluded, since benign, and this will require time-consuming investigations. Weight loss is a nonspecific sign that can occur under very different conditions, this being the reason for it is never an easy thing to achieve.
Bloating is one of the most frequent allegations that women face daily. It is so common that most consider ... "normal"! Bloating is not always benign, on how we think, and diet and sedentary lifestyle may not always be incriminated her appearance. Bloating and discomfort associated with it may be signs of ovarian cancer.
Ovarian cancer remains a major health problem for women because it is often found in very advanced stages, sometimes exceeded therapeutic standpoint. The prognosis of patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer varies significantly depending on the stage of the tumor is discovered. If the patient presents to the doctor and early neoplasia is captured in an early stage supravieturie rate 5 years after appropriate treatment is more than 75%. But if the submission was made too late and the tumor has spread into the abdominal cavity, causing peritoneal metastases and seeding distance supravieturiii rate drops dramatically to 20%.
This is why doctors insist that a chronic bloating to be investigated. If everything is OK and can be solved only with dietary recommendations, the patient may be much more quiet. But if it's something worse, is far better to be revealed in time, because the treatment will also be more efficient. Bloating is highly suggestive of ovarian cancer, but should be viewed as a signal of alarm. And the intensity is increased even more as it is accompanied by pelvic or abdominal pain localized flat with early satiety or even with difficulty urinating (feeling of incomplete emptying, sensation of urgency, painful urination or urine with exertion) .
If bloated feeling lasts longer than a few weeks and is daily, experts insist you ask their doctor or family doctor. Most likely you will harvest analysis and from stool samples (for detection of any bleeding manifest or occult bleeding) and you will have imaging (CT scan).
The main signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, cancer with high mortality due to late detection, are:
- Bloating;
- Constipation;
- Flatulence and diarrhea;
- Loss of appetite or the appearance of fullness and early satiety sensation;
- Polyuria (frequent urination);
- Feeling of pelvic pressure and pain;
- Dyspareunia;
- Irregular menstruation (for women of reproductive age yet).
Breast Changes
Most women know a lot about their breasts, even if they do not regularly review, and know they have to be careful if there is any change. This involves change appearance, consistency, shape, nipple discharge might occur if there are abnormal masses or nodules within the glandular parenchyma. Indeed, one of the most important signs of breast cancer is the appearance of a nodule will develop and grow in size.
Some of the nodes that occur while in the breast are benign nature, such fibroadenoamelor or cyst, but breast cancer is a common and very serious problem and should be investigated thoroughly before any node can determine whether or not it is benign.
Also, experts recommend that all women to the doctor if you notice:
- Redness and thickening of his skin, even if it is localized and generalized, which may be similar to an allergic reaction, but with persistence. Such a change may be suggestive of a very aggressive form of cancer, inflammation and some forms;
- Change the appearance of nipples is also very important. If there is an abnormal leakage (in the absence of physiological lactations or pregnancy), it may be a sign of cancer, but can be seen in other systemic diseases such as kidney failure, prolactinoame (pituitary tumors secreting prolactin, a hormone that stimulates lactation mammary gland). If the character gets bloody secretion, presentation to the doctor should be made immediately.
Most often the diagnosis is established by performing mammography, computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging examinations (MRI). Sometimes for the diagnosis to be as safe, the doctor may indicate the performance of the node biopsy (if it exists). It will harvest tissue fragments from the tumor mass, which will then be investigated by a microscopic pathologist, who will determine the nature of the tumor. This procedure is performed under anesthesia, so that patient discomfort is minimized.
Vaginal Bleeding intermenstrualeSus
In premenopausal women (the period preceding menopause and announced) are those most often ignore vaginal bleeding, considering that this occurs due to hormonal changes that characterize the period. In addition, they may even confuse a lower digestive hemorrhage with vaginal bleeding "normal." Bleeding vaginal specimens are very important, especially when she is normal periods.
They should be checked by a doctor, and their cause must be treated. Any bleeding occurred between menstrual periods, after intercourse or after menopause, requires verification by a specialist because it may be a sign of endometrial cancer. Also, recurrent bleeding, those that last more than two days and appear without a specific cause, or heavy menstrual bleeding (menometroragie) and they require, in turn, consult a specialist.
Endometrial cancer is one of the most common gynecologic cancers, and approximately two thirds of patients complain of abnormal bleeding during the onset of neoplasia. One such sign is more important for women past 50 years because the risk of endometrial cancer increases significantly as women age.
