Orange is Chinese and has spread throughout the Far East, arrived in the fifteenth century in Spain and North Africa. It has a high content of vitamin C (50-100 mg per 100 g juice), plus provitamin A, vitamin B1, B2 and E, many minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, tartaric acid, malic citric and sugar. (...)
The orange is recommended for its contents diabetes low glycogen elements: 100 g orange contain less glycogen than 10 g bread items (A. Martinet).
Lemon and orange has the same origin, but grows spontaneously in the tropical forests of the Indian Himalayas, as well as his relative, Chitra.
The lemon has many therapeutic virtues, combat stomach ulcers and gastric hyperacidity and promotes pancreatic secretions. The false belief that lemon juice would be acidic body Plateaus: error arises from the sour taste, due mainly citric and malic acids present in its constituents.
Excellent depurative, bactericidal and antiseptic action to make this fruit a defender of the body by activating white blood cells, increased action by preventing infectious diseases. Lemon is a powerful tonic vein, having a role in vascular protection, refreshes and protects capillaries heavy legs. Streamlines the blood, is recommended in cases of blood hyperviscosity.
It is good for hypertension. Action purification strengthens its ability to remove all remineralization and organic acids that cause rheumatism, gout and arthritis.
The lemon has many virtues, both for internal use and for external use.
After extracting the juice, pulp and apply it retrieves the girl to qualify for the lemon-wrinkle properties. Is composed of vitamin A (in pulp and juice), carotene (provitamin A in the bark), vitamins B1, B2, PP (B3), B5, B6, B8, contains 40-50 mg of vitamin C per 100 g fruit, mineral calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and, in low concentrations, manganese, copper, iron, silicon, chlorine, zinc, etc..
Grapefruit is Asian, the best known variety is tastier and Jaffa (Israel). Its properties depurative occur especially in liver and kidney drainage, stimulates the gallbladder and remove organic acids caused by arthritis and rheumatism.
It is an appetizer and tonic, digestive and refreshing. Strengthens capillaries, and some give it a hypotensive role (it is better to check). It is recommended for fever and pulmonary diseases. Grapefruit is composed of carbohydrates, provitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, PP (B3), B5, B6, C (40 mg per 100 g fruit), minerals: calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, citric acid, pectin and in low concentrations, manganese, sulfur, iron, copper and chlorine.
Making cure
Duration: 30 consecutive days.
It is essential to buy organically grown citrus. Extracting juice will be consumed just before his store does not extract the juice and not a day before you eat, because they will lose water-soluble vitamin C and B-group vitamins
In addition, previously prepared juices oxidize. On an empty stomach, drink a juice blend made from two oranges, one lemon and a grapefruit without sugar. You can add some mineral water, but it is better to eat plain.
Wait half an hour before breakfast, because citrus fruits are acidic and destroys biochemical enzyme salivary ptialina, which initiates the digestion of starch (bread, cereals, muesli) that comes into the breakfast.
With half an hour before lunch, drink a glass of citrus juice (mixture), no sugar. Wait another half hour before a meal, for the reasons listed above.
At 17
A glass of citrus juice: an orange, half a lemon, a grapefruit without sugar at the same time without eating solid foods. Do not exceed the time, because some people are sensitive to more dynamic action of vitamin C and could hardly sleep later.
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