Natural treatment for malignant tumors
A malignant tumor is more likely to heal, if treated with fresh plantain leaves scattered, applied to the diseased areas. Treatment is effective and marjoram (preferably fresh). A good handful of finely chop the plant and put it into a glass, add olive oil as include plant and let it soak for 10 days in warm place. Macerate is used to anoint the diseased gland. Then apply scattered plantain leaves and tied with a clean cotton cloth. Morning, apply a poultice
with horsetail - two handfuls of the plant is put into a sieve over a bowl of boiling water, boil into steam plant until softened, is wrapped in a cloth and apply on site suffering. Keep two hours (in severe cases, apply twice a day - an afternoon). It indicated that the patient stay hot and sweaty. At lunch, apply a compress with Swedish bitters, after, in advance, to the affected smeared with pork fat or cream marigold. The compress is held for 4 hours. Above, place a dry cloth and plastic, do not stain. After removing the dressing, the powdered skin to prevent itching. Internally, 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner, drink one cup of horsetail tea. During the day, drink 1.5 to 2 liters of tea plants following mixture: 300 g marigold, horsetail 100 g, 100 g nettle. Every cup of tea add 3-5 drops of juice-rabbit watercress.
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