It is a chronic lung disease, caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes - the tubes that bring air into the lungs. Typical symptoms are difficult breathing, wheezing, cough with phlegm, feeling of suffocation and chest tightness. Most asthma appear exaggerated reaction to certain triggers external agents such as pollen, certain chemicals, mold, smoke, and respiratory virozele intense activity. Asthma can be caused by internal problems such as bronchitis or stress.
When to go to the doctor?
If there is a respiratory problem, or if you already treated for asthma, but you condition worsens.
Indications for daily life
Keep a diary that you know which agents triggers and avoid them. Drink coffee or hot water, which can range trachea. Eat foods rich in vitamin C and calcium - pumpkins, figs, oranges, tomatoes, green peppers, walnuts, pears. Control your emotions. Studies show that 30% of asthma cases are due to psychological factors - anger, depression or anxiety. It is very important to do daily exercises. For asthma, the best is swimming. It is beneficial also for the heart and lungs to walk 2 km daily. At first go through 1 km in 20 minutes, rest five minutes and return home all in 20 minutes. Increase the distance gradually.
Singing can improve asthma, abdominal breathing because they have to use instead of the chest. Breathing increases abdominal pressure and reduces vital lung capacity. Begin by washing your face with cold water even during summer. Extend the surface gradually, until you get to do cold showers, short duration, if possible. If your doctor has prescribed inhaler, one to hold you all the time.
What should you do
Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
Traditional Remedies
Garlic helps to cure asthma: Eat garlic with sugar: 500 g of peeled garlic. Place of usuroi dogs in a pot with 250 g of granulated sugar and cover with water. Give a boil and then let simmer until it forms a thick paste. Pour everything into a jar. Take one teaspoon twice a day. Give if you have a bad feeling in my stomach. Smell the garlic: Crush two cloves of garlic well and place pasta in a bottle. Inhale the aroma of three times per day. Change garlic daily.
Choose one of these variants and apply it once a day: Press lightly with your middle finger for two minutes, the dip of the clavicles above the sternum. Meanwhile, gently point out to other middle finger midway between the nipples on men, and learned at the midline of the chest, between the fourth and fifth side in women.
Press and knead gently with middle fingers for two minutes, points on both sides of the neck big bone in the neck (points asthma). If you have a lot of phlegm, easy to press and knead for a minute and point to the external side of the fibula, midway between the ankle and patella. If you have a sensation of suffocation and breathing hard, gently for a minute, situated at the midway point between the nipples on men, and learned at the midline of the chest, between the fourth and fifth side in women. Gently for one minute, two fingers point at the wrist ditch on the inner forearm, right thumb. Grasp and release slowly, slowly and rhythmically, with the thumb and fingers, the muscles of the neck, along the trachea.
Food Therapy
Eat egg with green tea: Ingredients: 15 g of green tea leaves, two eggs. Preparation: Put the eggs and tea leaves in a pot and pour over them two cups of water. When the eggs have hardened, clean them and put them back. Continue cooking over low heat until water evaporates. Eat an egg a day.
Eat black sesame seeds and nuts in honey: Ingredients: 100g black sesame seeds, 250 g of walnuts, 100 ml of honey. Preparation: simmer fried nuts and sesame seeds. Crushed walnuts and put all ingredients in a bowl, adding a cup of water. Mix well and cook in steam for 20 minutes. Take twice a day, a spoon.
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