Friday, August 3, 2012

Natural Treatments for Cancer

Natural Treatments for Cancer The first advice for cancer patients is to do absolutely all treatments are indicated by the oncologist, who alone can decide which one is most effective in each case. Natural treatments should be applied in parallel, even when both are sick in the hospital. I want to give just two simple treatments that can be applied without exception of cancer, including metastases, regardless of the disease, stage or treatment or being implemented. One will be excluded from eating meat, whether it comes from animals raised on concentrates, or from animals raised naturally in freedom. * This excludes all products with E's of any kind, etc. sweeteners., And prefer only food and natural products. 2 will be consumed, instead of liquid, the following preparation: to buy tea from Plafar antitumoral. Then take a 5-liter jar, in which anticancer Place 4 tablespoons of tea and lemon peel from crushed. Separately, it will clean 500 g beetroot, carrot root 500 g, 200 g parsley root, celery root 100 g. Wash the vegetables, then shave the grated fine. Pour 5 liters of boiling water over tea and lemon, then cover the jar. Be sure to put a piece of metal in the pot, not crack. After it has cooled to a temperature of 35-40gr.C will be introduced in the same jar beets, carrots, parsley and celery races. Cover and leave covered for 24 hours. Administration: this liquid is consumed instead of water or juice, throughout the disease. Excluded sodas, sweetened or fully cooked trade, because they all contain some chemicals that aggravate the disease. When there is liquid in the jar just for one day, prepare a new dose. Normally, except for those with ascites, patients should consume 1.5 to 2 remaining liters of fluid daily. Ideally you should consume 200 ml every two hours. This preparation helps to clean the body of toxins and nourish cells. Antitumor tea can be consumed and how long a patient stays in hospital. Be sure the jar to be covered to avoid dust entering into it. Beets, carrots, lemons, parsley, etc.. help the body, providing a range of vitamins, minerals etc.. Not contain any substance that may aggravate the disease, all help fight the disease. I wish all those who have cancer do not lose hope and to quickly follow this simple treatment that can help enormously.

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