Friday, December 10, 2010


What is it and what are the causes?

Anxiety covers a wide range of emotional disorders such as panic attacks and phobias. Experts believe that this problem are based on biological and psychological causes. Symptoms include insomnia, excessive tension and nervousness. Here we focus on treating the psychological roots, such as long periods of stress.
When to go to the doctor?

If anxiety is persistent or you feel your symptoms affect your life.
Indications for daily life

Take regular exercise. Eat foods rich in calcium and amino acids - milk, soy, fish, shrimp, chicken, beef, bananas or dates. Calcium and amino acids help you calm down. Ensure a good sleep.

Brush your feet with a soft brush for five minutes. Particularly highlighted in the midline point on the foot in front, about one third of the distance between the toes and heel. Before brushing, coat yourself with moisturizer to protect skin. You hit it with a empty plastic bottle on bare feet (the upper side, base and sides) for three minutes. Shots should be rhythmic, about three per second. Hit each side about 30 times. Massage your ears: Sit on a chair and grab your ear between thumb and forefinger and pull the outer edge it in all directions (up, down, horizontal) for 30 seconds. Grab your ear to another point and repeat the process. Meanwhile, inhale and exhale slowly and deeply.
What should you do

There will be repressed and not hide your worries and fears. Talk to the family or friends about their worries about the wrongs you have done. The release of emotion is a natural need and beneficial for mental health. When you share feelings, disappears harm. Do not eat spicy foods such as onions, ginger, chili peppers, etc. ..
Traditional Remedies

When you have an anxiety aromatherapy use. Place in a wide mouth glass shells of fresh fruit and breathe slowly and deeply favorite flavor. Place two drops of lavender oil on the hair above the forehead. The aroma of lavender has a calming effect on the nervous system. Comb your massage gently with a comb, from forehead to neck and head from the middle of the party. Press so as not to offend. Repeat for three minutes a day. Procedures applied in the legs can influence the autonomic nervous system (vegetative), which plays an important role in anxiety. Keep your feet in hot water (hot as bear) about 20 minutes each day. If water reaches the pulp, the results are even better. Then turn on all your ankles 20 times. Rotate your hand each toe in every 20 times clockwise and 20 times backwards. Meanwhile, silently repeat "calm down, calm down."

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