It is an inflammation of the skin. Red skin with unbearable itching can be thickened, dry and scaly. Sometimes blisters appear and suppurations. Atopic dermatitis is genetic.
When to go to the doctor?
If you have any skin problems, if you have a bacterial infection - crusty, suppurations, swelling, blisters or fever, or if, after five days of autotratare, not finding any improvement.
Indications for daily life
Find agent triggers - pollen can be a chemical or a particular food. Be especially careful about eating fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds and citrus. Be aware that certain medications cause eczema. Eat foods rich in vitamin B2 - milk, eggs and vegetables. Eat more foods such as those that "remove the inner fire", such as grain small red beans, cucumbers, greasy grass, dandelion, etc. .. Eat more products rich in fatty acids - avocado, salmon, nuts, etc. .. Reduce stress as much as possible. Take regular exercise to gradually increase your resilience to environmental changes and reduce the risk of allergies.
What should you do
Do not scratch the affected area. Do not use hot water to relieve itching, but soak in cold milk on a piece of gauze and apply it on the affected skin. This process may reduce the itching. Perhaps that is more intense itching after bathe, drink alcohol, you expose to the sun, wear warm clothes and intellectual bother. You should avoid these situations whenever possible. Not too often do not get too much bathroom and tub. Put in bath water a half cup of oatmeal which helps relieve itching. Do not abuse the soap and cosmetics. Moisturize your skin with fat cream-based products. Do not wear clothes of wool, silk or polyester, which irritate the skin. Linen should be intimate and casual cotton. Do not eat condiments such as chili peppers, onions or garlic. A period not eat foods rich in protein. Give the tea hot. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.
Traditional Remedies
If that supureaza eczema, rub the affected area three times per day, with pieces of potato. Peel potatoes and cut them into small pieces and put them in a blender and turn them into paste. Place the affected area a thick paste of 6 mm, and covered with gauze and plastic wrap. Repeat three times a day. Do not use this remedy if you are allergic to potatoes. Well add one crushed aspirin and water to make a paste. Put it on the affected area twice daily. Do not use this remedy if you are allergic to aspirin.
Food Therapy
Eat every four apricots a day for three days. Also, place the affected area apricot pulp.
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