Quinoa is a complete source of protein and contain significant amounts of each essential amino acid. Of these, the most important is lysine.
Lysine in quinoa - the tissues and energy recovery.
Lysine can be synthesized by the body. This means that the only way to eat is by eating foods rich in lysine. Quinoa is one of the best vegetarian sources of lysine available on the market today. Lysine What is so important for our body?
The fact that helps to recover the affected tissue, which is very important for anyone recovering from surgery or major injury. It is also an essential component in building and developing muscles, while the body's energy goes Nives. This makes the lysine in quinoa are very popular among athletes and people doing physical activity or rehabilitation. Lysine increases absorption of calcium in the body to strengthen bones.
Lysine - dermatologists friend. "
Lysine is a key factor in the synthesis of elastin and collagen substances. Anyone familiar with anti-aging treatments that are most important known factors in rejuvenation, skin suppleness and smoothness. Collagen injections are very popular, but expensive, and the results are temporary, requiring repeated treatments to maintain the effects. Elastin is responsible for its strength and softness of the skin. The older, the skin tends to lose elastin, but you can counteract this with a proper diet and skin care. Consumption of quinoa is much better and is a natural method to protect the skin from any plastic surgery. High nutrient content of quinoa, combined with lysine, which "build" muscle, which increases energy, which tones the skin, the quinoa is an ideal food for people who want to regain or maintain youth.
Lysine and other interesting medical applications.
Recent scientific research has shown that lysine seems to have other medical applications. Recent tests show căHerpes simplex viral infection that causes sores in the mouth can be treated with lysine. It is not known yet how, but investigating. A recent experiment confirmed that lysine helps in treating some forms of cancer. Combined with phototherapy, has made the cancer cells to self-destruct without repercussions on the healthy. This is a huge step for the development of treatments that can destroy cancer, but does not affect healthy tissue.
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