Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hypoglycemia Diet

Hypoglycemia Diet Very modern ... now praised by nutritionists because it contains everything we need sanatate.Este indicated disciplined people. Principle: To get the lowest rate of insulin in the blood, which corresponds to a very low blood sugar. Every meal should obtain a relationship between sugars (especially vegetables), protein (meat, fish, eggs, dairy) and grasimi.In While dietitians generally recommend to obtain 10-15% of energy from protein , 60% from carbohydrates and 25-30% from fat, 40% recommended hypoglycaemic regime from carbohydrates, 30% and 30% of grasimi.Baza dinproteine ​​this diet consists of protein combined with vegetables. What is the glycemic index (GI) This indicates that it has a potential to increase the rate of carbohydrate food in sange.Cu how this potential is greater, the food is harmful silhouette. It is a vicious circle: the more blood sugar increases more and the more often this happens, the hungrier we are - due to high rate of insulin. Weight and insulin gather to deal with storage,, safe'' to grasimii.Cel is therefore easier to limit intake of high GI foods. Drastically limited given the simple sugars, glucose mari.Regimul avoid oscillations, rich in protein, is indicated for those persons that traditional diets starve them. All foods have high nutritional value indicated: fish, poultry, tofu, yogurt, cheese, vegetables and grain products integrale.Acest regime is effective in women with silhouette,, para'' and contributes to the mass muscle. It is relatively difficult to follow because he met with just GI sites have different foods to obtain fair proportion between carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It requires some fancy cooking, because the food is not Fada. They are often hard to find sources of protein while not fat sources. How does diet? Low GI foods are chosen that keeps a low blood sugar and an optimal level of secretion of insulina.Nutrientii will give rise muscle mass and weight loss grasimii.Urmeaza not slow but sure.

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