Prevention of tooth decay
I want to refer to this scourge of our times, which is tooth decay that affects the entire population, regardless of age and, in particular, to prevent dental caries. By age 40, I brush your teeth morning and evening, with toothpastes that were then in trade. However, we went through the ordeal plombarii teeth decay occurred because we lost about half of the masses. Then we decided to try other methods of prevention.
My grandparents Valcea County, know that parsley infusion was used frequently in their family, with very good results for washing
mouth and prevent cavities. In the past 20 years, I have applied this method, so all this time I did not appeared any dental caries and have not had problems with the dentist. Here's how I proceeded: to make an infusion of 1-2 tablespoons of parsley (chopped dried leaves), or 3-4 tablespoons parsley, chopped green leaves, 250 ml boiling water. After cooling, the refrigerator is placed in the morning and at bedtime, soak your toothbrush in the liquid and brush teeth and rinse your mouth after brushing is all that the infusion. During the day, after every meal is mouth rinsing with the same infusion, pushing through a strong teeth. A more concentrated infusion is even better. For dental infections, abscesses after dental extractions is recommended gargling with an infusion of highly concentrated. Although this remedy has been practiced since ancient times and me and me was very useful, I asked the question why parsley is successful in the prevention of dental caries? The answer I found in a plant book. Parsley is a powerful antiseptic that kills organisms that attack tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. It strengthens tooth enamel, the fluoride content and rich in calcium, forming a protective film, very strong, the tooth surface.
With the highest esteem and consideration,
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