Complex natural treatment for genital herpes
As a first measure will be to eliminate foods that promote relapse herpes, especially meats, alcohol, tobacco, foods high in saturated fats, fried foods, foods with synthetic preservatives and various additives (E numbers), which weaken immunity. It will adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet, with as many vegetables and fruits, mostly raw, as indicated parsley, dill, cabbage and lettuce, garlic, prepared salads with added olive oil and apple vinegar, apple juice and grapefruit juice mixed with honey and soak several hours. You can eat: white beans, boiled potatoes, corn, yeast, cheese, preferably heat-treated, 20-30 g wheat bran, than liver.
Give up on peanuts, chocolate, peas, nuts, beer, containing arginine, which causes the virus multiplying. The seasoning will use cumin, coriander, anise, fennel, mint, avoiding paprika, pepper, salt excess favors the appearance of herpes. Apple cider vinegar with honey consumed daily in salads or a separate glass half teaspoon water helps healing.
* Treatment with Aloe Vera products: Aloe Vera gel, capsule form. It is administered as indicated in the prospectus Aloe Vera gel ointment for external applications, and soap with aloe vera gel for local hygiene. For external treatment can be used and the content of the leaf of Aloe Vera jelly that is applied to herpes sores, every hour, or morning and evening components of the gel destroying plant virus in less than 72 hours. The affected area can put lemon juice diluted with water.
* Treatment with bee products - have strong antiviral effects, antimicrobial, antifungal and antiparasitic. Tincture
propolis - take half a teaspoon diluted in a little honey and water, three times daily before meals. Externally, propolis tincture applied locally 4-6 times, and between applications, are anointing with propolis ointment, twice, and royal jelly powder, mixed with honey after each application of propolis tincture. Royal is taken internally, sublingually. Apilarnil take 0.5-1 g per day, and pollen 7.10 g, three times a day with yogurt and honey, after meals.
* Treatment with garlic ointment - applied several times daily in a thin layer on affected area. The ointment is made from garlic and salted pork lard, boil 3 hours on water bath. Lard is put in double the amount of garlic. After boiling, strain the mixture and put in little boxes. You can make an ointment of one teaspoon of tincture of propolis, a half teaspoon of tincture of garlic and 4-5 tablespoons of organic honey. The mixture is applied on the affected area several days to heal. This treatment of 7 days with 7 days rest is very effective in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. In parallel to one of the treatments listed above to facilitate healing and boost immunity, can be used internally on herbal teas or tinctures.
* Birch Bark - decoction of 2 teaspoons in 250 ml water, boil 20 minutes on low heat, let stand 3 o'clock pot covered, then strain. Drink 2 cups of tea drunk in small sips during the day for 7 days, with very powerful effects of improved antiviral immunity and especially against herpes virus.
* Rostopasca - infused with a teaspoon of crushed herb, fresh or dried, 250 ml boiling water. Take a tablespoon to 3 hours during the day, and local, to relieve pain are buffering several times a day.
* Black poplar buds - buds infused with a teaspoon of minced in 250 ml boiling water, cover the dish and filtered after 15 minutes. You can drink 2-3 cups a day and a buffer area herpes are several times a day.
* Shock fruit tincture - take one teaspoon 3-4 times per day, diluted in half a glass of water for at least 30 days. It has diuretic, depurative, stimulating bowel movements, remove toxins from the body and inhibit the growth of herpes virus.
Measures to prevent infection and reinfection with herpes. Avoid contact with sick people and objects used by them, wash your hands if they touched cold sores, prevent reinfection by underwear, avoiding triggers, calling the remedies as soon as they found new signs of getting herpes.
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