Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Natural treatment for testicular cancer and prostate cancer

Natural treatment for testicular cancer and prostate cancer • Willow tea is prepared by maceration (4 pulbere/1/2 1 tsp water over night) and brewing (after filtering to scald the remaining plant with another pint of boiling water, then leave to cool). Mix the two extracts. Each drink 3 cups / day, on an empty stomach for a long time. Tea imunostimulente effects and antitumo-tion of the genital and urinary tract. • Pedic, St. John's Wort oil, marjoram oil - massages, Willow tea. • It is recommended compresses horsetail, calendula ointment, then compresses Swedish bitters. • Rudolf Breuss recommends: 2 cups cold infusion of wicker, 1/2 cup vegetable juice before meals, drink slowly. After 42 days of juice and tea, a light diet for 2-4 weeks (oatmeal soup, vegetable, vegetables, 3 times / day bio-fortified yeast tablets). Diet is effective in arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis. Then drink sage tea, tea for the kidneys. Drink unsweetened tea. At 3-4 days, Horsetail baths with flowers oat hay or straw. Apple juice drink alone, without vegetables. Not taking medications, there are no rays. • Tea and weather (oregano, pen) - Geranium robertianum. Use 2 tablespoons herb / 500 ml water - no more, lest it become toxic. Simmer 10 minutes. low heat. Drink one cup 3 times / day, sip by sip. • Drink 3 cups / day decoction 20 minutes. (Liquid drops in half) 2 teaspoons of comfrey root powder in 500 ml water. It makes a tincture of comfrey root of 20 g chopped, covered with 90 ml of 70 °. Allow 10-15 days, stirring occasionally. Take 10-20 drops before each meal. • Treatment distillate oil: the morning on an empty stomach, take one tablespoon of oil. For an hour is not eating. Patient to sleep on the right side sit 10 min., Then on the left, all 10 min. This movement is repeated 1-2 times. Evening will swallow after dinner, a teaspoon of oil. Can sleep in any position. Treatment lasts 5 weeks. Results begin to appear after 10-12 days. Do not drink alcohol. Evening drink a tablespoon of pumpkin oil. Bee products: pollen (10 g after each main meal - total 30 g) and honey, min 3 months in all forms of cancer. Rich in water - 2 liters / zi.Bogata in fruits and vegetables 2 servings 4 servings fruit + vegetables / day. Low in fat - saturated fat minimum, no margarine molecule. Low in cholesterol. Low in alcohol. Low in caffeine. Daily: - Green tea; - 3 ripe tomatoes in a little olive oil 5 times / week, because it contains lycopene concentrate, which is a powerful antioxidant, captures free radicals and regulates cell proliferation; - March 1 at least daily; - 2 times / day: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, peanuts; - St. John's Wort tea and calendula; - Daily - soy. NO - Soy-Souci (soy sauce has salt), Soybean sheep, pork, beef, eggs, YES - over (unlimited), and possibly poultry, seaweed; - Fruits and vegetables of different colors: yellow, green, red (beets) etc.. Some substances are carcinogenic after metabolic-enzymatic activation. So are aromatic hydrocarbons (bezantracen, dibenzantracen, benzopyrene, metilcolantren). Mechanism is exercised primarily through DNA, especially in localized scrotal and lung carcinogenesis. After metabolic conversion by the same mechanisms act and a series of aromatic amines and Azo colorants. Product estrogen DES (diethylstilbestrol) is capable of that, besides its beneficial effects in prostate carcinoma, to generate the male breast cancer (oncology Elements of engineering - Trestioreanu). Cryptorchid testes (loss) were more frequent in cancer, probably by higher intra-abdominal temperature (dereglaj cause hormonal). The mechanism of cancer due to hormones is not well known, but admits it would be about spontaneous mutations and chromosomal abnormalities occurring in cells "target" Endocrine, with rapid expansion and division of clones to become neoplastic. Testicular cancer is characterized initially by increasing the volume and pain. In prostate cancer, urinary disturbances occur with low pressure urine, blood appears in the urine, anorexia, night urination, weight loss. • oak mistletoe soak a cup / day in 3-4 rounds. • tea mix equal parts of: milfoil, horsetail, wolf's claw, calendula, fluff ita. Drink daily. • meatless diet, fat, preservatives, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, vinegar, sugar. in the case of prostate cancer, doctors experiences of Americans have demonstrated the beneficial effect of simultaneous consumption of tomatoes and broccoli. And regular consumption of tomatoes only reduces risk of prostate cancer. • Every three months, vegetable juice diet for 10 days. Drink daily: 1 kg beetroot juice, parsley juice 300 g, 300 g apple juice, carrot juice 300 g, 500 g celery juice and bee Pastura. • Once every six months is a course of hellebore: 1.2501 in boiling water put 7 teaspoons of hellebore, simmer 5 min., Then strain. Drink progressively: first day of a teaspoon in the morning, a lunch and a teaspoon teaspoon evening, growing up to 20 spoons on the twentieth day. Daily infusion of mistletoe. For BPH: propolis tincture (30 g/200 ml of 96 ° alcohol, macerated 30 days). In the evening, take 10 drops of honey for 10 days, break for 5 days. Simultaneously, all night, drink unsweetened tea (infusion) of leaves of elm (5-6 frunze/250 ml water) for 10-day break for 5 days. Treatment repeats. Can result and treatment "apple-wolf" For BPH Willow tincture is used, which is prepared as follows: a jar half filled with powder Willow pour alcohol of 70 ° to the top. It close well and leave to soak for 10 days, then filter it and pour in bottles closed color. Take 4 times / day a teaspoon diluted with water on an empty stomach, min. 3 months.

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