Friday, December 10, 2010


What is it and what are the causes?

It is an inflammation of the bronchial cough whose symptoms are strong, greenish or yellow phlegm, bad breath and whistling. Bronchitis is generally caused by viral or bacterial infections. There are several types of bronchitis: Cold Type: cough occurs after a cold, with much phlegm, thin and white, runny nose and express aversion to cold. Hot Type: cough frequency and strong, and thick yellow phlegm, wheeze or whistling and thirst. Type of land: dry cough without phlegm (phlegm or expectorant very difficult) and the sore throat and mouth.
When to go to the doctor?

If the cough does not improve in three days if you have a fever, if blood appears in the sputum, if you are older or have a chronic disease.
Indications for daily life

If you have a fever, rest. Drink plenty of water to thin the mucus. The concentrated green tea is helpful. Eat easily digestible food - radishes, spinach, tomatoes, soybeans, oranges, pears, dates. Do regular aerobic exercise - walking, jogging or swimming, which is ideal for lung diseases. If you tend to make winter bronchitis, increase your resistance to cold. Wash your face with cold water in summer or on foot. Sing a wind instrument to stimulate the diaphragm moves. This can improve lung function. In chronic cases, you must have more confidence in yourself to fight the disease. A negative psychological factor weakens the immune system will predispose to seizures. Quit smoking immediately. In smokers, the risk of bronchitis is much higher than in nonsmokers. Keep the house clean and vacuum frequently give. Use air dampening systems. The air must be constantly refreshed.
What should you do

Avoid areas with heavily polluted air. Avoid fried foods. Do not eat spicy food - chili peppers, garlic, green onion, mustard and cinnamon. Avoid dairy products, they increase secretion of mucus. Do not eat food too salty or too sweet. If you have upper respiratory problems, go to the doctor immediately.
Traditional Remedies

Before bed, hit it with a hair brush for three minutes, lung meridians. They are located on the inner arm, from shoulder to the top of the thumb. Hit this one direction only. Repeat the process for a long time. Brushes stimulates all points on the meridians, that course of acupuncture treatment. Inhaling steam of vinegar: Put in a pot one cup of vinegar and warm up a small fire. Pour into a thermos flask and a funnel used as a lid. Sit down and inhale the steam for 20 minutes in the thermos. Repeat for a week. Be careful not scalding.
Food Therapy

Eat eggs, honey Ingredients: egg, honey. Preparation: crack the egg into a bowl and place over it a half cup of water and a tablespoon of honey. Beat all well and cook in steam for five minutes. Eat twice a day, especially in winter.

If you have bronchitis type of cold drink sugary sweet apricot kernel: Ingredients: 4 g of fresh apricot kernel, a tablespoon of sugar. Preparation: crushed stones, put them together with honey in a cup of hot water and drink the broth.

If you have bronchitis type of hot broth and olive drink radish: Ingredients: 100 g of olives, 100 g of winter radishes. Preparation: Put ingredients in a pot with three cups of water and let it boil. Then turn the heat to low and cook for ten minutes. Drink juice.

If you have bronchitis, dry type, drink concoctions following: Ingredients: 30g fresh lily rhizomes, 15 g of sweet apricot kernels, 60 g of rice, a spoonful of sugar. Preparation: Cut the top of apricot stones. Place rice in a pot with three cups of water and give a hot, then leave 15 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and let the fire five minutes in May. Drink the amount in one day, in two innings.

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