Represents swollen veins around the anus. Symptoms include bloody stools and painful swelling of the anus. The main causes of hemorrhoids is excessive struggle.Leaving during defecation and constipation.
When to go to the doctor?
If you notice in your stools or on toilet paper blood-red lights or if there are no signs of improvement after two weeks of self-treatment.
Indications for daily life
Establish a program went to the bathroom. The best is 20 minutes after taking breakfast. Wipe your wet toilet paper first, then coat yourself with a moisturizing cream without aromatic additives. Fill a plastic bag with ice, wrap it in cloth and sit on it ten minutes. Helps to reduce acute inflammation. Take frequent hot showers.
Your diet should contain more fiber, including foods such as celery, soy or ripe bananas. Drink plenty of water daily. Take regular exercise. One of the causes of hemorrhoids is the lack of movement. Walking or jogging stimulates blood circulation. If you are constipated or have diarrhea, treat them immediately.
What should you do
There you are standing, but no place for a long time. Do not go long carrying a weight. Do not read while sitting on the toilet. Excessive duration of defecation leads to obstruction of veins, which favors the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Do not push yourself and do not hold your breath as you sit on the toilet. Do not scratch haemorrhoids. Avoid spicy and fatty foods, chili peppers, garlic, onion and pepper. If you have serious problems with hemorrhoids, you need to reduce sexual activity. During intercourse, back and hip muscles to contract and push steadily veins around the anus, blocking blood flow.
Traditional Remedies
Brush your Aloe vera: Aloe vera cream mix (84) Aloe vera gel (98) and apply it on the anus when bled. State upside down improves venous circulation in the pelvic cavity. Stand near a wall, stand up on his legs and buttocks, leaning on your shoulders, elbows and head and stretch your body up well. Hold it one minute or two, three times a day. If you can, use abdominal breathing. Do not use this remedy if you are older or have heart or eye problems. Before this exercise go to the bathroom. Not a run on the stomach too empty or too full. Jump on one foot: jump 20 times on one leg, then another. This stimulates blood circulation. Practice five to ten minutes each day.
Press and knead slightly tip point located between the anus and coccyx. Press and knead slightly for a minute and a half points at the finger tip of coccyx, on both sides.
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