External treatments with urine
Among which will send you some recipes tested me and my friends, with good results. Although urine is considered a "disgrace", she is a first aid in many health problems. Proof are the remedies that follow and that I have experienced help.
Urine as cosmetic
Every morning, I put my eye a few drops of urine and also anoint my face, neck and hands. On July 3 I turned 47 and I have no neck crease, no wrinkle on your face, my eyes are expressive (I cured this way of conjunctivitis, and the other friends
I cured the other eye infections), diopters I dropped my lips are always soft, red (without me ever be trimmed), I have no chimney, no stain, a perfect. After half an hour, wash my seats smeared with lime tea.
General Bai urine
Two to three times a summer general take a bath with urine. In an enameled pot, collect urine for three days, which warms to body temperature, put in a large bowl and sponge anoint my body for half an hour (urine cools very hard), after starting to rub my skin and especially elbows, knees, heels, toes. You can not imagine why take off the skin, many impurities that no soap in the world not out. After such a bath actually leaves you skin pink, smooth as a baby.
Bai against perspiration of the feet
All urine collected three days and warm foot baths can be made against perspiration odor, then put them in socks feet wet, covered with bags to put over other socks. For seven bathrooms need about three weeks, but is guaranteed. Also during these baths (which should last half an hour) who have corns get rid of them without any problem. Soften and loose one.
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