There are three types of chronic headaches, except for those which are based on a disease: headache with pressure is characterized by a dull pain like a pressure continues, in a certain area of the head, or over all or the neck. It is usually caused by muscle contraction. Migraine is characterized by throbbing pain, usually half a head. It is sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting or dizziness. Often, the cause is the expansion and contraction of blood vessels of the head. The headache is characterized by a focused intense and continuous pain around or behind one eye. Science still has not clarified the causes of headaches. They can be triggered by stress, depression, insufficient sleep, a food allergy, and even intercourse. Triggers and ways of comfort varies from person to person.
When to go to the doctor?
If you have these types of headache pain that appears suddenly, accompanied by fever and neck stiffness, pain and frequent headaches becoming more intense, accompanied by dizziness, numbness, blurred vision and pain in different areas, or the presence of other medical problems that accompany the headache.
Indications for daily life
Try to discover the triggers agencies through a diary revealing that could work, food or drugs associated with headache. Take a hot shower or pour cold water will head, to see if it helps heat or coolness. If so, buy a reusable bag with gel and put it on the forehead or neck. Keep your hands in cold or hot water as much as you can. In the second case, pour hot water continuously. Repeat several times a day. Brush your forehead and temples with lavender oil. A cup of strong black tea or strong coffee may reduce pain. Be aware that some people just coffee headache triggers. Pain can be relieved and a cup of hot water when you put a teaspoon of powdered ginger.
Listen to music to distract you from pain. Keep one hand on the volume of the device. Close your eyes and listen to your favorite music, rhythm, beating by hand or foot. If the pain intensifies, give louder sound. If it decreases, please slow down. The mind must always focus on the music, not pain. Try "humor therapy". Look at the comedy as much as possible. Laughter is the best medicine for headaches with the press. Take regular exercise. Enough sleep help relieve headaches and migraines to push.
What should you do
The first headache you do not take painkillers before making a medical, as this slows disease diagnosis. Do not smoke. Do not drink alcohol. Do not eat too many salty foods - salt shrink blood vessels, which lead to headaches. Do not eat too much or too little at one meal. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Do not eat fatty foods and spicy, if headaches, avoid hotdogii, ham, sausage, cheese, fermented, monoglutamantul soda, fruit type nuts, peanuts and chocolate. Reduce consumption of coffee, if you drink often. When you catch a cold or the flu, rest and will not require too much brain. Avoid stressful situations arrive. Anger and irritability worse headaches.
Traditional Remedies
To relieve headache, in addition to aerobic exercise you can do these exercises: Stretch your neck: Place right forefinger and thumb on his left cheek as the mandible. slowly turn your head and look right back. Pass left arm over the crown and touch the tip of his right ear. tilt your head toward your chest. After ten seconds back in normal position. Repeat with your other hand. If you feel dizzy, stop. Repeat cycle three times a day or two. Abdominal breath: look straight at an object. Inhale through your nose dilating the abdomen. Breathe through your mouth contracting the abdomen. Pain can be relieved by pulling temples easily 50 times the lobes of her ears with your thumbs and pointer. Before going to bed, fill a bowl with hot water and one with cold water. Keep your feet on the line every three minutes each. Repeat several times. Keep your hands 30 minutes in hot water (as you can handle). Pour hot water to keep the same temperature. Repeat three times a day. Painful area of the head rolled on a boiled egg in the shell (how hot you can handle). Sometimes this type of massage make it disappear instantly with push headache.
Comb your hair and scalp with your fingertips. Brushing hair from forehead to nape and crown of the parties. Intensify gradually pushing the light at the farm, until heated scalp. Press and knead slightly hollow point located in the neck, outside the two large muscles of the neck, which often touch themselves when you lean forward and bend your head neck. The outer side of the little finger joints of his fingers hit the other hands. Repeat procedure with other hand.
For localized pain on one side of the head choose one of the following procedures: The tip of the thumb press, remove and knead slightly temples. push the skin over the ears. Press and knead slightly point located between the ring and little finger in the hollow below the joints, the back of your hand.
For localized pain in the front of the head add the following procedure: Press and knead slightly dent the inner end of eyebrow. Taking thumb forefinger stuck, press and pinch easy, helping the other hand fingers will point at the skin rises above.
For localized pain in the back of the head add the following procedure: Press and knead the point on the neck slightly, hair implantation line, two fingers on both sides of the spine, in the groove on the side of large muscle neck. Tighten your fist slightly. Press and knead slightly edge point before hand, just below the little finger joint, the ends fold. For localized pain in the crown add the following procedures: Knead easily point out the crown on the line that connects the middle ear tips. Press and knead slightly point located between the thumb of the foot and the second, two fingers up the foot.
Food Therapy
If you have any aversion to cold, green tea drink with ginger and sugar: Ingredients: 3 g of green tea leaves, 15 g of brown sugar, 7 g of ginger. Preparation: ingredients infused in boiling water and drink.
If you have any aversion to heat, drink bean stew with rice: Ingredients: 60 grams of beans, 60 g of rice. Preparation: Leave the beans in water the night. Place in a pot of rice and beans, along with three cups water and boil them. Drink twice a day for three days.
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