Saturday, September 8, 2012

Diet rice

Diet rice Diet based on rice, besides helping to prevent and treat heart disease, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, kidney disease, has the great advantage that after a few days of starting her hunger disappears completely. It is useful in detoxifying the body as we get rid of excess water and toxins from food or the environment, but it is not recommended to be kept more than 1 week due to high content of carbohydrates that produces imbalance in the body. Rice diet reduce salt and sodium-rich ingredients, which leads to the cessation turbocharging. The main sources of nutrition in the diet of rice are carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. Diet consists of daily consumption of 250 g of cooked rice (preferably the paddy). Breakfast will eat fruit and cereals. Lunch mainly consists of 100 grams of boiled rice. Other foods that can be eaten: very lean beef, cheese, eggs, lamb, pork, seafood, vegetables, dairy. Dinner consists of: 100 g cooked rice, 1 fruit, unsweetened tea. Based regimen is indicated rice until you manage to reach your goal. Fat dairy products, fish and lean meats can be used depending on physical condition that you have.

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