Family: Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)
Popular names:
Ecology and spread:
They cultivate the entire planet, is used in all cuisines of the world. and reaches a height of 25-30 cm and the flower-bearing stems, up to 0.6 m tall.
Chemical composition apeina, betacarotene, bromine, chlorophylls, coumarins, diastase, copper, iron, phosphorus, flavonoids, iodine, monoterpenes, apiol, polyacetylenes, estrogen principle, pinene, potassium, sulfur, sodium, terpenes, essential oils, vitamins: A , B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, vitamin C than orange or lemon. Pantothenic acid, linolinic.
Vegetation period:
Parsley is grown all year round in gardens, farms, and greenhouses.
Period of harvest:
All plant parts have the same flavor characteristics, but most strongly manifested in the root.
The fresh leaves of parsley are the most used as a garnish.
parsley PatrunjelulAfectiuni recommended for:
abscesses, acne, eye diseases, digestive diseases, dermatological diseases, prostate disease, vascular disease, anemia, anorexia, ascites, fatigue, gall bladder and digestive atony, distention, bladder diseases (especially help urinary retention), especially cancer the intestinal or digestive, and other forms, cellulitis, cystitis, cholecystitis, excessive cholesterol, colic, colitis of decay, bruises, dermatitis, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, stomach pain, cardio-renal edema (excess water removed), fever flashing, flatulence, gastritis hypoacid, gout, hepatism, hypertension, urinary incontinence, lemon, various infections, gallstones, kidney stones, painful menstruation, nervousness, neuralgia, intestinal parasites, skin blemishes, wrinkles, psoriasis, rheumatism, disorders menstrual cycle, tumors, stomach ulcers, defects in the blood.
Qualities and curative medical action:
General incentive both nervous and muscle, regulates adrenal glands, anemic, antirahitic, antiscorbutic, stomachic, antitoxin, depurative, stomahic, diuretic, regulate her periods, remove the urea, uric acid out, as chlorides in excess of stimulus and regenerating muscle fibers especially those of the smooth muscles (intestinal, urinary, biliary, uterine) cancer, vermifuge, healing, skin repair effectively.
Before use, please consult your family doctor.
- Leaves are consumed fresh chopped 1-3 teaspoons a day in more serious ailments.
- 2 teaspoons of the herb (leaves) to 250 ml boiling water. Cover for 10 minutes and drink after the screening.
- 2 teaspoons of plant-root, finely cut leaves. Place in 250 ml boiling water for 15 minutes then strain. Three Drink tea daily.
- A pound of root will boil a liter of water until the water will drop by half. It will then slip will consume a daily serving morning and evening when edema or ascites. It also can be applied on skin diseases.
- It will grind a teaspoon of seeds of parsley and puts in his mouth under the tongue for 10 minutes then will inghitii. It is a treatment for endocrine diseases in particular, or painful menstruation.
- It will cut leaf parsley finely and put vinegar enough to cover a food, then it will leave three days. Apply on the spots on the skin several times a day until it disappeared with a cotton swab.
- You can drink fresh juice mixed with carrot juice or other plants in the amount of 20ml three times daily. Undiluted with other juices because it is too strong.
- In the water washing can make a decoction of parsley root. This will cook a bushel of roots in 5 liters of water an hour, then strain and put in the tub. It is a bathroom that can be done daily to soften and whiten the skin.
We mention that if they eat three times daily about 20 ml parsley juice with other juices really help cure cancer.
- Vaginal douche can be made with any of the above double the amount of the plant.
- In case of skin bruises or blemishes can be applied poultice with boiled parsley root, transformed in the dressing paste and applied overnight.
Traditionally: parsley boiled in sweet milk is used to relieve pain caused by any rub. In the region of Suceava, boiled in sweet milk, mixed with camphor and then crushed and egg whites to bind the neck swelling. In many parts is used as a diuretic. It gave to start udul and ascites. Stew in a new pot, 6-10 2.5 oca roots of water to drop to half of the OCA. Chopped parsley mix well with the flour, stretched on a piece of cloth, then put on your stomach and drink the juice. Other babe gave a drink with cumin and parsley boiled juniper berries. Decoction and drink it off udului and by those with kidney stones. May be taken spring, more time to cleanse the blood. The roots and leaves boiled in sweet milk, millet flour to make poultices, who anoint the body fat of children when they were born, then went to the female breast, when inflamed. Hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse parsley dipped in vinegar and warm ground fire, they used to oblojeli.
It was a remedy against venereal diseases.
Parsley should not be used by pregnant women because abortion effects (cause abortion). The most powerful abortifacient effect they have seeds (several grams cause uterine contractions started), but no similar effect of root and especially the leaves is not neglijat.e.
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