Detoxification with clay
Preparation is very simple, obtaining a dose of half a cup (150 ml) cold water, spring water or tap, plus a teaspoon of clay (about 7g). Let stand at least 4-5 hours (but in no event more than 24 hours), after which they can use.
Important: clay will not be cooked in metal pots (be it steel), plastic or Teflon, only in porcelain or wooden containers.
Administration is as follows: in the first seven days before each meal drink 20-30 minutes only clear water cup with clay, without sediment from the bottom of the glass.
After this time, all content is drinking glass, mixing water with clay beforehand with a spoon, so as to blend. Administration is always before meals being taken in total 1-3 doses per day throughout treatment. (The administration is recommended on the packaging.) One adult dose is 150 ml in children under one year dose is 1 teaspoon, in the 1 to 3 years is two teaspoons, at the 3 to 12 years is four teaspoons, after this age can take adult doses. Duration of treatment for addiction to getting good results is 21 days, which - as we mention - the first seven days only drink clear water without clay at the bottom of the cup, then passing to the full consummation of clay water.
Clay cure for treating certain diseases
When clay is used to treat chronic diseases, the dose remains unchanged: a teaspoon of clay in a glass of water, taking two or three such doses daily. Accommodation period in which to drink only clear water without clay at the bottom of the glass, is only three days, after which they drink water with clay homogenized. Depending on the severity of the disease, cure clay is 10 to 21 days per month.
Diet during cure with clay
All who have studied the therapeutic effects of clay concluded that in the absence of an adequate diet cure effects are reduced to zero. During cure the clay will keep a diet low toxicity, which eliminate meat, grease, coffee powder (type Ness) fine alcoholic beverages, fizzy cola drinks, soft drinks with dyes, spices etc. It will consume vegetables, fruits and fresh vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices (especially citrus).
Precautions and contraindications to treatment with clay
Clay therapy is contraindicated in women during the menstrual cycle and in the last months of pregnancy. It is also contraindicated in people suffering from acute constipation and can be made when this problem. In some cases (especially when the diet is inadequate), cure constipation clay can generate a transient that will be remedied with natural laxative: buckthorn tea, elderberry tincture of castor oil, powder etc. bindweed . Sometimes certain events may occur that echo detox products, phenomena which, despite being quite annoying, are hopeful signs that look like clay takes effect. These phenomena make up detoxification reaction healing, we will talk about next.
Detox-healing reaction
During treatment with clay, in some people appear unusual symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches and muscle similar to those during flu, state low grade fever, nausea, heavy feeling in the gut. These symptoms last three or four days, no more, and show that the body was very intoxicated and react strongly to this diet. After this period, gradually, we feel increasingly better and easier. If these symptoms persist after four days, we will temporarily interrupt cure and we keep a vegetarian diet with plenty of fruits and raw vegetables, which we prepare the body for treatment with clay, which is more powerful.
Clay and spring cure diseases
Look beyond our detoxification and maintenance of shape, spring cleaning with clay is very welcome for the prevention and treatment of diseases very troublesome, which operates mainly in the late season.
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