Diet chlorophyll
From the outset, it must be said that despite the apparent simplicity of the process, its effects on the body are very strong. As a result, the cure can be felt as a shock to the body, if it is not turned on gradually. Chlorophyll a standard diet lasts 12 days and is as follows:
- On the first day the cure will not drink more than a quarter cup (50 ml) chlorophyll extract to be taken as a single dose on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before the morning meal.
- On the second day cure will double the amount of extract (100 ml), to be drunk in two halves, 30 minutes before lunch and evening.
- Between the third and eleventh day increase the dose with one quarter cup per day (150 ml, 200 ml, 250 ml and so on), dividing it into three equal parts, taken 30 minutes before the three main meals .
- On the twelfth day of drinking a glass before each meal extract chlorophyll. It is preferable that the last day cure not eat nothing but boiled rice and salt to taste, because the effects are too intense rehab.
Effects of cure with chlorophyll
It is an excellent means of purification during the spring and is easy to apply and highly effective. The fastest will feel the acceleration of intestinal transit, which will determine a welcome release of toxins accumulated over the winter colon. If plant extracts are too strong for you and give you diarrhea, then you will make in smaller doses and drink mint tea parallel, lobster tail or oak bark to control the process.
The second will benefit from courses of chlorophyll will be blood. Clotting disorders, anemia, calcium and magnesium deficiencies are quickly offset by the cure. Haemophilia even some forms of leukemia respond well to this form of treatment.
Skin is the third "target" of the diet with chlorophyll. Acne rebellious, various forms of allergy, sensitivity to infection will be put to flight by treatment with extracts of green. Skin becomes clean and bright skin will acquire a healthy glow.
Gastritis and ulcers spring and they get better with this course. Use mostly mild aromatic plant extracts (parsley, celery) and nettle (which is healing and antacids), which will protect the stomach walls and - importantly - will combat bacteria at this level (including the famous Helicobacter pylorus). Asthma or bronchitis will also be improved by this diet because chlorophyll inhibits bacteria, promotes breathing process.
Spring fatigue will be controlled, especially if we use bitter herbs (dandelion leaves are great), while fatigue will be scattered green parsley and celery extracts, aromatic tonic true.
It would be a shame to talk about chlorophyll cure not to mention its outstanding effects for people working in a toxic environment, they are exposed to radiation (such as those of computer screens, X-ray analysis apparatus), who have or have a food with lots of synthetic additives or much meat. Chlorophyll protects blood vessels against sclerozarii, you in the bacterial regardless of location (even pericarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle - was successfully treated with this therapy).
Use only food plant strains. Plant strains that do not know or whose origin is uncertain will never be used, as they may have unexpected toxic effects (either due to toxicity of the plant itself or due spraying plants with chemicals, fertilizers and so on). As green plant is more intense, the effects will be stronger because and chlorophyll content is higher. Here are some commonly used plant chlorophyll therapy:
- Wires green vegetables: parsley or celery, in some cases leaves green onions or garlic;
- Stalks young green leaves of wild garlic and nettle or dandelion;
- Green shoots, about 8 inches tall, wheat, barley or oats;
- Young stems of alfalfa.
To obtain extracts for a spring clean with chlorophyll we need too sophisticated equipment. It is very useful to have an electric mixer, but in his absence, chlorophyll extracts can be obtained manually. Here are two methods for obtaining chlorophyll extract:
Method 1 - using electric mixer
Recipe for getting a cup (200 ml) chlorophyll extract is as follows: in a plastic container put a bunch of green shoots of plants (thick bundle is as can be between thumb and forefinger) and a glass of water or spring water. Grind the plant very well (3-5 minutes long) with mixer, then immediately filter through gauze. Filltrare consumed immediately after preparation, so that it does not oxidize.
Method 2 - by maceration
Same amount of green shoots finely chop a wooden drawing board. Immediately after chopping, the plant is placed with all the juice in a glass of water or spring water and let soak at room temperature for six hours, then filter through gauze. After filtration, the extract obtained is consumed immediately.
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