Thursday, December 9, 2010

Red Aubergine

Name of plant: Red Aubergine (lat. Lycopersicon esculentum)

Family: Solanaceae

Popular names: Porodici, Red Tomatoes

Ecology and spread:
They cultivate the entire planet, is available in hundreds of species, from the huge to the size of a fragile, spherical, oblong, irregular, ribbed, pear-shaped, red, pink or yellow.

Vegetation period:
Aubergine strain is high, covered with hairs, may reach up to 3 m long, but it is fragile and needs support or trellis, or cling to other plants or media. Leaves are lobed (between 5 and 9 leaflet on a stem), covered with fine hairs. The flowers are small and yellow. Fruits are red, fleshy, tasty and have many small seeds.
Chemical composition: 90% water, carbohydrates, protides, lycopene, organic acids: malic, pectic, citric acid, fructose, etc.. Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, zinc, copper, iron, boron, iodine, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, E, K, folic acid, beta-carotene.

Aubergine rosie1 rosiePerioada collection:
For early crops in greenhouses can be used varieties in Bulgaria.
For summer crop varieties can be used with large fruit, round, harvesting is done at 130-135 days after sunrise.

Diseases which are recommended:
acne, vascular disease, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthenia, gastric inertia, azotemia, liver disease, comedones, constipation, enteritis, skin eruptions, gout, gastric hyperacidity, blood hyperviscosity, loss of appetite, heart failure with edema, insect bites, chronic poisoning , skin rashes, urinary and gall stones, obesity, heart palpitations, pancreatitis, periarthritis, plethora, rheumatism, seborrhea, congestive states, inflammatory states of the digestive tract.

Qualities and curative medical action:
energy, remineralizing, revitalizing, balancing cellular appetizer, refreshing, antiscorbutic, anti-infective, detoxifying, alkalifying of blood too acidic, diuretic, dissolving uric deleted urea favors the exemption, by its seeds and skin, eases digestion of starch and chemicals feculente . Tomatoes contain oxalate but not compared with the cortisol content.
Useful in fighting cancer and heart disease. The antioxidant and prevents oxidation of cells.

Internal use:
- Vascular diseases, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthenia, gastric inertia, azotemia, liver disease, constipation, enteritis, gout, gastric hyperacidity, blood hyperviscosity, loss of appetite, heart failure with edema, chronic poisoning, urinary and gall stones, obesity, heart palpitations, pancreatitis, periarthritis, plethora, rheumatism, congestive state, inflammation of the digestive tract states - in the form as consumed tomato juice, fresh or preserved.

External use:
- Acne, comedones, skin rashes, insect bites, skin irritations, seborrhea - in the form of red crushed and applied locally, kaolin and red mask.

Before use, please consult your family doctor.

-Red as consumed with every meal as much.
-More effective is the consumption of tomato juice extractor obtained with fruit, very fresh and eaten before it oxidizes. You can consume any amount, depending on individual tolerance can drink 1-2 liters a day in more than one occasion. The only condition is to be consumed before oxidation, ie immediately after preparation.
-Various skin disorders may apply simple or as a mask with different additives (kaolin, egg, honey, cream, etc..) Depending on skin type and condition being treated.

Traditionally: strains were put in baths against rheumatism. Vrejii boiled and walnut leaves, then the two juices are mixed and general or local baths.
The fruit is crushed and sucking face in the case of acne to dry, then wash your face with a warm tea from other plants.

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