Against acidity and bloating
Take Algo clay of Mr. Mircea Bocan. I'll buy in Italy, but is found in pharmacies and plafaruri in Romania. Place
in a glass of water a teaspoon (or wooden spoon to be plastic) with peak clay, mix and drink the whole slurry, after leaving zatul. In the first two weeks, drink 10 to 12 teaspoons a day, after meals, it begins digesting and then drink 3-4 tablespoons per day. Make a break after 2-3 months, then resume dose of 10-12 teaspoons a day shock. Break does not exceed 10-15 days. Not recommended for patients with liver disease. When you burn more wrong diet and, taking up to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Meals are taken in silence, will chew long. Try to avoid stress and conflict. The stomach is the second brain.
In conclusion: meat twice a week, eggs twice and twice over. All can be combined with vegetables cooked separately. Also, eat rice and legumes. In the evening, eat boiled potatoes, vegetables, generally, a little cheese or an egg. There never combine meat, cheese, eggs, bread. You can eat salads, but test them first by dissociation. Lettuce is indigestible, also cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes produce acid, onion and garlic are hard to digest. Morning, at breakfast - almond seed, sunflower seeds, a boiled potato and a glass of raw milk (pasteurized), warmed slightly.
Tips for stomach diseases
You will ask then why do they live? We do not live to eat, but eat to live. And then, life is beautiful, we have other joys (child smile, love of love, caressing wind, the snowflakes, colorful flowers, sunset). I, one, I had everything to gain from this arrangement. I do not have reflux, stomach pain, ulcers, headaches, good analyzes (triglycerides, cholesterol) that had reached the stars before, sleep well, without two or three pillows under her head, no longer swollen, I got rid of Helicobacter pylori, we escaped osteoarthritis that bug me, I dissolved a large lipoma and how bad a blow which it had under the left breast, and I got rid of 5 kg extra. Besides diet, not taking any medication.
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