Tuesday, December 14, 2010


In the last decades has increased at an alarming rate frequency of chronic degenerative diseases. It justifies and requires knowledge about their causes and mechanism and the role of nutritional factors in the genesis lor.q2g456qk99kno

More than half of the causes of mortality due to cardiovascular diseases (46% in our country). Along with risk factors sedentary lifestyle, smoking, stress, and in close correlation with them, contributing to increased mortality, nutrition, irrational and its corollary, nutritional diseases as diabetes mellitus, obesity, dyslipidemia, and others. Facades frequency of 0.5% before the doilearazboi world diabetes day a frequency of 4-8% recorded. More worrying is the fact that compared to a known diabetic there are at least 1 to 2 diabetics ignored. Problem size increases when it is taken into account that 20% of diabetics are Type I (insulin dependent) with serious complications and other fast and the percentage (80% of cases) belong to type II diabetes (insulin independent) shows that if a symptom less noise, irreversible chronic complications, decreased an average of over ten years of life of patients. Obesity also increased, registering a frequency of 23.6% in rural areas and 27.7% in urban areas in our country.

A no less important role and I hold fast growing dyslipidemia, with a frequency of 14%. Hence the importance of normal human nutrition problem, nature prophylactic (preventive) and diseased human nutrition. Chronic undernutrition and hunger by hunger leads to death every year millions of people. One can not ignore food but no role in the genesis of atherosclerosis, which through its vascular complications (myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.), ranks first in overall mortality. hypercholesterolemia between the level and frequency of cardiovascular disease also exists a direct relation. For each 1% reduction in cholesterol decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 2% (Gliick). The link between hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipoproteinemia is also known. Recent research (1981 - Purdue University - USA) showed that by consuming a daily cup of oat bran (diet rich in fiber) cholesterol decreased by 20% and that cardiovascular mortality. Association with vegetable and polyunsaturated fat increases the effect. If you add exercise, reduce smoking, salt, alcohol, concentrated sweets, the results can be spectacular. Equally impressive are the relationships between diet and cancer. Carbohydrate-rich regimes, and poor in vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals favors some stomach cancer. Milk, fruits, vegetables and vitamin C have protective effect. Colon cancer, met in the West at a rate 20 times higher than in our country due to a low in fiber (whole grains). Cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, uterus and ovary, occur after excessive consumption of fat, animal protein, sugar and reduction of carbohydrates and fiber. Conditions of high-calorie, sedentary lifestyle and excess saturated fats increase the frequency of breast cancer. Excess coffee favors bladder cancer, pancreas and colon. The anticancer effect of vitamin E act, C and beta-carotene. Cardiovascular disease mortality occupies first place in the world today (50-54%).

Diabetes is doubling every 10-15 years. All these justify the interest in nutrition and dietetics. Diet is the only cure some diseases, while in others, 50% of its efficacy is due to diet, and yet a large population knows very little. In a survey done in France, most people surveyed considered basic foods as bread, potatoes and meat. Vegetables and fruits are called soft, cruditatile useless and lettuce, a laxative. Many keep the old habits inherited, with meals rich in meat and lard, fried foods prepared with plenty of bread, sweets and excess flour. Eating them is also a part of the fault that today in our country, there are approximately 300 000 diabetics, hypertensive one million, one million and 3.5 million and a half Hyperlipidemias obese. Of course not all degenerative illnesses with food should be attributed. There are a number of factors: hereditary predisposition, constitution and others. But the way of eating plays role.

Increased sugar consumption in the world 5-6 times during the last generation. and fat consumption. increased at the expense of grain, fruit and vegetables. but the massive consumption of fats, sweets and animal species, resulting in hyperlipidemia, lipids and thus increase blood cholesterol, direct role in the genesis of atherosclerosis. Over consumption of sweets and flour as favors and diabetes mellitus. Today we know better nutritional composition factors (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and water). But they are found in various foods unevenly spread, so be well-known value, the distribution, role and requirements for each nutrient separately. Milk and cheese are the best source of calcium properly applied, the highest quality protein and vitamins. But being low in iron, causing anemia a milk-only regime. Meat, fish protein and their preparations just as valuable as milk, are also particularly rich in iron, so combat anemia. Lacking calcium but not a substitute for milk. Vegetables and fruits are the only group of foods that provide vitamin C and other vitamins and provides acid-base balance of the menu. Their lack of food can not be compensated by any other food.

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