For thousands of years, Chinese and Koreans had confidence in the healing power of ginseng, because it restores harmony between body and mind in a gentle way. In the old days, this root was miraculous for emperors and kings who believed that the source of youth. Panax, the ginseng from Latin, meaning "panacea" or "cure-all." Indeed, Panax ginseng is reputed to reduce fatigue, stress, distress and anxiety caused by the aggressions of modern life. It soothes the soul.
How does ginseng - ginsenocidele.
Depletion of energy accumulated stress arises from blockages in November. When we are stressed, our body produces a surge of hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. Adaptaogenii of ginseng, ginsenocidele cell help by improving energy production and creatine, and its own ability to deliver oxygen to the cells and reduce oxidative damage that can damage cells.
Ginseng (Panax) has been best studied. Ginsenosidele, a class of molecules it contains, is believed to maintain cortisol and stress hormones under control and preventing chronic stress and lack of energy. Ginseng also relaxes blood vessels, which should maximize the delivery of oxygen to cells throughout the body.
The recommended dose of 100-700 milligrams, taken in doses twice a day (not night). Ginseng acts slowly, but surely, wait several weeks to feel the full effects: fun, relaxation, energy and vitality.
So far, the scientific community has not known exactly how ginseng, confirming only that it positively affects the immune system. However, the complex was recently isolated active ingredients as "ginsenocide." A notable fact is that the chemical structure of ginsenocidelor resemble human hormones. Apparently, ginsenocidele controls the hormones and nerves. They influence blood pressure and insulin production, increase metabolism. This is probably the reason for the improvement of the brain, alertness and memory, which have been seen in people who take ginseng regularly. Studies have shown that ginseng helps human performance and ability to react in a positive way, although the effects may not occur immediately.
Without any toxicity, ginseng is harmless and can be absorbed without any inconvenience. It is perfectly tolerated by the body and no side effects. Interactions are not known, so ginseng can be used with any other food or herb.
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