Natural treatment for lung cancer
It is a common form of cancer that produces bloody sputum cough, often hemoptysis, dyspnea, feeling of thoracic oppression, sometimes stabbing. first the cough is dry, sore throat and feeling is loaded lung. Sputum color is pelteaua currant. Weakens the patient. The most important factor in cancer is smoking. Matter the amount of cigarettes smoked per day, but get sick and those who do not smoke but are in environmental tobacco smoke. Main agent of cigarette that is guilty is benzpirenul. Carcinogens from both tobacco and the cigarette paper. Other favorable factors are inhalation of toxic substances and carcinogens atmospheric air pollution (smoke stacks removed by plants, exhaust gases).
Is spreading rapidly evolving in the distance.
• For spots on the lungs following recipe worked. The maceration for 8 days, 1 kg grated horseradish root in 1 kg of honey. Stir the contents once a day. Take 1 tablespoon every morning fasting steep and drink a cup of this tea. After 1 h eat breakfast.
• infusion of pine mistletoe, both men and women. Drink a cup / day in 3-4 rounds. It is good for the nose.
• For tumor pleura:
- To ban smoking, alcohol, coffee. Keep diet focused on vegetables and fruits;
- Tea, red clover, burdock root, dandelion root, equal parts - 3 cups / day;
- Infusion of sudden disaster (geranium robertianum) called "beak Cucoara" pen, oregano, which is a sure remedy for all types of cancer - especially in inflammatory and tumor lung and pleura;
- Pure aloe vera gel - regenerate organs, detoxifies the body. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends garlic juice (10-30 ml each, 2 times / day) and infusion of 9 g licorice (Radix liquiritia) to 200 ml water. Drink 3 cups / day. You are not well clarified. I suppose after The Latin name, as it is another species of plant than "Licorice" used in our traditional recipes, which were not indicated warned that those with predisposition to tumors.
• Drink 4 cups / day milfoil tea and morning and evening, with 1/2 h before meals, horsetail tea. Maceration is calamus root (root 1 teaspoon / 1 cup water - let 12 h). Soak liquid tea mix with tail - mouse and during the day, chew calamus root. Then spit the remains. in painful crises, apply compresses night Horsetail steam (steam plant put in colander over a pot of boiling water). Plants hot and put a soft canvas that is applied to sore places. Day, for 4 h put compresses on the Swedish pulmonary region, and possibly back.
• Rudolf Breuss indicate: warm tea of Plantain (2 l / day), muscle Stone Mountain, plamanarica, candles and ivy. Tuberculosis is also swallowed once / day plantain seeds.
• urine therapy (100 ml of urine in the morning, but the middle), bran soup.
Comfrey is highly toxic, so take caution in use. But the good results that has given us to cure cancer reproduce the Formula As magazine, no. 354/22 March 1999 Mr Sandu recipe on Cornea of Brasov. It is up to you if you will experience.
The recipe is practiced in Kyrgyzstan and confirmed by the Institute of Oncology in Moscow. Here's the recipe: 1.5 kg crushed comfrey root through meat grinder, mixed with 2.2 kg of honey (acacia flowers) and a 3.5 13-18 ° red wine. The preparation is put in glass jar, close tightly and store five days away from light. Usage:
Take 1 teaspoon, 3 times / day, before meals, 2 h earlier for five days, and then 1 teaspoon, before main meals, but only 1 h for 2-3 weeks and if even 1-2 months. The same mixture, the same doses, Mr. Sandu Cornea recommend them to other diseases: influenza, angina, tonsillitis, thrombophlebitis, eczema, multiple sclerosis, fatigue, rheumatism,
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