Colitis (irritable bowel syndrome) has a range of symptoms that include, in addition to bloating, diarrhea and constipation, and abdominal pain caused by irritation of the large intestine. Not yet determined the exact cause of colitis, but is often related to stress, anxiety or depression.
When to go to the doctor?
If the above symptoms are chronic. Indications for daily life when you shower in the morning, put the jet on the belly. This warm water massage improves circulation and digestion.
What should you do
Do not drink coffee or alcohol, because it stimulates the intestinal walls of the already sensitive. Do not eat fried foods or spices, that are difficult to digest and slows the digestive system function. Do not eat too many foods cold. For heating, during digestion, need an energy supplement, which slows the digestive system function.
Traditional Remedies
Every evening, two hours before bedtime, keep your stomach for 20 minutes, a towel soaked in hot water, covered by a plastic sheet and a pillow power.
Rub and knead with the palm of your abdomen in clockwise or counterclockwise, for three minutes. Start with the navel and gradually expand your circle. Place your palms on the back. Rub down to the sacrum, until you feel warmth in the abdomen.
Gently for one minute, the following points: The point located midway between the umbilicus and the lower edge of the sternum. Point out the midline of the abdomen, two fingers below the navel. Point out both sides of the navel. Groove located four fingers below the lower edge of the patella and lateral to the tibia.
Food Therapy
Eat a serving of yogurt daily, which helps maintain healthy intestinal flora, so necessary to digestion....
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