Stomach cancer natural treatment
Gastric cancer, most commonly causes pain in the stomach. It differs from ulcers because it is not synchronous with food, but has an irregular and progressively. Comes with: weight loss, loss of appetite (especially for meat), nausea and vomiting of coffee looking yeast, black stool, pain. Factors that promote gastric cancer are: food, tobacco and alcohol, plus stress, an essential element in all types of cancer. About 77% of gastric cancer patients ate fried fatty meat. Must carefully because dietary fat fried abuse while no factors favoring dairy together strengthen you cancer. Fried fat causes gastric secretion disorders (acting carcinogen), and the lack of choline in milk protective action on gastric mucosa, strengthen this. It adds other favorable factors such as how irrational the preparation of food, irregular meals, stress, poor dentition, etc.. In addition, 92% of gastric cancer patients are older smokers, and 42% alcohol.
• infusion of mistletoe, oak and apple from man to woman, 1 cup / day in 3-4 rounds.
• It indicates, in painful crises, steam compresses applied to the stomach horsetail (night) and compresses with Swedish bitters (day), compresses hay decoction jerk (2 h).
• In case of cancer without metastasis, the wormwood tea and Fairies.
• Infusion of the mixture in equal parts: milfoil, hypericum, tourists, large and horsetail (2-3 tablespoons / 1 1 water). It is also effective calamus macerate. Another mixture (equal parts) of plants: calendula, St. John's wort, calamus, comfrey, sage, sudden disaster, red clover. It may take a teaspoon powder with at least 30 min. before meals, 3-4 times / day, held sublingually few minutes, then swallow with water.
• to do therapy with bee products: honey, propolis, apilarnil, royal jelly, pollen, etc..
• Drink 1 1/2 1 tea from: marigold + Stinging nettle (indicated, fresh, in equal amounts). Tea is drunk slowly throughout the day, tea or tintaura wormwood (Infusion 3 min.). If you are nervous stomach, Rudolf Breuss recommends valerian tea to boil 3 minutes. and mixed with wormwood.
• In early gastric cancer help-rabbit watercress fresh juice, 3-5 drops in tea.
• juice of nettle, dandelion and plantain milfoil - every hour take a sip each.
• You should eat cabbage leaf juice.
• In case of abdominal tumor, to drink whey.
• Product "Biovital" green barley extract.
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