Other causes of vaginal bleeding:
- Cervicitis, endometriosis, ovarian cysts;
- Complicated vaginal infections;
- Uterine fibroids;
- Pelvic inflammatory disease.
If the bleeding does not have a starting point genital tract but can be a sign of colorectal cancers. Even such bleeding should be considered normal in terms of each patient: if it is heavier menstrual periods, or if you get used to bleed a few days before or after menstruation, their importance may be different. Investigations performed to exclude endometrial cancer or other cancers include performing a complete pelvic examination, supplemented by ultrasound or endometrial biopsy, if there are risk factors suggestive of cancer or other serious disease.
Skin Changes
Moles, warts and other skin signs should be checked periodically to be aware if they change the look. The importance of this self-examination lies in the fact that any change in appearance, color or integrity of skin blemishes or signs of skin may be an early sign of skin cancer. Skin cancer is a disease that seems increasingly gain more ground in the malignancies, and intensifying the pollution due to solar radiation power, the main causes incriminated in appearance. Potentially malignant moles are looking patchy, multicolored, with diffuse edges and irregular shape, which is bleeding or who grow rapidly in size from day to day. Experts advise not to ignore the appearance of spots or hyper or hypopigmentation, a bleeding injuries do not heal, to areas that descuameaza excessive or scars that changes its consistency and texture. There is a range defined as being safe to oversee an increase in size of moles, so the safest is to present ourselves to the doctor as soon as we notice a change occurs, regardless of its nature.
Skin cancer can be successfully solved if the patient is addressed in a timely advice. As time passes and the lesion grows, the greater the risk that she would become inoperable. If you have moles or warts or suspicious-looking are subject to permanent physical injuries (if they do, for example, larger sizes are highlighted) the best and safest approach is surgical excision. They will be examined later to determine the pathologic nature: benign or malignant.
Experts define the term as difficulty in swallowing dysphagia (swallowing), accompanied by the sensation that food stop at a certain level in their passage to the stomach (oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus). Dysphagia can be a sign of esophagitis or gastroesophageal reflux disease, with benign meaning, or can be more pericolasa.
Dysphagia is very important character, and specialist institute that every time we present to the doctor for this symptom do not forget to mention if dysphagia occurred suddenly or gradually if you have installed, whether or not accompanied by heartburn and the foods that are no difficulty in swallowing. Dysphagia to solids occurred, especially in pieces of meat, gradual evolution in a few weeks or months may be a sign of cancer.
Dysphagia is so important that it can sometimes cause the patient to change their diet drastically, adopting a diet or even predominantly semi-liquid foods (soups, soups, protein shakes waste). It is very important when it occurs: for example, if there is a 5-10 seconds after deglutie, may be suggestive of esophageal cancer.
One of the most important diseases that occur after chronic reflux esophagitis, and is itself a risk factor for esophageal cancer is Barrett's esophagus. This condition is characterized by the appearance of areas of metaplasia (tissue changed as a result of repeated trauma and chemical nature of peptide) that are highly suggestive of neoplastic changes.
A swallowing disorder should inevstigata properly, since it affects the body's nutritional status. Because such problems are more prevalent in older people, their attention should be enhanced because cachexia can be installed relatively quickly on a field dominated by metabolic catabolic processes. Investigation of dysphagia include performing x-ray, both naked and after administration of counter substance (barium), which can highlight the caliber of strictures or other malformation esophageal motility loss or change of substance.
Esophagoscopy is also an alternative diagnosis that doctors can choose, especially if barytic exam is not quite clear. It can also cause esophageal pH to determine if there is reflux of stomach acid, which promotes Barrett's esophagus.
Haematemesis, haemoptysis, rectoragieSus
Vomiting occurred in liquid blood in the sputum, in the stool or urine is always a sign of alarm! Do not ever ignore this warning and show your doctor whenever you notice discoloration of secretions or biological products.
Haematemesis specialty is the term that describes vomiting blood, often it is digested and appeared as coffee grounds in vomit. It is an expression of an upper gastrointestinal bleeding or in the esophagus, stomach or proximal portion of the duodenum. Very rarely can be caused by a bleeding nose that flows through the posterior pharynx. If hemoargia is massive, often black blood is not brown, but red is simply whether or not mixed with clots.
Is often accompanied by haematemesis and melena, which is the elimination of faeces blackish, with a shiny, like oil, and a distinct odor. Melena occurs in most cases in the presence of bleeding, but have been described cases in which the seat takes on a blackish stain if the diet is rich in products containing iron or mineral supplements that include it. The difference is that the bleeding melena unformed stool is soft, but not actually diarrhea. These characteristics are due to the fact that blood acts as an irritant to the bowel and improves transit, while the seat is dark due to iron normal consistency, sometimes even louder.
Rectoragia means eliminating anal fresh blood at the beginning of the seat, or mixed with it. Rectoragia is a sign of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. If its location is higher, the level of the distal duodenum, can be partly digested blood, without a chair but it melena. Hematochezia occurs in this situation, a situation similar to rectoragiei significance.
Rectoragia may be a sign of colorectal cancer, hemorrhoids and its presence should not be neglected. Other signs suggestive of colon cancer are changes in bowel habits, which may be diarrhea or constipation, bloating, flatulence. Often, the investigation of choice is colonoscopy rectoragiei. It can indicate if there is an active source of bleeding, which is its location, and sometimes, if there is a detected lesion, colonoscopy can be used for harvesting tissue fragments that are then examined microscopically to establish the nature of these lesions.
Haematuria is also a sign to be investigated. In some cases this is due to menstrual blood mixed urine, if its period, but outside it hematuria may signify a serious kidney disease, kidney cancer or bladder cancer.
Hemoptysis or remove bloody sputum or frank bleeding is a sign that characterizes especially lung cancer. Although it may be dangerous, and patient safety scares, haemoptysis have previously investigated its association with a neoplastic process secure, haemoptysis can also occur after a violent cough, when the load is so powerful-loaded and updates can break some pots , which causes blood in sputum. If bloody sputum is isolated and not repeat the episode, her character is rather benign. Other important causes of hemoptysis are pulmonary thromboembolism, pulmonary edema, heart failure, pneumonia, bronchitis.
The relationship between chronic pain and depression
Experts recommend that all women complaining of persistent pain localized in the abdomen or pelvis and abdomen to become depressed its background, to come to consult a specialist to investigate the general state of health. This recommendation is explained by the fact that numerous studies have found a link between abdominal pain, depression and pancreatic cancer. Although the link was brought before different groups of researchers, the connection between these signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer has not yet been fully understood.
The main signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer that may presage are:
- Abdominal pain that may radiate to back;
- Jaundice;
- Significant decrease in appetite;
- Weight loss;
- Depression.
Indigestion may occur in some physiological situations such as pregnancy. Most times, it is transient and has no systemic rebound. Indigestion occurs but in the absence of known causes and which is accompanied by altered general state, weight loss, may be suggestive of a number of serious diseases, even cancer. The most common cancers that accompany indigestion digestive cancers, particularly cancers of the esophagus and stomach.
Indigestion may be manifested by abdominal discomfort, heartburn, change in appetite, malaise and flatulence. There are several factors that may increase the risk of indigestion, they are in particular: heavy drinking, smoking, taking NSAIDs, sprawling lifestyle, where meals are not regular.
Changes occurring in the mouth
Smoking affects the body's overall health. Determine an increased risk of developing lung diseases, heart, various cancers, especially lung and oral cavity. Smoking ages greatly change the appearance of skin pigmentation and fingers, but also thickens the voice, sometimes making it unrecognizable. Minor issues, but very important for a woman.
Experts recommend ladies who smoke (and all patients who have this risk factor) to be very careful about the appearance of white spots on the surface of the oral mucosa or tongue. These pigmented lesions are considered premalignant state that can progress to cancer of the oral cavity. The spots are called "leucoplakie" and their appearance varies greatly from patient to patient. Although smoking remains the leading cause of occurrence of this disease, white spots may also accompany other systemic diseases, such as vitamin deficiency, C or B12, oral candidiasis and HIV infection.
If you develop these types of injuries, it is best to consult your doctor or dentist to decide together what are the next steps to be taken in investigating, diagnosing and treating these injuries, seemingly harmless, but can be dangerous.
As we age we seem to complain about as much pain. Many and varied! But some seem insignificant however, and the more we continue agaseaza by their presence than their intensity, pain should be treated properly. Generalized or localized pain can be a sign of cancer, but the probability is lower.
There are many reasons for pain, but whatever they are, they should not be overlooked. Any pain syndrome that does not improve after regular administration of analgesics (NSAIDs, paracetamol, Algocalmin) should be investigated because it may be a sign of severe progressive systemic disease. Although cancers are only rarely as a primary symptom of pain (except for cancers with bone involvement), it should not be overlooked. Neoplastic pain occurs only after the cancer has spread and affects a lot of nerves or other organs, either by compression or by metastases!
For example, persistent low back pain can be a sign of ovarian cancer or colon cancer. Localized pain in the shoulder can be a sign of lung cancer. Headaches can be caused by tumors (malignant or benign) with cerebral localization. Epigastric pain can occur in many types of cancer: cancer of stomach, pancreas, the duodenum. The doctor will perform a very careful examination if the main symptom is pain, because it is pretty unspecific. According to data obtained from history and physical examination, the doctor may decide to conduct further investigations and other to help him to establish diagnosis.
Modification of lymph nodes
Lumps (or nodes) are nodes through which lymph and stations that play an important role in the immune system. They are found everywhere in the body and their role is to stop foreign cells, non - self, which may circulate through the lymphatic system and to human health.
They also have a significant clinical importance: they change much in size and consistency under certain conditions, some trivial, such as infections, more serious, such as cancer. If there are increased as a result of involvement in the neoplastic process, this finding is so important that they are included in the staging of the cancer itself, as well as in establishing the patient's prognosis and subsequent evolution.
Experts warn that the discovery of palpable lymph nodes should be investigated by a doctor. Whether the cervical area, the septic supraclavicular, or axillary region of the groin, the discovery of a palpable node should not be ignored. The doctor should be consulted especially if the nodule grows relatively quickly over time, and if they become hard, sticky and painful.
The presentation may prompt the doctor to determine if the nodule has occurred as a result of a general infection or due to another disease process. In addition, as the patient will present to the doctor sooner, the better and the treatment can be instituted earlier, its results are much better, regardless of the underlying cause of the modification of node / nodes. Most times, if there is no exact cause for the increasing and changing the appearance of a lymph node will also be used to biopsy, the procedure by which its contents can be examined microscopically. Biopsy involves harvesting a microscopic fragment of the lymph node parenchyma, which will then be observed.
Fever is one of the most common signs that something is wrong, as the body tries to fight against aggression. It is a sign that occurs early in infectious diseases. So if you have a fever that occurs in the absence of an infection (flu, common cold, dental abscess, etc.) and it shows the persistence (not disappear), the safest would be to ask a doctor to investigate the cause of her appearance .
Fever occurs in cancer after a long period of evolution. There is an early sign, but rather late and when neoplasia characterized already spread in the body and metastases occurred. Exceptions to this are a hematologic cancers (leukemias, lymphomas), which can start by foot. In cancer, fever may occur alone or accompanying jaundice, haematemesis, melena, rectoragiile.
The doctor will perform a complete physical examination if you present complaining of persistent fever, as this sign is nonspecific. Investigations will include many imaging tests such as CT, MRI, or radiography. These tests can guide what will be done next.
Asthenia or fatigue, is a very vague. As with fever, or pain or fatigue do not characterize cancers, and its occurrence does not send immediately think of a neoplasm, but may be associated with them, because cancer is a consumptive disease, it reaches the body's reserves to fall and finally brings exhaustion . Asthenia may indicate cancer, but also a wide range of other diseases, most often they having chronic character.
Fatigue is considered, even if very nonspecific, one of the most common signs of cancer. Occurs most often after the disease has advanced, but in certain situations can be installed from the beginning. The fatigue is often due to anemia that accompanies most cancers, especially those with digestive localization. Such cancers cause anemia by bleeding, occult or overt, they associate.
If you do not determine an obvious cause of bleeding and the patient is anemic, it may recommend a specific examination for occult bleeding in the stool. General assessment of such situations will include, among many others: endoscopy, colonoscopy or rectosigmoidoscopie, x-rays with and without dye. Fatigue can occur in various leukemias or cancers early hematolgice, accompanying fever in these situations and general malaise.
Persistent Cough
Coughing can occur normally in colds, seasonal virus diseases (especially in transition seasons: spring and fall), allergies and sometimes side effects of drugs (such as ACE inhibitors, antihypertensive therapy administered in) . But a prolonged cough (with a duration longer than 4 weeks), whose characteristics change (becoming more powerful, more tiring) is accompanied by bloody sputum, should never be ignored.
In smoking patients, morning cough may be long term, representing how the cleaning of the bronchi. But if the characteristics of this disease is changing over time, may be a sign of alarm. The cough occurs as a result of bronchitis that does not respond to treatment, or sinusitis, but sometimes may indicate lung cancer.
Patients with troublesome cough, persistent, especially if it accompanies and time of sputum mucosangvinolenta are advised to consult a doctor, so they can be quickly investigated. Although in many cases there is no serious cause coughing, lung cancer can be predicted by such a sign that should not be overlooked. Investigations are the best way to establish a diagnosis of certainty, that the therapeutic approach will be further guided by clinical and laboratory findings.
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